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GOTY 2020 Top 10

2020 has been one of the worst years in recorded human history, but luckily some good games still came out to provide some much needed distraction from the depression many people were faced. Here is my list of my best games of 2020.

Honorable Mentions

These are the couple of games that came close to making the list and overall should not be missed.

1. Genshin Impact: is a free-to-play, action-rpg that is very popular worldwide. It falls within the Gacha game category, meaning it encourages you to spend money, or at least that's what many people think. Its game design, art direction, soundtrack and overall presentation is heavily based on Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

However, I judge a good F2P game based on if you can enjoy it and progress through the game without spending money, and this game has that ability. However, this is the reason it doesn't make the list. While you can progress far in the game without opening your wallet, it requires a lot of grinding just to open up the next story mission by gaining adventure rank levels. This slows the game down a lot and even though many gameplay opportunities open up the higher your AR, which is kind of cool, it still feels like a grind. Other than that, its a very charming game with lots of cute characters and decent storylines.

2. Paper Mario: The Origami King: Has everything a good Paper Mario should have: Great art design, great soundtrack, great writing, great characters, which leads to a great story. The open world is also filled with many fun secrets you can uncover by using the new Origami based system of using confetti and other fun gadgets you collect. So what keeps the game off the list? The gameplay during combat. All the battles are puzzle based where you have to line up enemies so you can do the most damage to them. And the boss battles are like playing a board game with Mario moving across spaces where he can attack, gain powers ups and so forth. While both systems seem interesting at first, it quickly becomes tedious and makes me long for the simple turn based battle system of classic Paper Mario games. Otherwise, this game could have been an easy top 5 pick.

List items

  • Don't listen to the naysayers. Not only is this game better than the original, it is an achievement in storytelling, presentation, gameplay, and sound design. If you can open your mind and let go of your personal hang ups, you'll be in for a great gaming experience.

  • Simpy put, if you want an example of how you make a remake of a classic game, this game shows you how it's done. Everything you love about FFVII with an expanded story of the Midgar Arc. Better character development than in the original. Very well done remix of the original game's soundtrack. Great graphical presentation and gameplay to match. And an unexpected ending that could change everything, just like a great remake is suppose to do.

  • Hades is one of the best actions games to come out in years. Not only is the story, presentation, and soundtrack very well done. The amount of good dialogue in the game is amazing in itself. The gameplay is so addictive you'll find yourself not being able to put the controller down, even though you will die many times before you really get anywhere. Now that is something special.

  • This game is meant to be a showpiece for the PS5 and it delivers on that front. However, outside of that, Miles is a great addition to Marvel's Spiderman from the PS4. The world and gameplay is more of the same, but its the powerful story and well done pacing that grabs you. And if the ending is any indication, it's a great game that bridges between Spiderman and the upcoming Spiderman 2.

  • Atlus once again released an updated version to an already great game. And once again, the game is well worth replaying. The expanded story, better gameplay changes, and addition of interesting new characters makes the journey with the Phantom Thieves once again worth taking.

  • Even though this cute little platformer was meant just to show off the new DualSense controller for the PS5, the game is actually a very good platformer that pays tribute to Playstation's history. I for one found myself smiling at the many reveals and Easter eggs packed into this game.

  • Many people said it couldn't be done, that the SOR series and brawlers in general were dead. An old gaming genre that has faded into memory. Good thing a series of great brawlers have come out in the recent couple of years, and this game is one of the best. It stays faithful to the SOR concept, including a great soundtrack that changes with almost every battle encounter.

  • After hearing mixed opinions about the remake of RE3, one of my favorite in the series, I decided to give it a try. Glad I did, because it is a very well done remake. And like most good remakes, it doesn't do everything the original game did, but the stuff it does do is just as good and in some cases better. And even the multiplayer mode that was included is actually fun.

  • This might be the best Watch Dogs game in the series. Simply, because this game has gone beyond being a GTA clone with a hacking hook. In this game, the concept of the hacking has become the foundation of the gameplay, not just a concept like in the previous games. And as a result, the game is a blast to play. Infiltrating areas and using your skills to create havoc is a lot of fun. And controlling different characters you can recruit actually works towards the game benefit in making the hacking the main focus of the game. And the story is pretty good once you get into it.

  • Destiny 2 is not a 2020 game, but it did come out with an expansion that not only continues the storyline from the other expansions, but it also reworked and simplified a lot of things, almost making it like a new game. Many of the stuff in the original D2 is gone and replaced. Smart choices were made to make upgrading gear and weapons a lot easier and better. I could go on, but it results in a smart and very fun package that keeps the game alive for years to come. D2 is a great multitasking game.