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    Game » consists of 0 releases. Released Jul 25, 2017


    Short summary describing this game.

    Airmen last edited by Bronze_Johnson on 05/11/20 07:42PM View full history


    Airmen is a multiplayer first-person shooter set on player built airships. Players can pilot the ship, man the guns, or board an enemy airships. Players set out on expeditions to the Archipelago to collect resources through contracts, mining, combat and more to research to parts and upgrade their ship.


    All ships are built from up to 700 individually destructible pieces from a growing catalog of 300+ parts. Ships can be outfitted with fixed cannon broadsides, player-manned turrets, or AI controlled auto-turrets of multiple varieties. Ship roles vary massively from 30k broadside behemoths slugging through the skies to maneuverable 5k boarding ships loaded to the brim with boarding charges and grappling hooks. Players can build watercraft and landships in addition to airships.

    Ship movement can be uniquely tailored using any number of propellers, ballasts, and rudders to emphasize the maneuverability that matters most. Every functional component placed draws steam pressure and a ship's vital engines must be well protected or highly redundant, lest the respawn chambers go unpowered.


    Airmen's main gameplay is the completion of expeditions on the archipelago. Captains choose a ship and form a crew then set out into the open-world map to complete various activities. Most activities provide resource rewards split among the crew which can be spent to unlock new parts and build new ships. Each server can host up to 11 captains on the map at once and players can work together for and attack each other for greater rewards.


    All core components are unlocked at the start of the game. Researching new parts opens up new styles of play but does not significantly increase the power of a player's ships.


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