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Fun fact about MTV. When they were offered the MTV domain name from one of their Video Jockeys who purchased it while he worked there they told him: "we don't need, we have the AOL keyword."

I would imagine that kind of thinking is the reason why this game exists.

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Edited By personz

That checkpointing in Mega Man 5 is harsh.

Fun fact about Castlevania Bloodlines. It also ties in the Bram Stoker novel as John is related to Quincy Morris.

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D seems pretty insane and yet somehow D2 manages to be even more insane for completely different reasons.

I am pretty sure I would not have the patience for this game at all, the idea of having to start from scratch when you run out of time would just break me. Was there ever a different re release that allowed saving made for this?

If not I suppose the best way to play this game would be 3DO emulation with save states, which sounds pretty funny.

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Illbleed is probably the most insane thing I have ever seen in my life. That entire toy story parody sequence just refused to slow down. I am still not positive it was not just a fever dream.

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I had no idea these games existed because as far as PC games go, the only ones I had access to were the ones that came with my Computer in the early 90's. So I only ever knew of the Sierra adventure games that came with it.

That and Westwood to me was always the C&C guys.

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I mostly missed this style of FMV game as my PC at the time was essentially from the early 90's and it could hardly handle Kings Quest 7.

It makes me sad that was the case because I missed a lot of cool adventure games and would never really get back into them due to advent of multiplayer shooters and RTS games when I finally did get a decent PC.

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ya this is probably the first time in a while where I am just ignoring getting the event badge just because I don't really feel like the time investment is worth it.

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Edited By personz

6 Is one of those Final Fantasy games that it's hard for me gauge. I loved it when I played it as a teen but for some reason it just does not hold as many fond memories for me as 4 or even 5 does. That's not to say 5 or 4 are better it's just I just probably have more nostalgia for them.

It kind of occupies the same space for me as the original releases of Final Fantasy 7-9 albeit 6 is one I would actually replay where I do not really feel the urge to ever play 7, 8 or 9 again.

Now that I got that out of the way I would say I completely agree with your take on relic's. While the whole hybrid class thing is pretty interesting in concept I feel like for the most part this game ham fists you into using specific relics like the sprint shoes. Additionally it just ends up being a lot of busy work of you swapping thing's out all the time whenever the party changes, which happens a TON in this game.

Ironically it's a system that would have worked just fine in a game like 5 where your party is pretty much the same aside from one change in the later half of the game. That being said I will say the upside of this being a game with multiple characters is still worth it. This is probably the last time I can remember Square pulling off an large ensemble cast as well as it does. I feel like everyone gets at least a few moments to shine in both the beginning of the game as well as the world of ruin. Sure some of it can be missed but at least the effort was put there. I compare that to a game like Chrono Cross where it feels like you are driving a bus around with a bunch of strangers you picked up along the way who rarely get any development or agency in the story. I would take late game addition characters like Strago and Realm over Non-Characters like Guile and Funguy.

I wont be the guy who states that this is the "last good Square game" because I know those people exits, but I will say this certainly is a turning point for the company as a whole. Past this, I feel like their best work is when they do games with a tighter cast and they never truly re-capture the large ensemble magic again like they did with this.

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I suspect Guncon controls would not necessarily make those RE Playstation 1 & 2 Era games better. How would that even would? Would you move with the controller and have to grab the guncon every time a zombie showed up?

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I feel like It's weird for me to say this because I in no way have been really active when it comes to Giant Bomb as some others have been. Sure I have been around since near it's inception but I never took part much in the forums much.

But really the community of this site of people is a great one filled with many great people. My one hope is that continues. I have faith in the people that are still here and I will still be a lifelong fan of Jeff, Ryan, Brad, Vinny, Alex and all the other awesome people who helped build this site.

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