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The Bloodborne Identity with Jan

The Bloodborne Identity with JanThe Bloodborne Identity with Jan: Part 5

It's always BIG BOI season in Yharnam!

Jan takes his first trip through Yharnam!

Mar. 30 2020

Cast: Jan

Posted by: Jan

In This Episode:



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I personally enjoyed Bioshock Infinite quite a lot, even the divisive ending. It has a terrific art style and lots of good environmental storytelling that rewards a thorough player.

However, if you are looking for something lighter in tone Bioshock Infinite is not it. Columbia is a deeply ugly and relentlessly oppressive city that feels unpleasant to inhabit in a way that is very different to Bloodborne’s enjoyably gothic Yharnam. I know I needed to be in the right mood to play it.

On the bright side it has a really satisfying shotgun.

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Jan, every time you level up and leave your STRENGTH at 9, I die a little on the inside.

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Edited By glots

Bioshock Infinite would be nice. Jan's a good streamer and watching him beat bosses is fun, but I've also seen BB being played by so many people over the years, that after the beginning hours, it kinda stops being all that exciting for me personally.

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Please keep playing this Jan!

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Poor Guy Fieri - Triple D will never have the same connotation again after that story.

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Bioshock infinite is a good game. I can't call it bad. But compared to the first 2, I did not enjoy it. You're not missing much to be honest. Even 2 was a lot better. Especially with what they did with the Big Daddies.

On the Bloodborne note, I'd rather see you play through this. But only if you're enjoying it. No one wants to see you suffer though a game you're not enjoying. I for one enjoying watching someone else play these games. I tried the first Dark Souls and I just couldn't enjoy it. So only play what you want.

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@nodima said:

@janman, I have watched Brad play through the end and DLC of Bloodborne on this site. I have watched a 30+ hour lore breakdown video in which a man plays through the game while explaining pretty much every single pixel's significance to the broader story and themes at hand. I have watched every second of Natalie Watson playing Bloodborne on Waypoint. I would without hesitation watch every second of you playing Bloodborne during these times.

I have not beaten any one of these games (I folded after a few turns at The One Reborn, not necessarily because I found the fight too difficult so much as I just felt like I'd gotten everything I wanted out of the game myself) but I will watch anyone with a fun personality play them forever, and particularly Bloodborne. It is just such an awesome world to marinate in and always really fun to see what aspects of that world people latch onto or get turned off by

@shricher, a lot of the backlash stemmed from writers like Austin Walker and Leigh Alexander pointing out that the Vox Populi storyline wasn't just a little sloppy compared to the rest of the game, it was tonally disingenuous from the argument it was trying to make. Over the following year people would go on to note how Elizabeth's nature during gameplay is at odds with her importance to the narrative, noticed that many of Infinite's politics hedged towards a Libertarian streak that most far- and medium-left video game writers have only grown more repulsed by and uniformly decided the shooting just wasn't that good and the ending was a cop out masquerading as a Big Idea.

In my memory, Bioshock Infinite was possibly my favorite game of the entire PS3 generation, but I think it was a very vulnerable game that came at a time when a lot of new voices were coming into the games criticism space and those people had core interests in games that went beyond visuals, gameplay and dollar-per-hour kinds of critiques. Bioshock Infinite painted a huge target on itself through its themes and popularity, and acted as sort of a bookend to the era of narrative growth in games that stretched from Bioshock and Uncharted to Bioshock Infinite and Uncharted 3 (another game I really, really enjoyed but got knocked down over time because it similarly left itself open to criticism by being a game that in some ways tried to have its cake and eat it too.)

As someone who played infinite first then the others, i gotta say i also without listening to teardowns, thought the game at the time was overhyped as the best story etc. It ended and I was like...ok why is Bioshock considered so great again...played the others and finally understood. That said the game was fun just not the angel people put it up to be, making it seem like it was, made it easier for someone with some critic stats on his or her belt to come in and nitpick till they have enough valid criticisms to render the game bad. The game juggles a lot of themes and depending on your closeness to those themes, it doesn't handle them all well. That said most reviewers at the time werent for lack of a better word...relating to the themes that were questionable at the time. Give it time and people can now see more to the game and discuss its merits. We shouldn't label discussion as bad cause its negative if we truly want games media to be considered like books or movies, which get discussed even when they're considered perfect (Gone with the wind, Citizen Kain, etc).

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So, first: I would enjoy watching more Bloodborne. Bail if you're not digging it, of course, but the opinion from the peanut gallery seems to be that this is high quality entertainment.

Second, Bioshock Infinite would also be cool to watch. The game wasn't up to the standards of the first one, but I don't think it's fair to shit on a sequel for not also being a contender for best of the decade.

Third, this is a perfect time for a new Endurance Run. So many people are stuck at home, a one-a-day series would be so good. Lots of work on your end, but we'd all love it.

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Even though I completed this game, Jan is doing better than I ever did in making progress, keep it up!

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Jan doing a ridiculously good job of making eldritch comfy as hell.

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I love seeing the exploration. That to me is the best part of games like this.

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Edited By lase

catching up retroactively, glad there are more eps lined up!

edit: rofl at the near-choke with the second music box usage

thanks @janman