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Giant Bomb Review


Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Review

  • PS4
  • XONE

This oddball shooter sequel piles on more of everything from the first game, which is exactly what that game needed.

There's a whole lot of new stuff in this sequel.
There's a whole lot of new stuff in this sequel.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is no more and no less than a vastly expanded version of its predecessor, and that's fine. As a sort-of-budget-priced, bare-bones game wrapped around a goofy shooter that was better than it had any right to be, the first Garden Warfare deserved a little more attention around the edges, and that's exactly what this sequel brings. More playable classes, maps, modes, unlocks, and plenty of other features combine in a followup that befits the surprising quality of Garden Warfare's core multiplayer action and reasonably justifies its full retail price.

The most immediately noticeable upgrade in this sequel is a full 3D hub area that replaces the sparse menus in the original game. This "Backyard Battleground" is a single map that houses faction bases for both the plants and zombies, each of which contains roughly a zillion little kiosks you walk up to and use to access everything from matchmaking to stats to character customization. This initially struck me as a needlessly busy way to obfuscate the game's basic functionality, but once you get out into the gigantic neutral territory between the two bases, this hub map starts making sense. There's a neverending skirmish between the two sides that takes place in the big courtyard between the two bases--complete with a sort of defend-the-high-ground minigame you can start at any time--and there are a ton of little collectibles, treasure chests, side quests, and other doohickeys to discover in the neighborhood, sewers, and docks near that central courtyard. This hub map is a nice little diversion in between online matches, and if you spend enough time out there mixing it up, the game will start spawning in more and more powerful units from both factions, which also lets you quickly grind out experience points and complete the quests you should be picking up at every opportunity.

Pick up quests as often as you can to keep your progression moving at a steady pace.
Pick up quests as often as you can to keep your progression moving at a steady pace.

Quests! The game's new sort-of-daily quest lineup is a major component of GW2's sprawling progression system. Every 48 hours, you'll get a big set of new objectives to complete (kill X enemies of a certain type, play three matches of a specific competitive mode, and so on) that will increase an XP multiplier that makes your individual character classes level up at a surprisingly speedy pace. These quests also grant stars, which you can cash in on treasure chests and base decorations in the backyard hub, and a healthy amount of coins, which you spend on blind-box card packs similar to those in the first game. Yeah, the game still relies on single-use item cards out of those packs in most of its modes, similar to Halo 5's warzone mode. And unless you're buying the most expensive card pack, which grants you an entire (random) character, you'll only unlock new characters piece by piece without any control over which pieces you're getting when. But you earn coins from practically everything you do in the game, not just quests, and the rate you accrue coins in GW2 actually feels pretty generous, all things considered. You can buy a single new character subclass after 30 or 45 minutes of decent play, especially if you're accepting quests intelligently, so while the randomness of the unlocks is a little irksome, at least the pace is nice and quick. The nice thing about the way the quests are structured is that you almost always feel like you're making progress on character levels and items on multiple fronts at the same time.

One of the biggest new features in this sequel to a multiplayer-only game is... a big chunk of single-player content. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a proper campaign, though. Both plant and zombie factions have a lengthy, unique set of missions you play through by yourself, although these don't usually get especially elaborate and are mostly built out of modified versions of the existing multiplayer mechanics. A few of them offer a bit more custom design work and provide a few laughs in PvZ's cheesy but lovable style, though, and they all act as a good primer for some of the game's different cooperative modes (as well as a big source of coins early on). There's also a lot of excellent environmental art that goes along with these missions, and it's worth seeing some of the tremendous scenery the artists dreamed up as you play through that stuff. As long as you pick up some daily quests before you start doing the single-player missions, these are a decent way to spend some time between multiplayer sessions and crank through a whole lot of progression at the same time.

Particles! This game's got a lot.
Particles! This game's got a lot.

At its core, Garden Warfare 2 plays just as smoothly as its predecessor; there's just a lot more of it. All of the first game's playable classes and subclasses are back, along with three new ones on the plants side that differentiate themselves well from the old classes and expand your options for crowd control, area-of-effect damage, and so on. The zombies have an equally long roster and feel more fleshed out as an equivalent faction now, rather than just the side you play when you don't end up on the plant team. Each side now has a total of seven character classes, each of which has six to eight variant subclasses to unlock, so you end up with a lot of options that fit into different play styles. There's a fair amount of unrest in the game's community right now about the strength of the Rose character on the plant side (enough that the developer has gone out of its way to address the feedback directly), and while I can't say I was thrilled at the few times when I went up against a plant team that was 90 percent Roses, I also tend to think that once you have a community who cares enough to complain about balance issues, you've probably made a pretty good multiplayer game.

The game is fully stocked with different modes on the competitive side, and while they all hew close to established multiplayer-shooter tropes like territory control, bomb defusal, and so on, the huge mix of different classes and range of potential team compositions keeps the action feeling pretty fresh. On the cooperative "ops" side, you're still going through 10 rounds of wave-based survival against hordes of AI enemies. Occasional rounds will make use of some interesting mechanics that offer bonus objectives, and one of the AI-driven co-op missions in the plant campaign even features something akin to an MMO raid boss, where you're cursed by the boss and have to hunt down specific roving minions within 60 seconds or your whole team is wiped. (I keep hoping that one will show up in actual multiplayer, but it hasn't so far.) I wouldn't have minded a little more expansion on the co-op from the first game, maybe in the form of a wider range of static defenses than just the usual potted plants, but there are so many new characters to play and maps to play on that I'm OK with one more game built out of more of the same. It's worth pointing out you can also play ops by yourself with an AI team, which is fine on normal difficulty, but you wouldn't want to tackle that mode on a harder level by yourself. The AI never seems to be there with the heal beam when you need it.

In my game this guy's beard is made out of light bulbs.
In my game this guy's beard is made out of light bulbs.

Just like the first game, GW2 does an amazing job of translating Plants vs. Zombies' mobile-centric art style into 3D, and this sequel pours even more particle effects, reflections, and explosions into the mix. It occasionally verges on too visually busy--it can be easy to lose your target in a gigantic mess when there are a dozen characters blasting away in close proximity--but generally, even the most hectic battles take on a sort of gloriously chaotic feel when everything is firing at once. The game looks noticeably sharper on the PS4 than on the Xbox One, but the PS4 version's frame rate can get pretty bogged down in heavy action, so controller preference and friends lists are the biggest reason to pick a platform here. Both versions seem to have a thriving community thus far, with matchmaking times that haven't lasted more than a few seconds for any mode I've tried since launch.

With its less-than-full-price and short list of features, the first Garden Warfare felt like EA wasn't willing to risk much on the odd idea of turning a cutesy mobile free-to-play tower defense game into a console online shooter. It feels like a little piece of cosmic justice that while the Medal of Honor reboot failed to make any inroads with that audience, Garden Warfare somehow became a runaway success that warranted a full-priced, fully featured sequel. While a potential third Garden Warfare will need to do more than simply pile on additional plants and modes to justify itself, this quirky shooter's second installment ought to stay green for a good long while to come.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+


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Man I'm happy about this. Love me some Garden Warfare!

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someday, but i got too much game now. which kinda makes me feel bad, like flipping off a box of kittens.

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Well I may have to try this.

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I have never seen the appeal of these games but they all seem to be at least decent. It's good to see the developer listen to its community in any case.

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Ha, that Medal of Honor jab at the end really got me. Hopefully these risks paying off in dividends spurs developers to put a little bit more craziness into their games than usual.

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What is going on with all these reviews. I'm getting a little worried.

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Nice to see that we're only two months into 2016 and it's already showing potential to be another strong year for game releases. Might end up grabbing Garden Warfare 2 over the Easter break. I'm happy with the options of solo and splitscreen play it looks to provide.

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Edited By betaband

Cheers, Brad!

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Seems really cool. I remember the bombcast when Jeff and Brad were arguing over the first game's "horde" mode.

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I see what you did there Brad. How dare you poison your own fruit of labour like that!

Don't fly too close to the sun.....flower

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I know it's a dumb point to make, but good on EA for making a game that's a bit more open to a younger audience and not having it be exploitative garbage.

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Nice review, Brad. Glad to see this game get the love that the first game deserved. My son (6 yo) and I have put over 100 hours into the original and it has been the source of great fun. This new one looks to be even better, and we are really enjoying it so far.

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I can't handle all these reviews! Is Giant Bomb turning into Gamespot!? ;)

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Didn't try out the PC version, Brad? Ah, well, didn't really expect it. For anyone that came to this review curious about performance or controls, it plays great with KB&M and controller alike (and there's enough classes that don't require precise aim that using a controller competitively is 100% viable!) and at least on my system (i7 6700k, GTX Titan Black, 16GB RAM, so adjust expectations according to the differences in our systems) it runs at a rock solid 144 FPS (vsync on) at all times and never ever dips or stutters, which is seriously impressive given how utterly GORGEOUS the game is. I seriously consider this and the first game to be some of the best looking games in existence.

That's saying something, they just nail their art style and design so spectacularly, there's a real physicality to the graphics and how smooth it runs that makes it feel like you're playing an animated movie, and that's coming from someone who couldn't roll their eyes harder at all those years of "It's gonna be like Toy Story but on a console!" How perfectly smooth it runs combined with how good it looks (Almost no jaggies at all, even at just 1080p, fantastic lighting, high res textures and tons of art assets and the aforementioned killer art style) just really makes it, to borrow a reviewer buzz phrase "a visual delight." Oh, and the animations! They're amazing! And the sound design! Amazing! ARGH! I just closed the game and I want right back in.

I didn't even come here to give a mini-review, just wanted to clarify PC performance. I'll get back to that: My system is a bit overkill, but the fact that it runs at a solid 100% locked 144 FPS is something even really well optimized games don't do on my system, and without any regular or microstutter to speak of? That's almost unheard of. Usually if your FPS is that high you tend to encounter at least *occasional* stutters. However, according to people on less powerful systems on Reddit, 4GB of RAM seems to be pretty low for this game and is actually the minimum requirement. There's a LOT of high res assets, so if your RAM is that low (it shouldn't be, buy more) then you're gonna have to toy with some settings. If you overtax your RAM or VRAM you're gonna get stutter and framerate dips, so keep that in mind if you're on a modest system. Even if GW1 ran really smooth, this has bigger maps, what feels like a lot more characters, certainly more character variety/customization (which is unique assets that eat up RAM/VRAM!) and more particle effects and whatnot. It's definitely a more demanding game than the first, but is still REALLY well optimized.

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Edited By WrathOfGod

Great review, Brad.

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I remember getting the original game for free on PS4 and still didn't play it. I'll maybe give this a shot at some point.

Nice review, Brad.

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Edited By netnow66

Not to be "that guy," but since the PC guy weighed in, I think I will also.

"The game looks noticeably sharper on the PS4 than on the Xbox One, but the PS4 version's frame rate can get pretty bogged down in heavy action, so controller preference and friends lists are the biggest reason to pick a platform here."

The PS4 frame rate did not get bogged down when I played both betas and Digital Foundry not only did not mention that, but said

"It's only when the engine is under heavy, sustained load that more noticeable differences start to appear, with PS4 carving out a lead over the Xbox One version in the most demanding scenes...The Z-Tech Factory stage hits the engine the hardest in the beta code we tested, and it's here where we see the Xbox One drop down to 40fps at its lowest point, while on the same stage in similar conditions, the PS4 runs around 10 per cent faster."

That has been my experience also which is why the PS4 version gets my support.

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Multiplayer is sort of frustrating right now because of the speed nerf across the board to almost all classes (which they admitted they messed up on), so I've been sticking to solo stuff. It's a lot of fun. Some of the goofy stuff in the single player is great.

I know people complained that this is $60 while the first game was $40, but they definitely made the package worth the price.

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The AC-130 mission on the plant side was brilliant. Of all the EA published games to take things from Call of Duty campaigns, this is by far the best one. :3

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I'm not a huge fan of the aesthetic, but I do love base defense games. I'm a little bit torn, but I guess since it's not on Steam I won't be too tempted.

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Edited By ll_Exile_ll

I quite enjoyed the first Garden Warfare, but it probably helped that I got it for free when EA randomly gave it away for 24 hours around the time of PSX.

Still, it was a fun game, if not a little easy. Never in my life have I had to put forth so little effort to achieve a global 4.0 KD in a competitive shooter. I never understood why the community for that game seemed so unskilled at the game. My only guess is that it must have been mostly kids 10 and under.

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I'm loving this game. Closest thing to TF2 on consoles there is yet (putting aside the shitty 360/PS3 Orange Box port). I've heard a lot of grumbling on the internet about how the characters are horribly unbalanced, but the more I play the less I am convinced of that. Everyone says "Oh, the Rose is totally broken...most powerful character in the game and needs to be nerfed." but I don't get this personally. The Rose is very powerful, yes, and can take out a lot of players at once, yes, but she's insanely fragile and can be taken out in seconds.

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This is probably the first game I'll pick up when my 8 week class ends, as excited as I was for more XCOM, because I really enjoyed the first one and this just sounds like a bigger, better, cooler version of it. Not yet sure how I will split time between this and Rocket League, though...

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After watching the quick look, I loaded up the first Garden Warfare (I picked it up on holiday sale). Now I keep playing it over Fallout 4. I am debating on unlocking all those characters before getting Garden Warfare 2 (or I will just wait for a sale).

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So far it's exactly what the original game needed, more content. I appreciate it because it's a multiplayer shooter that doesn't take itself seriously at all. I love how colorful it is and how casual it feels whilst still clearly having depth. Plus it runs pretty damn well on PS4 despite the occasional framerate drops when things get crazy on-screen.

Only real negative is the fact that the Stars you earn already feel a little pointless once you've unlocked the chests, here's hoping Popcap provide the same sort of support as the original got with downloadable characters and costumes etc.

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sounds like some great left trigger right trigger!

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Awesome review. Going to have to check it out now. Thanks Brad!

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Great review. I think you summed things up perfectly. It's not completely without flaws, but damn if the sequel hasn't greatly impressed me at every turn. It has taken Destiny's place as my go-to "daily grind" game, but feels like far much less of a grind than Destiny, and the "loot" is more fun! :P

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Great review, Brad. Game definitely has a good look to it.

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If you're going to compare performance, can you be bothered to take the 30 minutes to test out the PC version? Otherwise, maybe don't even mention that in your review.

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Great review. Going to check it now

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Edited By tarynboydNRx

As always, solid review from Brad

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First on my list of must have games for the year 2016 and it did not disappoint. Hopefully they fix some of the more obvious balance issues soon enough.

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Jesus Brad they made you review this game?