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Vote for your favorite The HotSpot moments for our Top 40 show!

UPDATE: Voting is now closed. Thanks to everyone who voted. The show will be released in April.

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Last year we asked you to vote for your top forty 1UP Yours moments. Now we're turning to another marquee gaming podcast—The HotSpot, specifically for the period between '05 and '07. I posted about this a month or so ago. We've opened the voting now, and it'll close in a week, on the 7th of March.

It's super simple: we've selected forty moments we think are pretty awesome. You can listen to them here. We'd like you to choose your ten favorite clips and vote for them in this form here.

You get ten choices; there's also a write-in option if you'd like to throw your hat in for a moment that we haven't selected.

I think that's about it. I'm interested to see which moment comes out on top. Please go ahead and vote, and thanks for your participation and support! The Top 40 show will probably be out in the first week of April. If you've got absolutely no idea what this whole thing is about, feel free to visit our blog. As always, thanks for listening. :)


This Year #26: The best of Loveline (Q1 2001)

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Two weeks ago we covered the debut year of the Giant Bombcast. We generally try to mix up genres so that there isn't too much focus on gaming shows or on comedy shows or on culture shows. As it happens we're turning now to comedy to cover January, February, and March in the life of Loveline from the year 2001. Some of you guys might remember the old Loveline, when it was hosted by Adam Carolla and, of course, Dr. Drew. For those that don't, Loveline was essentially a relationship advice and sexual health talk show aimed at those 25 or younger. It was simultaneously funny and tragic. You'd hear funny calls—for instance in this best-of there's a female caller that believes orgasms should go on for a solid thirty or forty minutes—and then extremely depressing calls from people who have been raped; people who have been abused by their parents; people unable to maintain a real relationship.

It's also interesting to hear Drew and Adam pick out substance addiction or sexual abuse in callers who don't otherwise admit to it. It's strange to figure that people are so predictable and so readable, but apparently we are.

It's super compelling stuff. If you're at all interested in armchair psychology, Loveline is a really great show to listen to. In this highlight show, there's a call from a guy who saw his nephew having sex with a dog; there's a call from a spaced-out woman who swears it's weird for guys to shave their pubic hair; there's a call from a minor that appears in pornographic films; there are numerous calls from people that engage in group sex, leading to Drew explaining why those behaviors destroy relationships and are indicative of people who were sexually abused during childhood. Also, Adam has ants in his house, and he explodes at the LA police state, meter maids, and chickenshit jaywalking/parking/speeding tickets.

This highlights show is five hours long. Download the MP3 directly here or subscribe to our RSS feed. Do like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, and check out more highlights on our blog. Coming up in two weeks is our best-of for the 2007 year of GFW Radio.

Did any of you guys ever call in to Loveline? Or do you know anyone that called in?


This Year #25: The best of the Giant Bombcast (2008)

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A month ago we covered the 2011 Bombcast annal, and it seems appropriate to go back to where it all started. Here, then, are the very best moments from the 2008 Bombcasts. It actually started out that year as the Arrow Pointing Down podcast, and we begin with that before transitioning into the format that is beloved to so many of us today.

This highlights show is just over three hours long. Download the MP3 directly here or subscribe to our RSS feed here to receive more highlight goodness automatically. If you like what we do, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, and check out more highlights at our blog. Here’s the links to our 2011 Bombcast recap, and our coverage of 1UP Yours and The HotSpot if you’ve not heard our work before.

Coming up next is a recap of Q1 2001 of Loveline, the teen relationship and sexual health advice show once hosted by Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew. It ranks amongst the most entertaining recaps we’ve done yet (check out a teaser here, direct MP3 link). Then—and this is exciting, I’m sure—we’re returning to the GFW Radio recaps with a best-of show for the 2007 year of that podcast. We’re about halfway done with that episode and it’s already amazing. Also coming up a little later on, as I posted here before, we’ll have our Top 40 The HotSpot moments (2005 to 2007) that will be voted on by you, the listeners. The ballot for that will go up shortly.

A dude from Ireland—could he be Dietrich?—wedged a pistol magazine into a passerby’s car and then fled the country on his yacht. WHAT IS GOING ON

EDIT: Would somebody mind posting this up on NeoGAF for me?


This Year is putting together a Top 40 The HotSpot moments

We at the This Year Collection podcast museum are interested in putting together a Top 40 The HotSpot moments voted on by you, the fans of that podcast. As you may recall, early last year we released best-of compilations for the 2005, 2006, and 2007 years of The HotSpot, and soon we'd like you to vote on your favorite moments in sequential order. (Those who have stuck with us for some time will remember that we did a Top 40 1UP Yours moments after also doing yearly best-ofs for that podcast.)

I think we'll open up the voting in about a month, but I just wanted to get the word out ahead of time in the hope that you'll go back and reacquaint yourselves with some of that show's finer moments. You can find the original episodes here or you can go through our best-ofs (links just above) and listen to the absolute greatest clips before you vote in our poll.

Both Giant Bomb and NeoGAF contributed greatly to that 1UP Yours Top 40, and though I'm aware The HotSpot wasn't quite as popular as 1UP Yours—though between you and me it was the better show by a tiny margin... where else will you hear a phone call from a gentleman waiting in line at midnight for a Wii who describes being shot at by hoodlums wielding cap guns (an event which Jeff described as "drive-by cappings")—I'm hoping that you guys can help us get a good result here.

That's basically it; I just wanted to say that we'll be doing this and would you kindly bone up on your HotSpot history so you can be an informed voter.

What else...? Oh, the best of is going to be for the shows up to December 2007. In other words, it's the Top 40 moments from the first iteration of The HotSpot, the Gallup-Gerstmann-Colayco-Gouskos-Caravella helmed show. And for those that may not have heard of us, the This Year Collection does best-of shows for podcasts like The HotSpot, The Adam Carolla Show, the Giant Bombcast, 1UP Yours, Idle Thumbs etc., so you can hear the best moments from those shows when you need to quickly quench your podcasting thirst. I recommend our recaps of The Adam Carolla Show (from his 2006 morning radio show) which are proving more popular with time as Carolla's current podcast grows in stature. Thanks for reading!


This Year #18: The best of Idle Thumbs (6 hrs)

Idle Thumbs! There's talk that it was a pretty good podcast. We at This Year produce best-of shows for the greatest podcasts out there, and it was time to cover this fine  gaming podcast.
Here's a link to our RSS feed, our original blog post, and a direct link to the MP3 file (6 hours/144MB).

Idle Thumbs casts its pod into your face with hilarious talk about video gaming. Of Idle Thumbs, purportedly noted “it’s so good it’ll rupture your ear drums and blow you into the ionosphere.” Riffing on both the legitimate and ridiculous sides of the video game industry, Chris Remo, Nick Breckon, and Jake Rodkin provided commentary that, if not wonderfully bizarre, was always intelligent. Remo, Breckon, and Rodkin muse about console exclusivity, malevolent miners on Mars, and the Citizen Kane of video games. What is Gordon Freeman really like? What would a Shadow of the Colossus movie be like? Video games come alive, computers make horrific noises, fanboys whine and wizards of various qualities enter our realm. And there is no greater joy in our world than rolling a grenade down a hill in Far Cry 2.

 Here are the timestamps:

0:18:30 – Call of Juarez
0:34:00 – MMO experiences
0:54:00 – LittleBigPlanet
1:06:00 – Flower
1:27:30 – Crysis Warhead
1:34:00 – Total War series
1:46:30 – Red Faction Guerilla

2:10:30 – Shadow of the Colossus movie
2:30:30 – Tekken 6 goes multiplatform
3:16:00 – Dragon Age: Origins
3:30:00 – Killzone 2 is a perfect video game
3:58:00 – Mass Effect 2 trailer

4:32:30 – The character of Gordon Freeman
4:41:30 – Game developers don’t play video games
4:50:30 – Cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid
4:59:30 – A dream about J Allard
5:10:00 – Console fanboys
5:17:30 – The end of Idle Thumbs
5:31:00 – Outtakes

We'll have Giant Bombcast - best of 2011 in just a month or so, and then immediately afterward we'll have the best of the Giant Bombcast for 2008. Then we'll finish the work we started with GFW Radio. In terms of non-gaming podcasts, it's full steam ahead with our Adam Carolla recaps, and the first show of 2012 will be a best-of for Loveline, for the year of 2001.
Also, a final note -- thanks to you guys for your support. We are a non-profit podcast, and we do need help paying our kind of hefty hosting bills. If you can throw even a dollar our way, we'd really appreciate the help. Here's more information about donating here. Thanks for your support since the start of this year! It'll be our one year anniversary on January 6th.

This Year #11: The best of GFW Radio (2006)

After tackling best-ofs for 1UP Yours, it's time to take on another 1UP Network podcast -- GFW Radio. I think we largely take it as self-evident that GFW Radio is one of the greatest podcasts produced, regardless of genre, and certainly one of the best gaming podcasts. Here's Jeff Green, Shawn Elliott, Darren Gladstone, and Ryan Scott in all their glory. This show is a little bit shorter than our usual, but only because the GFW shows clocked in at well under an hour long in 2006. It's a fantastic listen.
You can download the show here.
You should subscribe to our RSS feed! You can also follow us on Twitter or like us on the Facebook.
Thanks to you guys for supporting us; we've got a ton of stuff coming up.


The best of 1UP Yours (2008) -- The party's over now

We're back. It's fitting that our tenth episode puts the cap on the 1UP Yours saga. This Year has previously made best-of shows for the 2006 and 2007 years of 1UP Yours. Now it's time for the final year. Here's Garnett Lee. Here's Shane Bettenhausen. Here's Shawn Elliott, John Davison, Andrew Pfister, and Bryan Intihar. Here's the entire 1UP network with its best and brightest. Here's, for many, the greatest gaming podcast of all time, at its finest.
The recap is in two parts. Find out why this show is revered by many as the greatest gaming podcast of all time:  download the first part of the recap here, and  the second part here.
You should subscribe to our RSS feed! We'll be covering either the Giant Bombcast or GFW Radio next (more on that in a second) so hook onto that so you don't miss upcoming episodes. You can also follow us on Twitter or like us on the Facebook.

Part 1
0:02:30 - Whatcha' Been Playin'?
1:29:30 - Message board posts; Four Minute Warning
2:44:30 - News
3:38:40 - Gag reel

Part 2
0:00:30 - Holiday stories
0:37:00 - GameStop and digital distribution
0:56:30 - Denis Dyack in studio
1:55:30 - Departures
2:11:30 - Finale

Two important points

First, we're doing a top 40 show for 1UP Yours voted on by you, the listener. We'd like to invite you to vote for your favorite moments. Secondly, we're leaving it up to you guys to choose which recap you want next -- Giant Bombcast (2008), or GFW Radio (2006). Vote for that here.
Thanks for listening! You guys are awesome. The response to these things has been incredible.

This Year #9: More of The Adam Carolla Show for everyone to enjoy

We be back, this time with more Adam Carolla. I almost died laughing getting this episode out, which would have been unpleasant. Fortunately, of course, it didn't happen. And here we are. This one is seventeen hours long, which is somewhat lengthy, but totally worth it. Why? Well, this episode contains perhaps the best April Fools prank of all time. I don't want to spoil it, and I won't, but I will say that it involves the show's producer freaking out and thinking he's about to be fired. Also, Andy Milonakis figures in the mix, which is never good news for anyone. Here are the links to the show: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5.

Also, here's the link to the RSS feed, which you should subscribe to because there's some hella important stuff coming up soon. We'll get to that in a second. Before that, I implore you to like us on Facebook. That's a simple way of supporting us and getting the word out about what we're doing. Also, if you wish to receive helpful updates and other bits of info about This Year, you can reach us on Twitter. I may occasionally tweet (and explode) over the current slump the Yankees seem to be in, but baseball talk is nothing to be afraid of. Baseball, to me, is a religion, and the Yankees are the shit.

Episode #10, fittingly, will be dedicated to the final year of 1UP Yours. It's good to go back to a show that basically got us more recognition, hundreds of subscribers to the feed, and thousands of downloads. Coinciding with that release will be a poll. You can all vote for your favorite moments in 1UP Yours. We're doing a top 50 moments show to close off the saga, and at this point I'm envisioning listener votes for the top 20 moments (we'll decide on the less important 50 - 21). Any ideas on how we should going about doing this? I figure it's either Facebook or Polldaddy, but it's easy to cheat Polldaddy. On the other hand, Facebook isn't exactly the best method either. So I'm not sure. Suggestions will be very appreciated.

Speaking of polls... right now you can vote for what episode #11 should be! It's up between GFW Radio (2006) and Giant Bombcast (2008). Right now there are about 17 votes and GFW Radio is in the lead. That's obviously a low number of voters, but we want you guys to decide, so if you have a preference, feel free to vote. The poll is on Facebook, but you can tweet us your vote if you wish.

Get it on! See you guys in a few with the final installment of 1UP Yours.

Too Beautiful to Live; one of the world's greatest comedy shows

It’s time for another ride on the train! (To steal a familiar allegory.) This time we’re touching on an awesome podcast that may or may not be familiar to Giant Bomb users. If not, it’s an awesome chance to introduce these guys to you.

Too Beautiful to Live is an extremely popular comedy show out of Seattle. It’s frequently compared to Seinfeld, mostly because it touches on topics that have to do with the banality of everyday life. I think the comparison is surprisingly accurate, because a lot of the stuff that goes down is comparable to the adventures of Jerry and co., as well as the kind of things seen on Curb Your Enthusiasm. In any case, TBTL is a daily show. It typically runs about an hour long. It’s super awesome, and if you don’t listen to it... well, how dare you. The show is hosted by Luke Burbank, who you may know from Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!, and Jen Andrews. They’re both super loveable and super funny.

This time around we’re covering the first quarter of 2011. If you want to get started with the show, this is the perfect place. You can chomp through this and pick up with the recent shows in April. We’ve split the episode up into three parts for each month – January, February, and March.

If you want to pick up this and shows like it in the future, you can subscribe to our RSS feed. Coming up we’ve got another month of The Adam Carolla Show, and then, hopefully next month, we’ll finish our trek through 1UP Yours history with its final year. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Thanks to you guys, the Giant Bomb community, for all your support, feedback, and generosity with the previous projects. We really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy this episode!

Past discussions on Giant Bomb

The HotSpot: 2005/ 2006/ 2007. 1UP Yours: 2006/ 2007. The Adam Carolla Show: 2006-01/ 2006-02.

The best of 1UP Yours (2007); 10 hours of genius

This Year is back and packing a huge, huge gift. Our previous gaming podcast recaps – The HotSpot 2005, 2006, and 2007, and 1UP Yours 2006 – have topped well over 2,000 downloads each. The recaps for The Adam Carolla Show – January and February 2006 – haven’t done too shabbily either.

But of all those, our episode for 1UP Yours was far and away the most popular.

It’s hardly a chore to surmise why. The answer, incidentally, rests solely on the shoulders of the men on the microphones: Garnett Lee, John Davison, Shane Bettenhausen, Luke Smith, and Mark MacDonald. Each man entertaining in his own way, some because of their passion, some because of their candidness, and some because 75% of what they said made no sense. But, concurrently, each man was intelligent, some more than others, and each man had an opinion, and each man was interesting. Never before had such an esteemed and respected group gathered together to talk about video games, and, in all probability, never will such a group gather again.

The recap is in two parts. Find out why this show is revered by many as the greatest gaming podcast of all time: download the first part of the recap here, and the second part here.

If you’ve subscribed to our RSS Feed, look in your feedcatcher to find the episodes waiting for you. Also, follow us on Twitter to get news about upcoming shows and quotes from the great people that populate these shows.

Part 1
0:02:00 - Introductions
0:06:00 - What'cha Been Playing?
1:53:00 - Message board threads
3:28:00 - Four Minute Warning

Part 2
0:01:00 - Seanbaby's most hated games
0:21:00 - Multiplatform gaming
0:53:00 - Mitch Gitelman (FASA Studios, Shadowrun) interview
2:18:00 - Jeff Gerstmann's termination from GameSpot
2:46:00 - News
5:05:00 - Goodbyes
5:19:00 - Gag reel

Thanks to Simon Harrison for the music stings featured in the podcast.

Also, if one of you could do me a favor: I’m a member on NeoGAF but have not yet gained the ability to create a new thread. I know the guys over there responded very positively to the first 1UP Yours recap. If somebody would be kind enough to post this recap there in a new thread, I’d be very much obliged.

Finally, soon we’ll have another The Adam Carolla Show recap. I’m also working on a package for Loveline. On the gaming front, I want to hit the final year of 1UP Yours, and then we’ll throw darts to see whether we do the Giant Bombcast or GFW Radio, among others. Thanks to you guys, the Giant Bomb community, for all your support, feedback, and generosity with the previous projects. We really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy this episode.