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Average score of 174 user reviews

Pretty Disappointing 0

 If you never played the first MUA...or X-Men Legends...or X-Men Legends II, this is a hack-and-slash dungeon crawler where you take a group of 4 Marvel superheroes through a series of levels, killing a metric fuckton of enemies and finding a metric fuck-pound of collectibles. It's a very tried-and-true game style.Now, the first major concern about this game is that the long-time developer of these series isn't back for this game. Yup, Raven Software isn't involved at all. That's usually a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Batman is Finally Given the Game he Deserves 0

 Batman's history in gaming is, to be gentle, mixed. Like all DC Comics properties, his games have tended to suck. Not as bad as Superman (and, suffice to say, not nearly as bad as Aquaman), Batman's games have usually had little to do with the character himself and have just been tedious side scrollers with nothing really special about them.Rocksteady has taken its shot at this character whose games have tended to underwhelm (see Batman Begins on XBox/PS2). And they absolutely nailed it ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Avoid this Monstrosity 0

 Let's get the story out of the way: It's a convoluted tale of the old West set in a steampunk universe. Oh, and the Civil War lasted for 40 years due to new weaponry. It's probably the least bad part of the game.You play the, well, pitiable Hamilton Rourke, a veteran of the Civil War who is stuck inside of a revolution caused by the profiteering of a major corporation that has gained power over the country when he helped make the Civil War take 40 years.Now, the game is a third person sh...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Why Don't These Sell Better? 0

 The original Boom Blox was a critical darling, but not a sales powerhouse. Which is a shame as it is the best Wii game not called Mario Galaxy. The physics based gameplay was quite well executed and the cute visuals are family friendly while the gameplay is really quite complex and challenging.So, the question was begged when this game was announced: What can they add?Well, they have added something truly amazing: online level sharing. That, alone, makes this game significantly better.I ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

It's like a Really Terrible Version of Contra 0

 The movie is out in theatres and, well, looks like refried crap. The game is out in stores and is…well, we’ll discuss that in a moment.I have no idea how closely the game follows the plot of the movie. I haven’t seen it and, honestly, have zero desire to do so. But the game has you going through the jungle, arctic, desert, and some island with a massive weapon in pursuit of COBRA. I suppose it is comparable, in some way, to the classic Contra titles, but I suppose it’s damaged goods now ...

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It's a Kid's Movie Game. Do you Not Know How it will be? 0

 Based on the Disney movie of the same name that nobody will watch, you are a special agent gerbil sent to investigate a plant that builds appliances that have suddenly come to life and began attacking their owners. So, rather than send in, say, a SWAT Team or the like, they have a collection of tiny, again, GERBILS who are trained and intelligent enough to undetake the mission at a moment’s notice.You get to play as one of the agents, Darwin, or his fly sidekick, Mooch. Darwin is the “mu...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Unexpectedly Fun 0

 The last Fight Night game, for me, was the real beginning of the next generation. And with the studio behind the epic last game no longer in business (gee, thanks Def Jam: Icon!), there was some concern that the fourth game would be less impressive.EA definitely turned it over to competent hands as this game is still an eminently playable boxing game. The single player storyline is fairly lengthy and, well, devoid of story as you are an anonymous boxer who is trying to punch his way from...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

This is Really Bad 0

 This is a MUCH better game than the original game.This is what is constantly labeled as "damning with faint praise". The game is better than the last one, but games have improved much more since that time, so the original, which was merely sub-par, is supplanted by a better game that, by any comparison standard, is amongst the worst games released this year.The game certainly looks better. This no longer looks like an up-res'd PS2 game. It now just looks like an ugly and compressed 360 g...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Nice Return to the Movie Series 0

 The de facto third Ghostbusters movie is out, in game form. You are a new recruit of the Ghostbusters, whose job is primarily to test out new equipment. You have no name, but I actually like the way they explain it (you might die and they "don't want to get too close"). The game does pay homage to the two movies nicely, I'll say, but the second movie is basically retired to the sidelines for the most part. The only real major part of the game that involves that horrid little flick is your...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Sleeper Hit of 2009 0

 RF: G is a follow-up to two of my favorite FPS from last generation. The geo-mod gimmick was a decent selling point for the prior titles, but with clear issues (why can I only shoot through certain walls and not through others?), the games never achieved the lofty ambitions the developers had for it.Guerilla manages to hit their ambitions impressively. It is one of the most technically amazing games you'll ever see and a really enjoyable game to boot.You play Alex Mercer, who arrives on ...

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Waggle Hurts The Affair 0

 From the dustbin of the golden days, Nintendo unearths Little Mac and places him back in the ring to fight Mik...Mr. Sandman. Yeah, that's the ticket.Not going to lie, no Tyson killed this game for me. I never bought the non-Tyson re-release of the original classic and it's not like Tyson could be worth that much money.Nintendo has brought back Punch Out, slapped some waggle on it, and we now have their big release for the time being.For starters, as I said early on, this isn't the same ...

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Surprisingly Fun Spidey Title 0

 After the disaster that was Spider-Man 3 and the insultingly kiddy Spider-Man: Friend or Foe, we have a new Spider-Man game. In this one, Venom and a...well, shitload of symbiotes are taking over Manhattan. You are forced to help a wide array of people to try and deal with the symbiotes, with allies ranging from S.H..I.E.L.D to Kingpin. Now, the excellent web swinging mechanic is still in full effect. Swinging feels amazing. The feeling of speed is palpable. The combat has some combos, b...

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Fun...for a while 0

 I've finally had a chance to play this game. And as it is clear, the game has some faults. It is an amazing game, but it only works in short doses. Play more than an hour at a time and you will get tired of it. Stick to one area at a time and you'll have a blast.Madworld is another of the "dystopian bloodsport game" series, popularized by Smash TV (and performed excellently, but without great sales, by The Club). You are Jack and you are on Deathwatch, seeking to replace the people ranke...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Short...But Who'd Want it To Be Long? 0

 John Connor, the most pointless hero in the history of movies, is back again. And he's leading the fight against the machines again. Now, Terminator had the launch of their movie (which is apparently good) and had their TV series canceled (which is not good news), so I guess the game is the rubber match in this battle.Well, the game looks really good. The environments look suitably destroyed. And the characters all look really good and they animate wonderfully. The enemies lack variety -...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Aweome Game 0

 We're, of course, supposed to ignore the savage butchering of Wolverine's origin in this game, ironically titled X-Men Origins. The game takes place in the form of two separate, simultaneous campaigns: A mission in Africa and the escape from the Weapon X facility. I have no idea how closely it mirrors the movie's storyline, but one gets the feeling, early on, that Raven Software was looking to make a really good game first and any ties to the movie, while nice, weren't necessities.Wolveri...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Still Don't Know What They Want To Do With This 0

 A game that really SHOULD have had a tie-in with whatever the hell that brief ESPN football show was called, Blitz has continued demonstrating that Midway is miles away from their former pure short arcade titles and have embraced a game that lacks Madden's depth, but definitely has much more gore and markedly more smut.. Not saying it's bad...just different. I don't think the gameplay is nearly as good, but the campaign mode is more entertaining to play. All depends on what you're lookin...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Vietnam Still Means Bad Games 0

 Vietnam has managed to be a war without a game that was remotely entertaining attached to it. There have been several epic failures, but the games have been crap. And it's not like, say, the Civil War where the weaponry used doesn't correlate to a good game. Heck, if you took the Far Cry engine and made a Vietnam game based on that, you'd probably have something worth playing.The developers of Shellshock 2, well, DIDN'T do that. They made the usual shit Vietnam game that has rejected by ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

As Long As the Movie 0

 Wanted was one of my favorite movies of last year. A fast-paced and silly piece of top notch action. The game has taken a long time to come out, so it doesn't have the rub from the movie to help it out.I will say, for starters, this is one of the greatest examples of a rental. As a purchase, it's an incredibly poor idea. As a rental, it is one of the best rental titles out there.The game is short. On the medium difficulty, you'll beat the game in about 4 hours. On the highest, maybe 5 ho...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Total Mediocrity 0

 A game series that, apparently, sells but nobody seems to like and they seem to have multiple sequels released. Nobody seems to be able to explain WHY we've had more than a single Destroy All Humans game. You'd think that they got it all out of their system after the fairly tedious original. The first sequel wasn't terribly amazing and now we come to the first game on the 360. So, how does it work?The game is a decent platformer. It is, quite possibly, the definition of OK. It controls O...

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Funny Enough To Overcome Problems 0

 In one of the more original ideas, D3 publishes a game with a starring character who comes with his own back story. Matt was a long-time action game star throughout the 80's who made some poor games in the 90's (a kart racer killed his career) and is trying to launch a comeback. However, the developers aren't fans and are trying to kill him.Eat Lead is not a great game ... but it IS one of the funniest games made in years. Will Arnett did an amazing job as the lead character, a rather ja...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Vast Improvement Over the Original 0

 The original Godfather game was a good idea that had some serious issues with execution. The game dragged on far too long, the difficulty became a bit comical, and there was nothing much to do outside of the somewhat repetitive gameplay. Visually, it DID look better than the same game on previous generation consoles, but it wasn't terribly impressive.The sequel sought to correct the errors. Did it follow the real movie series and have a sequel that was better than the original?Actually, ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

First Good MK game since the 2d one 0

 In my never-ending attempts to get into fighting games, I tried yet another one. Street Fighter IV has the insane level of sheer depth of gameplay, Soul Caliber IV has the visual style and terrific single player gameplay, so what does MK v DCU bring to the table?I will admit that the storyline of the game is about as good as a patently retarded story involving Mortal Kombat characters crossing over to the DC universe. Not going to win any Pulitzer Prizes, to be sure, but it was actually ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Bit Too Easy 0

 Multiple WWE titles in a single year tends to concern me. I get unpleasant Crush Hour flashbacks and, man, NOBODY wants that.THQ decided to go for a slightly different path than they have taken for the venerable SD v RAW series. LoW is certainly more arcade-y in feel and, honestly, are "baby" easy. Easily the easiest wrestling game I've ever played. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it is hard to ignore that you can pretty easily win a match against ANYBODY in less than 2 minutes. I like ...

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Kinda Tedious 0

 Square, this generation, has been awfully shitty. Infinite Undiscovery was horrible and Last Remnant, honestly, wasn't appreciably better. So, I was, admittedly, a little concerned about Star Ocean.SO: TLH, however, is the best JRPG on the market. It beats out Tales of Vesperia and Eternal Sonata with room to spare. The biggest plus for the game is that there is, literally, ALWAYS something to do. You can pursue the main storyline missions if you'd so like to do so, but there are hundred...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

How Was This Good? 0

 OK, Bulletproof was shit. 50 Cent is a shit rapper. Nobody really gives a shit about G-Unit. There, all of the reality is out of the way, because we're going to discuss the new 50 Cent game, one of the most absurd storylines attached to one of the most fun action games in a while.You are, of course, 50 Cent and you completed a concert in a random Middle Eastern country and you were paid...with a crystal skull. Yes, a crystal skull.Well your skull quickly gets stolen and it's up to you an...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Pretty Good Fighting Game 0

 OK, I don't like fighting games to any appreciable degree. Guilty Gear was OK and I loved Marvel v Capcom, but the rest tends to be blah. Virtua Fighter is way outside of my wheel house and I've always thought I'd enjoy Mortal Kombat and I am always disappointed. Dead or Alive is just a bit embarrassing to play. And I did NOT like SF 2, played a little bit of 3, but did like Alpha a lot.SF IV is the newest entry into this series and, actually, it is kick-ass. A stunningly great fighter. ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Awesome Game 0

 The original F.E.A.R was one of the most brilliant shooters ever produced. The AI was amazing. True, the environments were a bit tedious --- corridor-mania was running WILD! --- but the game was one of the single most fun titles out there. Then, Monolith and their publisher had a bit of a falling out. F.E.A.R stopped being controlled by Monolith, so they created Project Origin. Then, F.E.A.R reverted back to Monolith and the name was placed back where it belongs. Monolith has become the ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Show Warrants Better Treatment 0

 I do not deny that I actually do enjoy the show. A surprisingly fun reality show. The game, however, is a mess.I know Sega made a fishing game for the Dreamcast that was a blast to play. This game does show how difficult it is to do it as the game is really pretty dull.However, it being dull is not the biggest problem. The game is buggy as can be and it's baffling considering the really bad physics and atrocious visuals.The game crashes frequently. The game runs unbelievably slowly, as i...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Buy It! 0

 This game is a near-direct port of the PSP collection last year, except with a LOT more games and a surprising level of extras. This is, quite possibly, the single best collection of old games I've ever had the joy of playing. It's always easy to forget just how amazing some of the Genesis titles were. Visually, it won't blow minds, but some of the games are just much better than they have any right to appear on the somewhat under-powered console. Vectorman is still great to look at and ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A little Repetitive, but Replayable to an Extreme 0

 OK, Valve is up there with Blizzard for the best developers on the planet and able to determine whatever their release schedule is going to end up being. L4D is one of the most enjoyable concepts for a game. You are one of the 4 survivors of the zombie apocalypse. It is a B zombie movie that you can play. The 4 characters you can play are thoroughly interchangeable. So, there are allegedly no benefits of playing one character or the other (though, when I'm not Zoey, she always plays the ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Epic Improvement over the Original 0

 The original game in this series wowed me initially, but after some time, I got tired of even looking at it. So, with a bit of trepidation, I decided to finally play GoW 2. This is MS's second big franchise and an epic money-maker. But, is it all that much fun to play?Shockingly, yes. It really is a lot of fun to play.The story is...well,  to be honest. Cliffy B and the guys don't seem to have any ability to tell a story --- they even hired a rather reputable writer for the original game ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Bit Easy, but Wow It's Fun 0

 The Prince series returns after an epic rebirth in the previous generation. Dumping the emo nonsense that was the only real issue with the last gen series, Ubi takes the Prince back to his roots. Though, in this case, the prince is more of a vagabond, who is looking for his missing donkey that is laden with gold. He runs into Elika, a princess and wizard who is out to remove the corruption from her land that has taken over much of the land physically and taken over many of the people.The...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

WTH? 0

 Guilty Gear 2 has been released pretty much under the radar. Well, true, the fighting series hasn't been a top-tier series to date, but they always seemed to be enjoyable 2-D fighting games. Not on the level of Street Fighter, but better than most of the other fighting games out there. I can also appreciate a developer's desire to try and branch out their franchise to different genres, but these moves tend to be laden with potholes. When the ONLY remotely successful attempt at this was MK...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Sorta Boring/ 0

 Even though Bond games have appeared on almost every platform in gaming history, it was the N64's Goldeneye that really cemented it as a potentially powerful game brand. Now, while that game has aged about as poorly as a game can age (but isn't it odd that the first good console FPS...was on a Nintendo console?), it's still the benchmark every developer is aiming for. They've tried to not go FPS (Tomorrow Never Dies and Everything or Nothing) and it was, to be gentle, horrible. They trie...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A True Must Play 0

 2008 was actually a pretty good year for IP. 360's best IP, by most accounts, was this title. Dead Space is published by EA, who is, simultaneously, the most innovative AND repetitive of developers.In Dead Space, you're engineer Isaac Clarke who is trying to locate his missing love on a basically-dead spaceship. When you and your party land, you learn that the ship is laden with aliens who are mean and, in a bit of a change, a bit resistant to head shots. To kill most of them, a head sh...

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Sick of It 0

 After the massive success that was Modern Warfare, Treyarch takes the reigns of the Call of Duty franchise --- I believe for the final time --- and they bring us back to the glory days of World War II. And since there isn't really a heck of a lot left to do games about, this is, basically, the end of the war. You play as Russian and American troops who are seeking to both take down Berlin AND Okinawa.Now, for many, the return to WW II is a bit of a letdown, but a well-made game is good n...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Ugh 0

 It is a bit of a tragedy that boxing has had such a hard time. There have been a lot of games made about it, but few have been excellent. The 360 was the home for one of them, Fight Night Round 3. Now, Don King has licensed his name --- I know, King selling his name? Shocker! --- for a new boxing title for the 360. Does it work?Briefly, no. In a lengthier review, sweet lord no. This is up there with Ring King in the annals of horrible boxing games. A review of the game is more easily exp...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Great Time To Be Sure 0

 It's no secret that the Wii's game line-up has been lacking. Not mind-blowing by any means whatsoever. However, they do some get of the most random awesome titles out there. Boom Blox was one game. de Blob is another one.This game is, in every sense of the word, a Wii game. Nintendo consoles tend to attract these family-friendly games with unlikely mascots that have tons of depth if one chooses to really pursue it. In the world of de Blob, the INKT Corporation has taken over a city and h...

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Gamecock Was Terrible 0

 In an attempt to make up for the truly horrible Turning Point, The Spark, along with their publisher Gamecock (hoping to make up for the much-maligned Hail to the Chimp) released Legendary, a FPS where you play the role of an art thief who unleashes mythological creatures by accidentally opening Pandora's Box. Not a bad premise.Sadly, the game is crap. Pure crap. Unadultered crap. I've seen less crap in a Mexican restaurant after a salmonella outbreak. At this point, the world would be ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Amazing Open Level Title 0

 This has been a rather good year for open world games. Mercenaries 2 was, for me, a lot of fun. GTA 4 finally hit and sold pretty darned well. Now, we get Saints Row making a return. SR1 was viewed as a fun, but rather blatant, rip-off of GTA.Well, it's still a carbon copy. This game is, basically, GTA in all but name. It's not as pretty and the characters aren't A defined and, overall, it's not as GOOD a game as GTA IV --- but I'll argue it's more FUN.At the end of the last game, there ...

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