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    The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan

    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released Aug 30, 2019

    The first in a series of cinematic horror adventure games from the team behind Until Dawn, Man of Medan chronicles a recreational diving expedition gone wrong when its crew is trapped on board a ghost ship in the South Pacific.

    The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan - Discussion

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    #1  Edited By glots

    I haven't touched this yet myself, but figured there should be at least one thread dedicated to it, even if it came out twenty days ago and most folks here might've already played it.

    I did make the "mistake" of watching a playthrough before playing it myself, which might've discouraged me slightly from buying the game (since I already know what happens), but I might still pick it up from a sale during winter to see how differently things can play out.

    The one thing I'm a little concerned about is their release schedule. I'm not sure if it has changed since then, but at some point they said there'd be six months between each release and eight episodes as a whole. That'd be like...couple of years into the next console generation before the final episode comes out. I guess in that case it's good that it's an anthology series with individual stories, but that is still a long time.

    If you're interested, but just want to watch a LP of it, the playthrough Drew & Vinny did during the Bike MS stream was a treat.

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    I finished it with two friends during one evening and it’s the perfect way to play it. That said, your friend have to be okay with not playing equally, some characters have much more screentime than others and it’d seem impossible to try to manage that because the choices influence the game a lot.

    We’re all into stupid spooky horror and this hits the notes really well. The jumpscares are loud and dumb, much like haunted house stuff and you gotta have the right mindset. Same goes for the writing, I saw many comments complaining about it but it does work if you take it for what it is. We laughed a bunch.

    Same goes for « winning » the game. We eventually lucked out in having all the characters be alive at the end, but looking online at the choices, it’s clear you’re not meant to save everyone on the first try. We were just very lucky, seemingly dumb choices can end up killing a character and you have to roll with it. I like that personally, it goes against the typical mindset of beating the game. If you and your friends are not into role playing the characters and want to perfect a game, this will seem unfair to you.

    What disappointed us is how the ending felt abrupt and stitched together. I’m not gonna go into spoilers (I’m on my phone anyway), it just simply happened out of nowhere and the technology was worse than in Until Dawn. The game would pause and load for long times, play an ending scene for a character, go back to loading, play another scene. It felt stilted and weird, considering the cinematic thing they’re going for.

    I’m much more lenient against that flaw now that I’ve looked up online how the game can change depending on your choices. This and Until Dawn have many more variables than the Telltale games for exemple. Still I’m hoping the second episode will be better about the stitching, Until Dawn was already better about it, the ending of this felt rough.

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    I played the game in “Movie Night” mode with four other friends, so everyone had a role.

    I was and still am a huge fan of Until Dawn and have some fantastic memories of playing that game with friends. That being said, this game was a huge disappointment.

    Not only did I feel that certain characters had more screen time than others, I felt that every decision made was worthless. There are maybe two or three major decisions we made that felt like it could have affected the outcome of the story, but the entirety of the rest of the game seemed to be just wandering around tight spaces and hallways.

    We played the game over the course of two nights, the second night having only about two hours left of the game to play, and that night, two of us didn’t even get to play as our characters, even though they were both still alive in the story.

    On top of all that, the ending was so abrupt that all five of us were convinced it wasn’t actually the end until credits rolled.

    I’m still holding out hope that future games in series are stronger than this, but it didn’t leave a good first impression.

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    So I’m kind of annoyed with this game now. I thought the choices you made are what really mattered but I just had a character die because I screwed up a button press that came out of nowhere. Pretty disappointing.

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