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  • bigsocrates posted a new blog.
    The aspect of Amico that fascinates me most is the "emperor has no clothes" effect

    I've been thinking about the intellivision Amico a lot recently. This is true much of the time, but specifically in the last week or so after the news came out that Atari had bought the original Intel...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.06.01. on the General Discussion board

    @chamurai: No. That was provoked by going to gaming Reddit and seeing how uncanny things have gotten there. Just a bunch of posts by bots that read like aliens trying to learn how to sound like humans...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Guess the Game Thread. on the General Discussion board

    I watch too much game Youtube#GuessTheGame #750🎮 🟥 🟥 🟨 🟩 ⬜ ⬜#MasterGamerhttps://GuessThe.Game/p/750

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.06.01. on the General Discussion board

    Not that it is particularly important but the Chicory blog is from January 2022. It got bumped, possibly by a bot or possibly a legit user, which is why I did not flag their post. I generally appreci...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic What's the Greatest Video Game: No Straight Roads. on the No Straight Roads board

    You probably think I'm going to bring up Mario 3D World here. HOW DARE YOU? I would never. I would never point out that you're claiming that No Straight Roads, a 70% on Metacritic, is many positions ...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Why are most generic anime arena fighters not as fun as power stone 1/2?. on the General Discussion board

    @cikame: Those games have a lot of commonalities but I wouldn't call them the same genre. That's like saying that Madden is the same genre as Tekken because you can play 1 on 1 competitive in both.I a...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Why are most generic anime arena fighters not as fun as power stone 1/2?. on the General Discussion board

    @judaspete: I don't think Powerstone was simple. It had simple controls because it was an arcade game but especially Powerstone 2 had very complex item lists and arena mechanics. It's a different kind...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Guess the Game Thread. on the General Discussion board

    @chamurai: It's an honor to be complimented by a #SupremeScreenshotSavant.

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Indie Game of the Week 372: Pumpkin Jack. on the Pumpkin Jack board

    I have to admit that you immediately got my hackles up comparing this game to Medievil. I guess I'm more comparing it to the remake than the original, which I've only played the demo of (though I did...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Guess the Game Thread. on the General Discussion board

    @spunkyhepanda: Statistically 1 and 2 are not the worst I've seen but I'm pretty sure 2 is trolling. I think the number of people who got it on 2 without knowing anything on 1 is miniscule, and most o...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @cornfed40: But why do Swerve and Ospreay at Forbidden Door (a PPV that's supposed to be about cross promotional matches) just to do a screwy finish to set up an entirely different feud? It's not the ...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Why are most generic anime arena fighters not as fun as power stone 1/2?. on the General Discussion board

    Because they're made for fan service not to be great games that have to sell on their own merits as games, and because the team that made Powerstone was incredible.I don't really think this is a diff...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    Ospreay Vs Strickland is such a weird matchup right now. Sure it's likely to be good in the ring but from a storytelling and momentum perspective it doesn't make sense. If you beat Strickland you kill...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Hey, look, Diablo 4 is better now. on the Diablo IV board

    @atheistpreacher: Most live service loot games these days do have some form of power creep (there are loot games that are just static) but they sometimes include upgrade paths for old stuff etc... It'...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Hey, look, Diablo 4 is better now. on the Diablo IV board

    @atheistpreacher: "It works fine while you get the new stuff" is the MMO expansion power creep issue. It's very rare for it to happen without an expansion being introduced. It's not a huge deal I gues...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Hey, look, Diablo 4 is better now. on the Diablo IV board

    Well I hadn't been but this post convinced me to give it another whirl. I liked the base game and story but didn't really enjoy the post game or seasonal content but it seems like they've made that s...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Guess the Game Thread. on the General Discussion board

    The autofill finally let me down in selecting which game it was in a franchise. I feel betrayed and I want my money back.#GuessTheGame #747🎮 🟥 🟨 🟩 ⬜ ⬜ ⬜#MasterGamerhttps://GuessThe.Game/p/747

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic May Mightiness. on the General Discussion board

    Reading a Mento post where there are non-Exploremer games AND not everything gets a 4/5 is very uncomfortable for me. I don't like change.A lot of these games are on my backlog too but I platinumed D...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Microsoft Finally Pulls The Trigger: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Will Be On Game Pass Day One. on the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 board

    @av_gamer: Seems unlikely, especially since they already announced it. The money is in the multiplayer (though zombies IS multiplayer, or at least can be). When they did Halo they put the multiplayer ...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @retris: I'm sorry but I can't agree. Copeland was jumping off a 15-foot cage on to a man wrapped in barbed wire (and some people think the barbed wire was what made him hesitate.) That's not a "regul...