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Yahtzee the Professional Troll.

For the longest time, I've been a defender of Mr. Ben Croshaw.  I'm not a fan of most gaming media, which is little more than marketing for the major game companies.   However, Yahtzee's so-called "critiquing" style has gotten old.


The problem with Yahtzee here is that he's approaching E3 with such a negative agenda as to reduce himself to the caricature he's often been accused of being, someone who bashes only to bash, who ignores the wealth of positives in the subject matter to rip into even the slightest negative.  He purposefully ignores Mirror's Edge, Little Big Planet, Dead Space, Beyond Good and Evil 2, Lips' iPod/Zune compatibility, and anything else that might interfere with is carefully constructed managerie of E3 as a vast wasteland of tired content.

Of course, Yahtzee's got a history of bashing on things that are perfectly fine for the sole reason of being contrary.


Also, he goes out of his way to insult JRPGs, anime and Japanese culture in general.


At first, it got me giggling, but this, like much of Yahtzee's retreaded themes, have gotten nearly as old and tired as Nintendo Wii.  The E3 video just got to me as a man struggling to stay relevant.  While I appreciate anyone who is willing to stand up and actually criticize something (which is why I'm moving here in the first place), there's a vast difference between being critical and being cynical.  Being critical is the act of looking at something and analyzing it fairly (Jeff Gerstmann).  Being cynical is the mindset that everything is garbage, to the point where this prejudice causes you to ignore anything that might be good, which is Yahtzee here.

The problem with cynicism is the same problem with being a polyana: If you're always negative, the reader/viewer becomes desensitized and less trusting.  It's good to be critical, and it's GREAT to have a contrary opinion, but when you only seek to come off as a negative prick, you are no longer a critic or a valued opinion: You're a talking head.  A pariah.  No different than Glenn  Beck or Rush Limbaugh.  While reviewing is a subjective  art in the end, it's important to have an open mind.  Review a game on its own merits.  No one wants to be a Yahtzee.


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Edited By yukoasho

For the longest time, I've been a defender of Mr. Ben Croshaw.  I'm not a fan of most gaming media, which is little more than marketing for the major game companies.   However, Yahtzee's so-called "critiquing" style has gotten old.


The problem with Yahtzee here is that he's approaching E3 with such a negative agenda as to reduce himself to the caricature he's often been accused of being, someone who bashes only to bash, who ignores the wealth of positives in the subject matter to rip into even the slightest negative.  He purposefully ignores Mirror's Edge, Little Big Planet, Dead Space, Beyond Good and Evil 2, Lips' iPod/Zune compatibility, and anything else that might interfere with is carefully constructed managerie of E3 as a vast wasteland of tired content.

Of course, Yahtzee's got a history of bashing on things that are perfectly fine for the sole reason of being contrary.


Also, he goes out of his way to insult JRPGs, anime and Japanese culture in general.


At first, it got me giggling, but this, like much of Yahtzee's retreaded themes, have gotten nearly as old and tired as Nintendo Wii.  The E3 video just got to me as a man struggling to stay relevant.  While I appreciate anyone who is willing to stand up and actually criticize something (which is why I'm moving here in the first place), there's a vast difference between being critical and being cynical.  Being critical is the act of looking at something and analyzing it fairly (Jeff Gerstmann).  Being cynical is the mindset that everything is garbage, to the point where this prejudice causes you to ignore anything that might be good, which is Yahtzee here.

The problem with cynicism is the same problem with being a polyana: If you're always negative, the reader/viewer becomes desensitized and less trusting.  It's good to be critical, and it's GREAT to have a contrary opinion, but when you only seek to come off as a negative prick, you are no longer a critic or a valued opinion: You're a talking head.  A pariah.  No different than Glenn  Beck or Rush Limbaugh.  While reviewing is a subjective  art in the end, it's important to have an open mind.  Review a game on its own merits.  No one wants to be a Yahtzee.
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Edited By Silver

The problem is blog culture.

What started as a way to make heard opinions and "truths" that the mainstream media were "ignoring" has turned into a snark pissing contest in which each contestant tries to "prove" that he or she is the most cynical, funny and "edgy."

The truth does not matter, nor does anyone's feelings. The loudest person wins.

Some cynicism is a good thing. Everyone has ulterior motives. But when you are cynical about everything, then you're just annoying and not helping anyone.

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Edited By darthhomer

I'm slowly growing less and less fond of Yahtzee. Watching the Ninja Gaiden review and calling MGS crap...not necessary at all.

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Edited By Bloodbath

People say i'm negative, but compared to him, i'm the most positive person in the world. He just can't stand the idea of being positive it seems. I liked his videos for a while, but eventually they just got very old. He's a character, nothing more. I think I really started to dislike his reviews when the Oblivion one came out. It was just so obvious that he had not played much of the game, or at least wasn't paying attention while doing so. I would say he was less than 10 hours in when he made the review. It was just...incorrect.

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Edited By wolfcoyote

I'll have to echo everyone else's sentiments as this man is nothing more than a hack with more hot air than he could possibly know what to do with.  This man is more annoying than Jack Thompson but not as funny, and while we can all laugh at Thompson's self-imposed crusades I just can't stand this guy.  I thought I was the most cynic on the planet (besides the creator of Boondocks) but the garbage that spews from his mouth makes me want to...I'm done.

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Yahtzee is a professional troll, and even though he's absolutely critical, and cynical...He does it for entertainment, and alot of time I have to agree with him (for example, his Assassin's Creed review was spot-on). Now, i am a fan of alot of the shit he criticizes... do I care? Fuck no, i figure he's doing it for laughs, and even though he is serious about games like Final Fantasy, i don't mind because he is actually very smart, and well informed. So, i let him get away with it, because I'd rather have him say "JRPGS, and Final Fantasy are generic pieces of shit" then some dumb twat who never played the games before say that. Plus he doesn't hate anime, in fact he's known to be quite a fan of hentai, and he mocked Shinji Ikari on his site (which you should bloody well visit.) Honestly, it you don't like a person's opinion of a game, or anything really, even if they are being trolls, it should never bother you, because it really doesn't matter as long as you feel it's a good game, and that you get fucking satisfaction out of it.

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Edited By Doogie2K

To be fair, he did say that Mirror's Edge looked pretty sweet during the credits.  But the thing is, he's gotten lots of feedback that tells him that he's not funny when he's being reverent (the oft-cited Psychonauts video, which I had no problem with).  But the thing is, everyone forgets that vintage George Carlin wasn't funny because he was a negative, profane douche, he was funny because he was right, including the man himself towards the end.  People confuse the two somehow, and you get stuff like this, where the negative is accentuated for comedy.  Now, that's not to say that ragging on something can't be inherently funny, but a little variety is nice.

Of course, I still watch ZP every week and enjoy it, but I can also see the opposing viewpoint.  As with all things, YMMV.

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Edited By sleeprockss

dude your comparing george carlin to yahtzee really yahtzee is not funny at all and he is just tsirring up the flames to get more publicity he is a hack

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Edited By JackSheehan

If you want an explanation of why Yahtzee is Yahtzee (by himself) listen to this podcast:

It's his thing, if he started being nice to games he would lose his fanbase. Just because he attacked your favorite game doesn't mean he's a 'professional troll', hell, I don't agree with half the stuff he says. Bioshock was my game of the year last year yet his review was still hilarious.

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Edited By mg66368

It's sensationalism my friend sensationalism.

Let this guy explain what I mean.


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Edited By pokekillermon

You really are a dumb idiot, haven't you realized that his reviews aren't meant to be taken serious and he don't care about dumb fucks (like you).
His reviews only exists for the purpose of entertainment, not to review a game. It is hard to take your "article" serious because of your lack of inteligence and understanding. If he reviewed the game, he would give the games scores that later will be recorded by metacritic or gamerankings.  I would have understood you if the reviews he makes would be serious, but now that's not the case. He is not a game reviewer, he is game critic.

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Edited By anonyman

You had me going till the JRPG comment, nice trolling buddy, defending a genre that is still mechanicaly stuck in the NES era. I give it a 4/10 

at least yatzee can make it funny.