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Top10 fgames from 2014 *That I played*

So this year is pretty much done and dusted. Boy has it been an interresting one. The biggest thing for me though this year was sticking to my guns and not going all in on the new-gen systems yet. Mainly as nothing on the new systems jumped out as enough reason for me to go buy one yet. So any games mentioned on here that are cross-gen will be from the last-gen versions. Anyways enough babbling let's get to it.

List items

  • 2014 was the year of Dark Souls for me. I played the first game back when it came out and got about 2-3 hours in before I gave up. The good ol Vinny and Load Our Last Souls happened and I got the urge to pick the game up again. S-ranked the first game and then dived straight into this. One othing that happends to me with the Souls games is I clear an area or beat a boss and think I was done with my session for that day. Then'd I'd spend 5 minutes just looking what was ahead and beforeI knew it another hour had slipped by. That pattern repeated evrytime. The great feeling of acomplishment when you beat that boss. The feeling of comradery when you help another player beat a boss. The tension of being invaded. I couldn't get enough of it and before I knew it I had S-Ranked DSII but kept playing. I have been changed from someone who was on the fence about these games to staying up so late playing that the sun came back up. Bloodborne next year is at this point the game that makes me want to get next-gen system and it is thanks to Dark Souls 1 & 2 as such this is my GOTY easily.

  • I've played some 'bonkers' games this year but none of them come close to Drakengard 3. Graphically it's a little dull. Gameplay wise it's a bit simple but the events that happen over the course of this game are insane. I found myself laughing with some scenes and then completey engaged in the next one with character interactions. I haven't down all the bonus paths yet so things are properly not as clear cut as I think but for all intents and purposes you are playing the villian. You're just out to murder you're sisters. That's it. Soundtrack is amazing also, especially the boss fights.

  • I love Lightning and like the whole FF XIII Trilogy. Sqaure have pretty improved with each title and I find this game an absolute blast to play. On the downside it is a shame to get the most out of this you have to play XIII and XIII-2 which woukd put some people off. This game has so much to do and the new combat system is a nice mix of turn-based commands with some real time combat thrown in there.

  • I'm a pretty big Resi fan and have enjoyed the work Shinjia Mikami has done since. I was intially worried with The Evil Within though. Previews from various sites seemed pretty down on the game and I could only ignore so many before I started to have doubts. In the end though I really enjoyed The Evil Within. The plot is total bonkers granted but I really enjoyed how it played. The 'survival' in survival horror really shines in this title with how limited resources are. Playing through some earlier had on the edge of my seat and being relived when I found 2 hotgun shells. SOme of the creature design is also really well done.

  • Yup. I bought a JP version of this game at the end of 2013 on a whim and wanting to see if there was a good game behind the insane amount of fan service. Turns out, there is! It's a fun anime brawler with a great selection of characters that all feel unique. If you don't mind some anime boobage you'll have a lot of fun with this. *Homura is also one of my favourite characters...I mean she fights using six swords O_O

  • I'm not gonna lie I am a giant fan of this anime series, despite a lot of it's issues. The concept of SAO and the wordl of Aincrad is well perfect for a video game. It can feel a bit like a 'solo' MMORPG with it's combat system and the translation is a pretty much a mess but the world of SAO is so appleaing to me that I can easily overlook it and enjoy being in that world.

  • Holy hell. They actually pulled it off. Even though I haven't been a regular viewer of South Park for a while whenever I catch an episode I am reminded why I love it so much. The challenge of bringing the feel of South Park over to a game is a tall ask but Obsidian (with the collabration from South Park digital studios) really pulled it off. The fun yet simple RPG gameplay and how well the game flows means it never became tedious to get through.

  • *This is mainly for the 3DS version. Though I have messed about with the Wii U version.

    I never ever expcted a Smah game to work well on a handheldbut I always hoped it would....and it does. I'm by no means a pro player and just enjoy having a laugh with the game. Nintendo really got the feel of the game down and is just a blast to play.

  • The first Theatrhythm was a nice little exercise by Sqaure when it came out. If any company could make a rhythm game with music from older games Square is the company to pull it off. While the first game felt a little lacking in the amount of songs avlaible it played really well and the same goes for Curtain Call. With a greater number of songs to chose from and some new fun modes added this is a great title to have with your 3DS to play a song or two while killing time.

  • The fact that I'm still playing this and just prestieged which I have not done since Black Ops suprises me. I enjoyed Titanfall earlier in the year with the new mobility options it introduced but AW did so much more for me. While the game sports a pretty decent campaign the multipayer is always where the action is. Not much more to say really. It's Call of Duty in the end.