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Telling someone to "squeeze, not pull" the trigger of a gun is advice for trigger control. Trigger control is an important skill in shooting. "Pulling" the trigger refers to jerking it too quickly (usually due to unregulated anticipation), which can throw the shooter's aim significantly off target. I've never heard professional firearms instructors use that simplified phrase; instead they say something like "apply smooth and continuous pressure to the trigger until the sudden break." But it's easier to remember and say "squeeze, don't pull," so that phrasing has been circulating long enough to become a cliche, which popular media trades in.

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#2  Edited By Savage

Life is Strange or Phoenix Wright.

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EA released the oldest C&C games as freeware a few years ago. There are fan-made installers, patches, etc. to make the games work on modern systems like Win 10 and add new online multiplayer. Tiberian Sun with everything you need is available here. The patcher for Red Alert 2 with Yuri's Revenge is available here, but you'll need to have installed your own copy of the game from whatever source.

Also worth mentioning that the official C&C Remaster comes out on June 5, but it only includes the original C&C and Red Alert 1.

I played through the entire campaigns of Tib Sun, RA2, and their expansion packs 6 months ago--those games are still lots of fun!

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Valkyrie Profile > Xenogears > Vagrant Story

1. Valkyrie Profile - It took me some time to come to love this game. Back in the day, I borrowed my roommate's PS1 copy, played through it once on Normal, and got the normal ending. I liked it quite a bit, but it didn't leave a huge lingering impression on me beyond being a quirky stylish JRPG. Years later, I had a sudden craving to revisit the game, so I tracked down a copy for myself and got way into it. After finishing it four more times and mastering everything about the game, it's now in my extended list of favorite games of all time.

Valkyrie Profile is kind of a collection of parts more than a cohesive whole, which is highlighted by its multiple difficulty settings, which determine what dungeons, items, party members, and endings are available. Some of its systems are obtuse, especially with regard to story revelations, which are easier to appreciate once you're on the other side of understanding them. The developers intended for players to play the game multiple times. Each time through you experience partially different content (per difficulty), you can use your previous knowledge to further optimize your exploitation of the game's progression systems, you have a chance to puzzle out the key to the best ending, and it's a pretty short game by RPG standards (10-30 hours). That said, it's perfectly reasonable to reference a FAQ, especially to figure out how to get the best ending.

Overall, it's not a hard game to beat or to have fun with, despite being a bit of an acquired taste. The beautiful spite art and catchy eclectic soundtrack have obvious appeal. The gameplay is unusually active for a JRPG, with fighting game-like combos to execute in battle and puzzle-platforming to perform in dungeons. The game has some great story moments, especially in the tragic backstories of party members, and it's got lots of charm (even the bad 90s voice acting, which could honestly be much worse, given the era, has some cheesy appeal). Lastly, it's got some of my favorite atmosphere in any game I've played--the melancholy is sublime--and I love the juxtaposition of a world decaying into all-encompassing hopelessness with Valkyrie rolling through blindly and dutifully kicking the ass of anyone standing in the way of her divine mission.

2. Xenogears - This game is a quintessential product of the second half of the 90s when new technology like CDs rewrote the boundaries of what was possible in digital entertainment and anime like Evangelion showed there was a big market for ambitious pseudo-sophisticated pop sci-fi. With the creative limits seemingly lifted, many creators optimistically pushed as far as they could. Xenogears was one of these projects, where its ambition massively outstripped its means, and it ran headlong into time and money constraints. It's probably a minor miracle it was even released at all.

I kind of love the game as a vision, but only mildly like it in reality. Very little in the gameplay, story, or presentation resonated with me emotionally, to my disappointment. No doubt there's good stuff here, but I feel the best of it was left in the realm of theoretical potential. I think you have to be very forgiving to get a lot out of Xenogears today.

3. Vagrant Story - I haven't played much of this because I didn't particularly enjoy any of what I did play. If you like other games by Matsuno like Final Fantasy Tactics or Ogre Battle and are open to highly unconventional/obtuse battle systems, then this game might click for you.

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I wonder if the number of votes cast this year is lower than the number cast last year. It seems many people missed the opportunity to vote this time around.

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This thread is a bit of a mess of misunderstandings. Previous GB GOTY content, including winners, were leaked because of what MerxWorx01 said: the staff put the videos up on the web directory, without restricting access to them, so anyone who could guess the file naming convention (which was not hard) could pull up all the videos many days before they were meant to be publicly available. OP seems to be asking the GB staff to remember to restrict access to the videos until the proper times when they're meant to go public.

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Either Dark Souls or Dota 2. Both permanently changed my tastes in games and the way I play and look at games. I spent more than 1000 hours with each, and they're each ingrained in my memory as deeply as any game I've ever played.

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Next year is so stacked it's genuinely difficult to keep track of the huge amount of good looking games. Here's a few more that didn't make the poll:

  • Desperados III
  • Project Sakura Wars
  • Prodeus
  • Wrath: Aeon of Ruin (leaving Early Access)
  • Hades (leaving Early Access)
  • Long Gone Days (leaving Early Access)
  • Factorio (leaving Early Access)
  • Persona 5 Royal
  • Persona 5 Scramble
  • 13 Sentinels
  • Iron Harvest
  • Command & Conquer remasters
  • Streets of Rage 4
  • Torchlight Frontiers
  • GTFO
  • Necrobarista
  • Impostor Factory

More speculative releases:

  • Baldur's Gate III
  • Serious Sam 4
  • System Shock 3
  • Shin Megami Tensei V

Despite all that, I can't help but vote for FFVII Remake.