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  • infantpipoc posted a new blog.
    Rage against the Beasts Part 2 or 2 Tech Warrior Ripley

    Movie review: AliensTwo Jane Fondas in oneThe 2 covers of books on Alien movies’ production by the late J W Rinzler seem very similar to each other as far as your truly is considered. Both feature Rip...

  • infantpipoc posted a new image.
  • infantpipoc posted a new image.
  • infantpipoc posted a new blog.
    Rage against the Beasts Part 1 or 2 Dinner Must Be Prepared!

    Movie review: AlienThe 4K releases for Alien and Alines. The third one and Resurrection would not be covered by this humble blogger at this time. Partially because I do not own home release of those. ...

  • infantpipoc posted a new image.
  • infantpipoc posted a new image.
  • infantpipoc posted a new image.
  • infantpipoc posted a new image.
  • infantpipoc posted a new image.
  • infantpipoc posted a new image.
  • infantpipoc posted a message in the forum topic Has this console generation (PS5/Xbox Series) floundered?. on the General Discussion board

    @bigsocrates said:Switch, which is arguably an all time great console. Doubtful that Deck would even a thing without Switch.

  • infantpipoc posted a new blog.
    Thirsty Thirteen Plus One On A Second Tour of the Underworld

    Some Japanese dub suggestions for Hade II based on its Early AccessThere are 2 official statements to make here: on the on hand, Supergaint Games is in the “bigger, badder” sequel business now; on the...

  • infantpipoc created a list The Platinum Melt-off Twenty Twenty-four.
  • infantpipoc wrote a review of Bayonetta 2.
    Near Perfect Organism

    (Save files says 6 hours 28 minutes and 41 seconds after the credits roll. Played on Switch in handheld mode with Japanese voice and text.)In some ways, SEGA published 2 Alien games in the spooky sea...

  • infantpipoc wrote a review of Bayonetta.
    Daughter of Sun and War

    (8 hours, 52 minutes and 38 seconds on the save file for New Game Plus, many Verses missed of course. Played on Switch in handheld mode with Japanese voice and text.)Allow me to lead with a secret of...

  • infantpipoc posted a message in the forum topic Hades II Early Access Discussion. on the Hades II board

    Did 2 runs so far. I would say the game is tuned as Hades' 1.0 release. I died to floor boss both times just like how Meg and only Meg kept killing Zag in the first one...

  • infantpipoc wrote a review of Astral Chain.
    The Melting Point for Precious Metal

    (Save file clocked at 20 hours, 38 minutes and 11 seconds after the end credits rolled. In handheld mode with Japanese voice and text. Played as a lad.)Playing Astral Chain made me think about why Hi...

  • infantpipoc wrote a review of NieR:Automata.
    Is it war this time?

    (Played in Japanese on Steam Deck. 36 hours, 59 minutes and 24 seconds to get Ending E on Normal at level 61 with 95% Quest done.)By the time I beat the closest thing NieR Automata has to a “fi...

  • infantpipoc posted a message in the forum topic That 60% of all console/PC game time going to older live service games story is kind of scary for gamers like me. on the General Discussion board

    Hello from mid-April, 2024. I only bought and played one new release of this year so far and it's called Persona 3 Reload. It would be reaching to call it half-new.

  • infantpipoc posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 04/15/24.

    @redfoxbennaton: Well, Persona 3 Reload, playable on 3 Xboxes, 2 Playstations and PC, shipped 3 mil within its first month. So 2 mil in a month was scary, especially given how much more expansive it w...