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GoTY 2022

Just starting to track the games i played in 2022, this isn't the final order. Just getting the list started.

List items

  • PC: A top down, rogue lite game, where you just control movement, and your weapons are fired automatically. Still playing it, though, am not sure if i like it, or if it something that just has me hooked, like a idle game. In any case, i have put a lot of time into it, and enjoying that time.

    Completed: A lot of runs, got a lot of upgrades, and most of the characters.

  • NSW: An action platform, kirby game, so... that means you have access to powers (like the ability to shot fire, or use a sword), usually from getting enemies. The addition in this one to that is these powers can be upgrade with the right items and unlocks to become more powerful, and gain new functionality. Anywho, this Kirby game was a lot of fun, and had a lot of content, a bit too much for me, but the extra stuff is and felt optional, so it didn't drag down the game for me. The weakest part of the game was its story, it was there at the start, and at the end, but was missing in the bulk of the game. But beside that, the game was a lot of fun.

    Completed: The main game. Did a little bit of the post game, but didn't complete it. It was a bit harder, and I didn't want to spend the time on it (since i got a lot of other things i want to play).

  • NSW: A fun warriors game, set in the fire emblem three houses universe. The combat was simple, as usual, but ok. Visuals were ok. Mostly VO, which was good. Simple systems for leveling up (unlike the last zelda one which was super grindy/annoying with that stuff) which was fun. Lots of character. Kept the FE vibe of support systems and weapon skills. Had a semi cliff hanger ending, which i didn't like. Had enough side objectives to keep the game from getting to same-y.

    Completed: Finished the black eagle story, started on golden deer.

  • PS4: An action adventure game focus on combat with some exploring, and light platforming and puzzles.

    Completed: The game, and than one extra quest to get the credits. I had fun with the game, but also, had issues with it too. Overall, like more than i didn't, but everything ended up being mixed. The story was interesting at times, but took way too long to get there, and dragged on for way too long. Gameplay for the first 2/3 of the game felt underwhelming, like it was little more than what it was in 2018. It was fun, but more of the same. Visual, it looked great from a distance, but when close up, fully of jarring invisible walls which made it feel a bit too smoke and mirror-ish. Bug wise, it actual had a few issues, which was surprising. No crashes, but got weird animations on characters, and had issues with enemies turning invisible sometimes. Didn't care for the pacing or difficulty, started off in normal, but changed it to easy after 20 hours, since I felt it was just taking my time. And most of the rewards in game from armor, or skills, were lackluster at best.

    In the end, i liked the game, but no where near as much as the major review sites.

  • XSX: A 2d adventure game that has great player choices, art style, and story (most of the time). But has horrible UI, game world, and audio.

    Completed: The game. Not sure if there are multiple endings to this game, well, not sure if there are significant different endings. But the game does have a lot of choices, which seems to have an impact. Not sure if they change the ending. The book like art style is awesome. However, it did not lend itself to actual playing the game. That part was crappy. Moving around had a bad, basic feel to it. The UI, while pretty, wasn’t helpful or useful. And the game felt like it was more about looking cool, than playing well. Lastly, the audio, well, the lack of VO, really held this game back. They did have SFX for voices (writing noises), but, with so much text in the game, VO should have been included. I like this game, but that is cause i wanted to like this game (i feel).

  • PC: An adventure game that some would say is very zelda like... but with a lack of items (there are some, just not a lot) and structure world environment, i would say it more of a small scale adventure. It had decent gameplay, but not good... i was constantly getting input lag on my controller playing it, to the point where the character would continue to swing their sword, when i was trying to dash. Almost felt like there was a queue system or something. On the bright side, it did include a few built in accessibility options to make the game super easy. Overall, it was a fun game, but not as great as i had heard. I guess if i played it around the time it was big/hot, i would have felt different, but since i didn't, i wasn't part of that experience where the community solved the hidden riddles and what not... guessing it was like when Fez or those type of games come out. For me, i played it on my own for a bit, than just found a guide and used that to find some of the secrets so i could get the good ending.

    Complete: The game, got the good ending. Used a FAQ a lot for the fairy, and for a couple of the pages.

  • PC: A 3rd person adventure/action game similar to pikman.. .well, kind of in concept. You're a character that doesn't have direct action, instead you command minions, who are colored, and do different specific things to solve puzzles. There no combat in this game, and the story is at the start and end of the game. There are a lot of npcs, but i found them dull, and avoid talking to them whenever possible. It also a short game, about 5-6 hours long, and that is with getting most of the objects in game. I enjoyed playing the game, a bit, but am not hooked on it. Like am not waiting for Tinykin 2. If that does happen, i'll play it if its on gamepass, but if isn't, then i won't. So i guess what am saying is, it was fun, but i wouldn't have bought this game (and only played it cause it was on gamepass).

    Completed: The game. Got all the floating upgrades, and all the missing artifacts.

  • XSX: A solid stealth action game that last too long, and has a bad story with unlikeable main character. Visuals, production values, and gameplay were good for this game. But where it falls apart is the story, which is just repeats itself about 3 times, unlikeable main character, the main character has the rage of Kratos but in self center, morale relative thingy (all the bad things she does is ok and good, and everyone who gets in her way is evil and must be destroyed, even if, they were just her friend a minute ago and are now just not on board with her destroying everything), pacing issues (the game takes like 15 hours, and should have been half of that. It repeats a lot, and the gameplay feels stale by the end), and there no real sense of progress.

    Completed: The game. It was okay, had some things going for it, but a lot against it too. I did check out the achievements afterwards, and it was (when i checked) that a majority of players didn't complete the game. 57% completed the first chap (assuming a lot of people tried it on gamepass and bounced off, so not going to hold that 57% against it), but only 9% completed the last chap (so that less than 20%).

  • PS5: Played it in party mode with a group, which was fun, but the actual game and story were mediocre and a majority of the fun came from the group of friends, and not the game.

    Completed: The game, mostly. I missed the last chapter cause of work (so i watch a video of it), but from what i saw, and the opinions of my friends, it was lame. Mainly cause they didn't spell out what happen to the characters. You put so much time into them, and it ends with a single line of text that doesn't really explain anything. Just, so and so, is alive, or not... that's it. They could have easily had someone write like 200 blocks of text for the ending, and it would have greatly increase the game's value. And it didn't have to be that complex, since most characters didn't really interact with most of the cast, so they would only have to factor in 3 or 4 characters, for each character, and not all 8 (or so). The gameplay didn't control well either, though, they did offer some accessibility options to get around this, so that was good. So yeah, average gameplay, story falls apart at the end, fun in a group, but that cause it was a group.

  • XSX: A semi-3d adventure game where you are just trying to get to point C, from point A, and having to solve some puzzle, get side tracked to B, and do a bit of stealth or running along the way.

    Completed: The game. It was okay, but the whole no talking part seem out of place and forced. You meet other humans, ones that you know. And there are questions that any normal person would have. But the character in this game, doesn't ask anything, or say anything. And that is a big negative. I get this is from a few of the people who did limbo and inside, so they have a style. But that style does not work here in this one. The game has an intersting premise, and a good art style. But the gameplay has issue, the 3d environments makes things worse, not better, and the story fails to live up to what it could or should have been.

  • NSW Another Nintendo sport games, but this one is on the Switch. It is ok, but the single player stuff is a bit lacking. You can do some stuff in a fake online environment, but the UI and process to find a match against bots is long with too many prompts. Still, some of the games are fun, bowling is still good, and the sword play stuff is alright. Not really a fan of football, but i can see the merit to it. Kind of over tennis and don't care for bat mitten. Volley ball was just bad.

  • PC: A FPS that takes place in huge levels with numerous objectives, most of which are optional, with the focus on sniping and stealth (well, you could go in loud, but that doesn't seem like the right way, or the way they want, you to go). It was fun, but the levels are just too long, took 2 hours for the first one, and i didn't do everything in it, which makes the pacing feel off. Instead of a tight focus experience, it more of a buffet of stuff, which ends up all tasting the same, and thereby, feels like a lot of wasted time. Taking on and out AA guns and a ship gun, felt nearly the exact same. The only differences was how far they were spaced out. So yeah, decent core, but could stand from better mission flow, and friendly npcs to make it feel like a war zone, instead of an old school open world.

  • PC: The game was ok, but ok isn't enough when I don't have time. The gameplay is solid, but the story is bad, the visuals dull, and worse, the design of the characters, their abilities, and upgrade paths, was generic. The big thing for this game is that your main dude can switch forms to other bodies. However, they mostly feel the same. Sure the horse attack is to his back, and the knights to the front. But it is still just an attack. And while the Ranger shoots arrow, that simple ability doesn't feel like it deserves a new 'body' type. The different forms felt like different equipment, and that was dull. Worse, the quest system it uses to level up the characters repeats itself. If there was a handful of character types, i might not have noticed it. But when every character type (i only got to about 10) has similar quests (there the attack enemies quest, there the charge forward and hit x enemy one, there the hit x enemy with your charge attack one) it gets boring, and annoying. It was like, hey you like that Ranger quest to hit X amount of enemies at once, cool, now do that same quest with the mermaid.

  • PC: A 2d brawler, similar to what you would have found in the arcade decades ago. And while it is a good replica of that, it isn't a good game itself. Well, not single player it isn't. It is co-op up to 6, but only with friends. And well, none of my friends wanted to play this, so i tried it on my own. Got to stage 9 (so a little past half way) and yeah... it was ok, gameplay wise, but other than that, it was dull. I did like the style and songs, but i don't have to play the game to get that part.

  • PC : An adventure game where you pilot (well, control loosely) a boat thingy and go to the right. the game doesn't have an overt story, just some background paintings and such that kind of tell a story, plus environments. The controls for the character are ok, and simple. But the problem is that the game is shallow, and repeative. You are just going right, stuff gets in your way, you poorly control this ship (which is by design, you have to physically run to different parts, pulling levers, jumping on things, and such) to get around the stuff, you find some upgrades along the way, but they don't help, they just add more non-sense for you to deal with. (like you gain a submarine ability, and not like you gain an automation ability or go faster type of upgrades). So yeah... the game was kind of dull... i kept thinking about which pod cast i should listen to when i played it, or if i should just turn on a movie on another screen. I got about 2 hours in, check how much longer the game was (5.5 on average) and decide that this game wasn't worth it.

  • PC: A top down, action/ rpg lite game set in the west, where cosmic horrors (sirens, pig men, zombies, etc) exist. Like a lot of Devolver games, it has an interesting idea, but shallow mechanics. The game was alright to play, but it never got its hooks into me. I completed the first character story, and then called it quits. It was ok, but, I wasn't having fun. Also, for a game where its setting/story are a main draw, having a dull story, was a critical problem.

  • PC: A shallow 2d / semi 3d action game where you are a samurai doing samurai stuff (like the plot is a typical generic samurai revenge quest with some magic stuff). The gameplay is ok, but not rewarding, and usually formulaic. There is a basic upgrade system, upping health or stamina, and sometimes unlocking new moves (which don't matter). Oh, and you also can't pause during cutscenes, which there are a lot of, and they are long... so that was annoying. So yeah... played the game for an hour or two, and just didn't really like it, so i stopped.

  • PC: This game is still in an beta stage of sorts. The MP parts are there, but not the SP. Tried the MP a few times, and i remember, that i didn't like it, even in the original. Matches take too long to get into, and overall, it just very, eh. It like when everything is at 11, nothing feels special. Plus, small sqard games need a good team, and i only play in pug.

  • PS4: The follow up to Horizon Zero Dawn (2017), this one takes place in a new area... that, really doesn't feel that different. Overall, it is about the same game as it was 5 years ago. There are one or two new toys, but that's about it.

    Completed: The main quest. The gameplay for this game was kind of fun, it was more of what was in the original 5 years ago. But at the same time, that was a big disappointment too. Since it was about the same as it was 5 years ago. They tried adding a glider, but it was bad. Unlike in BoTW where you could use it to go hundred of meters, this one felt more like a parachute, and just slow down your fall. Also, they had 4 new special tools, however, 2 of them were just keys for special locks, 1 was just the ability to breath underwater, and the last one, grappling hook, had some uses... so that one was alright, but the other 3 were kind of pointless. Graphically it look better, but not by much. And the story... geez, the story was horrible, on several levels. First, the writers were arrogant, they treated their source material like it was gold, and everyone was fully into it. They kept throwing side characters from the first one into the start of it, and acted like the player would want to spend 15 minute character, talking to them... so pretty much, they thought they had written Mass Effect side characters (Garrius, Tali, etc...). But in reality, it was a stream of nobodies. Personal, i didn't recall any of them, so i just skipped the conversation with them, as soon as i could. Another problem was that it reminded me of the Bad Dr Who story lines (the ones from the last couple of seasons). Where they get preachy, but then don't follow what they say. Alloy is against getting a tribe killed cause genocide is wrong, but it totally ok with wiping out the 'bad' guys, cause they are 'bad'. They say that humans (the tribes) can over come any problem, except, the story is clearly they can't, humans got wiped out by the machines. And in the games, Alloy is the one saving everyone, using old tech. Lastly, there was a scene near the end, where the player no longer plays the main character. Not in a gameplay sense, just a cut scene. They have Alloy, whisper to another character, but they move the camera away, so the player can't hear what was said... so yeah... For most of the game, i was having a little bit of fun, and i was cutting it slack cause of its charm and such. But after that last bit with the whisper, it lost me. And i started to turn on it, and all its mistakes before that i was willingly ignoring, i started noticing. As of right now, this game is the biggest disappointment of 2022 in gaming.

  • XSX: The newest, and most modern lego game… well, for now. Anywho, it is a simple action game, with different kinds of levels. Story levels that lead the player from point a to b. Open world sections, where the player can do side quest and find stuff. And am guessing more. Though, i didn’t see. I only got to the open world part for ep 4 and stopped. The game wasn’t fun. Well, i did not find it fun. Just shallow gameplay, like most lego games, with no humor (previous lego games were more amusing… or maybe i was just younger and found them funnier cause of that).

  • PC: Yeah, not a game for me. Gave it like half an hour and was bored through out. I read up on the ending online, and i guess the meta-ish part of it could be cool, to see, but not any fun to play. My limited time with the game was spent watching a few scenes, than watching a few more at a quicker pace, then quicker, and lastly, clicking randomly trying to find a clip that would entertainment or hook me in any way. But i didn't, so i just stopped playing the game.