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I'm basically totally alone here but I couldn't care less about a CGI remake of the Lion King.

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  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Giant News.

    Well, Jeff was the last thing I was holding on to. That’s probably the end of things for me here. Best of luck to everyone going forward.

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post UPF 02/18/2022.

    I’ve now sunk like 80 hours in Lost Ark and man while the story may suck ass the endgame is hugely satisfying. Cant get enough right now.

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post 687: John McClane's Feet.

    In regards to the Die Hard and Rambo skins, I've literally never played Warzone but hearing that they added those skins and fucking Nakatomi in the game my friends and I all downloaded it and immedia...

  • Windir2112 posted a message in the forum topic Does anyone satisfy their entire "gaming diet" on mobile nowadays?. on the General Discussion board

    I haven't found a phone game that was mechanically interesting enough to keep me playing.

  • Windir2112 followed Metal Gear Scanlon .
  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Episode 311.

    Not ashamed to admit I cried. You guys have been a surprisingly huge part of my life and I’ll miss you all!

  • Windir2112 posted a message in the forum topic Vinny, Brad, and Alex are leaving the site. Last day is Friday.. on the General Discussion board

    My day, maybe my entire week, is ruined.

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day Two.

    Among Us, Minecraft, and Dota 2 shouldn't even be in the discussion. They're straight up not 2020 games. Create a category like best ongoing games for cases like this.

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day One.

    Cutting Cyberpunk that early is absolutely hilarious. That game has some of the best looking character models I have ever seen on PC. It absolutely "hangs". Though I do get the general apathy towards ...

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post 665: It'z Fun!.

    I get the uproar, but sometimes I feel like I'm genuinely the only person on the planet who enjoyed Cyberpunk. Well, am still enjoying since I stopped before the last mission to clean up all the side...

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post 658: Geometry Wars 99.

    The Cyberpunk think is clearly just a case of the "gold" master is unacceptably bad and was rushed out to print something. They're banking everything on the day 1 patch. I'd be very curious to see s...

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Another PlayStation 5 Unboxing.

    Unboxings are like crack to me. I have no idea why, but I'll watch people unbox shit I have no intention of ever buying. Shit I was watching an iPad Air 4 unboxing last night on my own iPad Air 4! I ...

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Genshin Impact.

    @justabard: At the very least, and I don't love it, Overwatch is cosmetic only. Legitimate playable characters and weapons being locked behind gacha mechanics is where I draw a hard line - regardless ...

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Genshin Impact.

    People need to stop support this garbage. This game being such a huge success is why come the end of this new generation games like COD and Assassin's Creed are going to be filled with Gacha garbage....

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Episode 280.

    In terms of the twitter question, PC will always be the better option if you have to get just one and have the means to get a high end PC. Always.

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Super Mario 3D All-Stars.

    Oh damn Edit: Watching this video does not make me regret deciding not to buy this lazy port job lmao.

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Hades.

    Been playing since day 1 early access and loved it from day one. This is easily the quintessential roguelike for me. The best the genre has to offer. Started a new save on Switch on release and progre...

  • Windir2112 posted a message in the forum topic Giant Bomb Unofficial: Path of Duders (GB PoE Guild) - Expedition League! (Update July 2021). on the Path of Exile board

    Ended up deciding to make a Harvest character instead. Character name is ArcLightWitchHarvest if I could get an invite!

  • Windir2112 posted a message in the forum topic Giant Bomb Unofficial: Path of Duders (GB PoE Guild) - Expedition League! (Update July 2021). on the Path of Exile board

    I’m very new - so new that I’m not even playing the current season just playing standard to learn the ropes before I just in to seasonal next season - would love an invite if this is still active so I...

  • Windir2112 posted a message on the post Valorant (04/24/2020).

    @morten81 said:Does not look like it's running well on Ben's machine. Isn't it supposed run on a potato to get all the youngins on board? Or is it the streaming and recording stuff messing with the pe...