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    Super Street Fighter IV

    Game » consists of 28 releases. Released Feb 26, 2010

    Super Street Fighter IV is a standalone update to its predecessor, adding new characters, modes, and online features.

    Tier list or your picks

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    #1  Edited By Zuke

    Hi guys, I'm new here and I'm a big fan of SF.  
    Was just wondering if there's any tier lists out there yet or who you think is the best characters. 
    So far i think DeeJay looks pretty solid. What do you think?

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    #2  Edited By FluxWaveZ

    Too early for an "official" tier list.

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    Honestly, looking across the board, it looks like this really is "THE MOST BALANCED FIGHTER EVER"tm. 
    I'm not even being sarcastic. There doesn't seem to be a huge differential in strength between any two characters any more. 
    Dan-tier is bullshit as well.

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    #4  Edited By Stang

    People who pick their character based on a tier list are ass monkeys who enjoy prostate exams. Like Gambit.

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    #5  Edited By Plasma

    Well obviously Balrog, Akuma and Rufus are still top tier. The new characters and the old characters that have been changed alot (Rose for example) haven't been tested enough.

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    #6  Edited By bjorno

    dan is god-tier

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    #7  Edited By ImperiousRix

    My prediction... 
    T. Hawk is God-tier...

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    #8  Edited By Scooper

    Wait until after EVO and there will be a list probably. I think DeeJay is very good but alot of people now have realised that if you spam down-back down-forward and punch as he's crossing you up on wakeup 9 times out of 10 you'll hit him with a clean shoryuken. It's kind of lame. It doesn't even trade most of the time. I think Ibuki is going to be very good in the right hands and I don't think anyone will make top 8 at EVO with Sagat. I hope to see alot of Seths. I think Seth's gotten much better since SFIV simply because everyone's damage has gotten a little worse so he lasts a bit longer. I think Seth's Ultra 2 is ass though and it's kinda annoying his Sonic Boom - Ultra trap is all messed up now. 7/10 it seems like he'll do his super instead or teleport which is lame. It still beats focusing punks though.

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    #9  Edited By Yummylee
    @bjorno said:
    " dan is god-tier "
    Except when I'm playing as him.
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    #10  Edited By napalm

    Ibuki and Ryu are going to be top tier. But, a lot of the cast is going to be mid and lower tier, with just a couple stinkers (no offense.)

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    #11  Edited By Jemenez

    Deejay is not top tier.
    Chun li is going to be high, Akuma probably number 1 or 2 now.
     Juri might be pretty high, but im not sure

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    #12  Edited By thekingoftoilets

    Hakan is the man, and I dont care what anyone else may think.

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    #13  Edited By dbz1995

    Mine at the moment:
    Top tier

    • Akuma
    • Ryu
    • Cody
    • Sagat
    • Rufus
    • Juri
    • Ibuki
    High Tier
    • Balrog
    • Blanka
    • Ken
    • Chun Li
    • Abel
    • Zangief
    • Dudley
    • E. Honda
    • T. Hawk
    • C. Viper
    Mid Tier
    • El Fuerte
    • Seth
    • M. Bison
    • Guy
    • Gouken
    • Hakan
    • Guile
    • Deejay
    Lower Tier
    • Rose
    • Makoto
    • Gen
    • Adon
    • Cammy
    • Fei Long
    • Dhalsim
    • Vega
    • Sakura
    • Dan
    Obviously some of my tier is completely messed up-but the game is near perfectly balanced. If you want to, you can make changes.
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    #14  Edited By napalm
    @dbz1995: Nice randomly generated list.
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    #15  Edited By Xcessive

    as for the new characters i've played i think
    dudleys top tier
    makotos poo tier
    juris upper mid tier
    codys upper high tier
    adons low mid tier same with guy.
    hawks mid
    All predictions btw. =)

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    #16  Edited By ArbitraryWater

    All I know is that Sagat is still kinda broken, even if they nerfed his Tiger Uppercut.

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    #17  Edited By AndrewJD
    @Scooper said:
    "I think Seth's Ultra 2 is ass though and it's kinda annoying his Sonic Boom - Ultra trap is all messed up now. 7/10 it seems like he'll do his super instead or teleport which is lame. It still beats focusing punks though. "
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    #18  Edited By FluxWaveZ
    @dbz1995 said:

    Top tier

    • Juri
    That totally eliminates any and all credibility to your tier list.  Juri's in the same position as C. Viper was when SFIV came out, meaning, there's no way to really know how objectively good she really is.  But this...
    @dbz1995 said:
    " Lower Tier
    • Dan

    This is fucking rich.
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    #19  Edited By demontium
    @Stang said:
    " People who pick their character based on a tier list are ass monkeys who enjoy prostate exams. Like Gambit. "
    You will be hearing from gambit's lawyer.... me.
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    #20  Edited By JJOR64

    Guy with your gut.  Don't play a character because he is top tier.  Play with a character that you like the style of.  I like Honda's still so I picked him and stuck with him.

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    #21  Edited By demontium
    @dbz1995 said:
    " Mine at the moment:
    Top tier
    • Akuma
    • Ryu
    • Cody
    • Sagat
    • Rufus
    • Juri
    • Ibuki
    High Tier
    • Balrog
    • Blanka
    • Ken
    • Chun Li
    • Abel
    • Zangief
    • Dudley
    • E. Honda
    • T. Hawk
    • C. Viper
    Mid Tier
    • El Fuerte
    • Seth
    • M. Bison
    • Guy
    • Gouken
    • Hakan
    • Guile
    • Deejay
    Lower Tier
    • Rose
    • Makoto
    • Gen
    • Adon
    • Cammy
    • Fei Long
    • Dhalsim
    • Vega
    • Sakura
    • Dan
     Obviously some of my tier is completely messed up-but the game is near perfectly balanced. If you want to, you can make changes. "
    I bolded all the bullshit in this quote. 
    I think what you mean is that these are your hardest matchups. 
    (also the only character I consider at a disadvantage in this game is fei long).
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    #22  Edited By Jemenez
    @Scooper said:
    " . I think Seth's Ultra 2 is ass though and it's kinda annoying his Sonic Boom -
    Anything that links into Stomps can link into U2 and its a great anti air.
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    #23  Edited By mrjared

    I'm going to hold off on talking serious tiers until the iPlayWinner list is up (which will be very soon), but I can say with confidence that the mid-tier cast is very large. Overall, the tiers are shaking out a bit like Tekken where even though there are obvious top tier characters, they don't completely lord over everyone.
    The top tiers also haven't changed. It's still Sagat, Ryu, Akuma and Rufus. If these guys are A-Class, pretty much everyone else falls into the B-Class range, with the obvious upper-mids being Chun, Bison, Balrog, Guile, Cody, along with everyone else who was good before. The worst characters are still Fei-Long and Gouken (Vega is definite B-Class now), but are now joined by Makoto and Hakan. 
    The differences between top and mid are slim, but the differences between mid and low are significant. Thankfully, I can count the obvious low-tier on one hand.
    Also, I don't want to pick on DBZ, but Dhalsim is low tier? Seriously? The only upper-mid character from SF4 to get a damage BUFF and you think he's low tier? Craaaazy.

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    #24  Edited By Plasma
    @MrJared said:
    " I'm going to hold off on talking serious tiers until the iPlayWinner list is up (which will be very soon), but I can say with confidence that the mid-tier cast is very large. Overall, the tiers are shaking out a bit like Tekken where even though there are obvious top tier characters, they don't completely lord over everyone.  The top tiers also haven't changed. It's still Sagat, Ryu, Akuma and Rufus. If these guys are A-Class, pretty much everyone else falls into the B-Class range, with the obvious upper-mids being Chun, Bison, Balrog, Guile, Cody, along with everyone else who was good before. The worst characters are still Fei-Long and Gouken (Vega is definite B-Class now), but are now joined by Makoto and Hakan.   The differences between top and mid are slim, but the differences between mid and low are significant. Thankfully, I can count the obvious low-tier on one hand.  Also, I don't want to pick on DBZ, but Dhalsim is low tier? Seriously? The only upper-mid character from SF4 to get a damage BUFF and you think he's low tier? Craaaazy. "
    Yeah I pretty much agree with this. I think that Ibuki and Cody are the two best new characters, and that combined with their newness will allow them to do well at EVO.
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    #25  Edited By lordofultima

    Tiers are pretty much a non-factor at this stage in the game. SFIV didn't get tiers until the arcade version was out for months and months.

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    #26  Edited By Flushes

    Abel for A tier. Relative to everyone else, that dude got nothing but buffs and a sick ultra 2 that punishes just about everything for 500 damage. All Honda headbutts, all Cody knuckles, any attempted jump out of a grab setup, Honda/Chun/Juri neutral jump nonsense, any fireball from about half screen, certain blocked sweeps; the list goes on. Any move that's -8 or more on block, no matter how much pushback it has, is getting spun for free. You can autocorrect it to catch crossups of almost every kind, including shoto crossup tatsus. Delicious!

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    #27  Edited By AniMoney

    Too early for tiers, there has only been one major tourney, and that just ended a little while ago.  
    I think speculation is fun though, and even though everyone yelled at dbz for making his own tier list, I'm going to ahead and make mine, even though I don't know a lot about this game yet. It's just for fun because I'm really fucking bored, so don't flame.   
    Also Giantbomb is really buggy so now random things are underlined.


    • Akuma (no real nerfs other than roundhouse loop, new ultra might be viable?)
    • Rufus (ex snake strike nerf was needed, but other than a little damage lost there he's still the same mostly.)
    • Balrog (Sagat matchup is a little better because Sagat's isn't special cancellable, none of the new characters seem like counters to Rog either, other than that he is the same)
    • Sagat (TU nerf is noticable to me, change is gonna hurt him, but he's still very strong)
    • Ryu (No trade into ultra, DP trades more too now unless you do it late, still solid though, plus I think he can combo off overhead now?(rumor, haven't tried))
    • Bison (Dude got buffed nicely, new ultra is great, PC is better too)
    • Abel (Breathless is great against certain characters, and I feel like he was headed up in the tiers towards the end of SF4 anyways)
    • Juri (rushdown queen, both ultras are useful too)
    • Dudley (corner rape, forward fierce is retarded)
    • Ibuki (alternate C.Viper imo, once people figure out all her shit and optimize her playstyle then we'll really see how good she can be)
    • Guile ( charge buffs are huge, his U2 is great, normals got even better, and sunglasses? nuff said)
    • Chun-Li (Kikosho! and then an unnecessary amount of hits)
    • C.Viper (how do I block this bitch? )
    • Cody (great rushdown, lot of counterhits, focus is really fast/long range, but no wakeup game whatsoever.
    • Ken (everyone else who can jab to sweep uses it and it helps, so I think it'll help Ken too. overhead is a little faster)
    • Seth (I thought he would've been even higher but they took out some of his ultra traps as well as they nerfed his teleport)

    •  Fuerte (U2 is amazing, RSF got nerfed, but I think he'll be okay.)
    • Vega (IDK I just heard he got better)
    • Adon (his stuff is pretty unsafe but he has a few good pokes, a DP-like move, and can juggle ultra so I guess he isn't terrible)
    • Sakura (eh she seems the same even if U2 is a small improvement)
    • Blanka (sure? IDK his changes to be honest.)
    • Cammy (they nerfed the damage on cannon spike, which kind of sucks, U2 is crap, she's still crazy in the right hands but I'm not sure she got any better other than is faster I think)
    • Dhalsim (I heard he got a little better, but I don't really know by how much, so I'll just put him as a C lol)
    • Honda (still does good damage, I feel like his tough matches will still be tough though)
    • Guy (He has some potential, but I don't think he'll be anything special)
    • Dan (he actually does seem to have improved, but c'mon, it's still Dan)
    • Fei-Long (he's still pretty much the same..., U2 is crap)
    • Gouken (really fun and I like him a lot, but he can't even crouch tech, can't link into a special cancellable normal, extremely poor wakeup game unless you're a great guesser)
    • Rose (U2 might be decent but she still has a lot of weaknesses, does poor damage, free on wakeup)

    •    This game is too new to dismiss anyone just yet. I'm sure somebody will end up her eventually.

    No fucking clue: 
    • Zangief (seriously haven't played one in Super yet, and I haven't seen any videos of him either, he was a beast in the last game and the Sagat matchup might be a little easier for him now, but I really have no idea.
    • Hakan (I haven't seen anybody who knew what they were doing with him yet.) I'm expecting someone at a big tourney to show us all how he's played much like Sabre did with Sakura at EVO 2K9.
    • Makoto (dude I haven't seen anybody play her well yet but I feel like the potential is there? I hope so because I like her character but...)
    • Deejay (he seem's like he can play really lame like Vanilla SF4 Guile, but then has a great mixup off of a knockdown, but I haven't seen enough good Deejays, or his matchups to guess.)
    • Gen (haven't played or even seen one in Super yet)
    • T. Hawk ( seems really fucking good at times, but then once people learn the matchup who knows what will happen, will he suck like in SF2? Or will be as good as Gief was in vanilla? Also he could potentially have some bad hard counters)
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    #28  Edited By JokerSmilez

    It's a little early for tiers, I think. Watching fairly high level tournaments over the past couple weeks (MWC, most recently), it's obvious most people still don't know the matchups for the new characters, and that kind of messes everything up. It appears they're better than they are just because people don't know how to play against them and people who are playing with them have a match-up advantage because they know how their opponents character usually plays. It'll be a while before we really know where most of them stand.
    The returning 25 characters are a little easier to figure out as you have a baseline of what was true before and what's true now, but once again with nearly 30% more matchups to worry about it's tough to know just where they stand.
    With that said, I'm going to take this opportunity to spout a bunch of BS as if I know what I'm talking about. :P
    I think the obvious characters that have improved are Chun Li, Guile, Dhalsim, and Vega. Characters that have gone down don't seem to have gone down by much. If you were good with Sagat before, you're still going to kick ass with him. But it appears Sagat, Ryu, and Rufus have all gotten slightly weaker, but with most of the cast getting weaker, it doesn't appear that their tier positions will change dramatically.
    Like I said, the new characters are so hard to tell. Before the game came out it appeared Dudley was going to be very strong but people are figuring out that it's really hard to get inside with him, and he's looking like a bit of a disappointment. Cody is very solid but can get into trouble when he gets knocked down against a solid offensive player. Juri looks pretty decent in the right hands, but that could just be because it's too early to know the match-ups and she's an easy character to pick up, which makes her appear better now than she will be in a couple months.
    A lot of the early high level tournaments have EVO spots on the line, which means a lot of people are falling back on what they know and the new characters are getting much love yet. My guess is we'll see a lot of shuffling between the first list that comes out and the one that comes out a year from now as people really start digging into what these new characters can do and how that effects the match ups.

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    #29  Edited By Scooper
    @Jemenez said:
    " @Scooper said:
    " . I think Seth's Ultra 2 is ass though and it's kinda annoying his Sonic Boom -
    Anything that links into Stomps can link into U2 and its a great anti air. "
    I've messed around with it alot in training and I just think U1 is still much better and usefull. If you can get the head stomp on a character then you should probably just do that because after a 3 or 4 hit blockstring and machine kicks the damage is scaled quite a bit so I'd rather take a headstomp and have the choice of a mixup or escape thena tiny bit more damage and both of us standing up at the same time with no time to keep the mixup going. Not to mention all the Stun has gone back to 0 so you gotta start that again. Landing U2 in the corner especaily after a machine kicks is actualy quite tricky. Unless you get the timing down very very well then you'll only hit them once, they fall down, block the rest and then own you. So the risk of missing it is huge, especialy against smaller characters. If you miss a headstomp in the corner nothing happens to you and you can still keep the momentum going. U1 is a great move, it catches people jumping in, it's great threat full screen during a fireball war, it catches people who focus very easily. It's safe on block and pushes them away from you which is what you want. It's easy to combo into not that you'd want to anyway. It can be used as anti-air. It can just be applied to many more situations then U2 and in the end the "extra" damage that U2 is supposed to have doesn't mean anything becuase you'll never get the full damage from it anyway. If people jump in at a wierd angle you hit them a couple times and they fly out of it or only get 60% of the damage ect. I could go on but I just think U1 is still godlike and now that people's health is generaly lower and attacks generaly do less damage Seth's U1 feels more powerful, even though they nerfed is effectiveness slighty in a fireball trap.
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    #30  Edited By Stang
    @AniMoney: Haha that is your explanation for why Ken is B tier? Try to connect jab into sweep with him. If you think it is as easy as it is with Ryu or Akuma you are very very wrong. It is easier for me to jab ultra then it is to jab sweep. It is a tight one frame link that requires very specific spacing. Not practical.
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    #31  Edited By Shadow
    @demontium said:
    " @Stang said:
    " People who pick their character based on a tier list are ass monkeys who enjoy prostate exams. Like Gambit. "
    You will be hearing from gambit's lawyer.... me. "
    It's only slander if you don't really believe it to be true.
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    #32  Edited By AniMoney
    @Stang said:
    " @AniMoney: Haha that is your explanation for why Ken is B tier? Try to connect jab into sweep with him. If you think it is as easy as it is with Ryu or Akuma you are very very wrong. It is easier for me to jab ultra then it is to jab sweep. It is a tight one frame link that requires very specific spacing. Not practical. "
    Even if it's a one frame link, it should be plink-able which means it'll be very realistic in matches. Even if the spacing is tight it lets him get an untechable knockdown, maybe you just need to practice it more. Everyone I can think of that can link jab to sweep uses it, I expect Ken to be the same, but we'll see.
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    #33  Edited By lordofultima
    @Stang said:
    " @AniMoney: Haha that is your explanation for why Ken is B tier? Try to connect jab into sweep with him. If you think it is as easy as it is with Ryu or Akuma you are very very wrong. It is easier for me to jab ultra then it is to jab sweep. It is a tight one frame link that requires very specific spacing. Not practical. "
    I dunno, Akuma's close jab to sweep isn't that hard, and that's also one frame. His far jab to sweep is a two framer, but that have pretty specific spacing as well.
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    #34  Edited By Stang
    @AniMoney: Go to practice mode, try it. I bet you will get it once every 50 tries. I can do it once every 20 tries. It is not practical, Ken is not Ryu, Akuma or Balrog. I doubt you will see any high level players rely on it either. It is very easy for somebody who does not use the character to think something is easy or practical when it truly is not.
    @lordofultima: All I can say is go to training and try it. It truly is not as easy as it sounds, the one frame part is the easy part, the true factor is spacing. You have to be at the very end of their hitbox, not a centimeter closer. That is why I get such a kick out of Akuma, cr. short cr. jab st. jab sweep works all day long, plus it just looks sick.

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