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    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Sep 14, 2021

    A first person shooter with the goal to exit the loop by killing eight targets.

    Do you think Microsoft will add content to Deathloop when it comes to Xbox and Gamepass? Are you buying now or waiting?

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    Deathloop is half off for Black Friday sales and I'm tempted. It's a game I have interest in and $30 seems like a fair price. The problem is that my understanding is that it has timed exclusivity for PlayStation and considering that Microsoft is the publisher, it's unlikely that's going to be extended. Do you think they will just port it to Xbox and release it next year when exclusivity is up, or maybe add something to the Xbox version to make a "Director's Cut" or whatever so that Xbox has the superior version? Psychonauts 2 came out on both PlayStation and Xbox, and while the versions have feature parity, the PS5 version is just the PS4 game in backcompat mode, while the Series version is native and has faster loading times.

    What do people think Microsoft will do with Deathloop and if you have both PS5 and Xbox how are you treating this odd situation where a game from one first party comes out on the competitor's system first?

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    I think Microsoft will definitely want it. While I personally really disliked the game in the end, it is appearing on all kinds of GOTY lists so it's sort of a no-brainer for Microsoft if they can get it. I wouldn't underestimate them throwing it up on GamePass either since that would be a big name game to entice people into that service.

    As someone who does own both systems, the exclusivity thing generally boils down to the length of time for the exclusivity and whether I know if the title is coming to GamePass. If it is, I'm extremely likely to wait. Assuming it's a game I know I'm going to play, there's no reason to spend $70 on it at launch for the PS5 when I can get it for the cost of the GamePass subscription down the road.

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    @therealturk: What do you mean "If they can get it?"

    Microsoft owns Arkane Studios. It's also a first party game so I would be shocked if it were not Game Pass day 1 when the exclusivity window is up.

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    Just because it got mentioned, I know there was some talk about Psychonauts 2 getting a native Xbox update that PS5 didn't get, but as someone who played the first half of that game on PS4 and the second on PS5: it still looks, runs and loads far better on PS5 than PS4. It's actually still quite stark when you see the two side by side (maybe the system-level HDR has something to do with this as well).

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    @nodima: I didn't mean to imply that it was somehow intentionally gimped for PS5 or that the SSD and faster processing speed wouldn't lead to faster loading, but the Xbox version loads twice as fast. The PS4/5 version is by all accounts fine, and 7 seconds faster loading is hardly earth shattering, but it does show that Microsoft isn't afraid to play a little bit of favoritism.

    Of course Psychonauts was a simultaneous release so otherwise there's feature parity. Here there's going to be a year's difference so you could see them doing something like a Director's Cut or adding other features to the game. Nothing major but enough to make it superior. It happens all the time even when it's not a first party game but just a later port. I just don't know how likely that is here, and whether it's worth waiting for it.

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    i don't think so because the game will still feel short.

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    #7  Edited By Nodima

    @bigsocrates: No worries, I just vividly remember coming back to that game on the new console expecting essentially the same experience as if I were playing it on PS4, like I was playing Night in the Woods or Ruiner or whatever but the differences felt pretty stark. To the point I had to double back and confirm there wasn't some kind of work done on the game to take advantage of the PS5 outside the general CPU/GPU power upgrades. It's been fun seeing how often that feeling creeps up - Civilization VI is another one that I really didn't expect any tangible difference for but it almost feels like a brand new game!

    Edit: Anyway, as for Deathloop, I've done probably 1/5th of it so far but I think its structure does have the potential to be, if not a game as a service, at the very least something Arkane could easily plug DLC into as part of the main game loop or just extra content to toy around with afterward. I think it'd be pretty conservative of them/Microsoft to not have something substantial and tantalizing available for their Xbox audience next year.

    Then again, if it winds up sweeping a ton of Game of the Year categories as the press seems poised to do, perhaps just tossing that on Gamepass and calling it a day would be seen as victory enough.

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    #8  Edited By prolurker

    If it was Dishonored 3 then I would've bought it at launch, Deathloop looks good, but I'll just wait patiently until it comes to gamepass. I'm still getting through GTA san andreas, AoE 4, new halo, and I hope to complete Arkham Origins by xmas.

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    I loved Deathloop and played it from start to finish exhausting more or less every little clue and whilst I would love some DLC, I just don't see what it should be? No point in adding more bosses, no need for more guns or trinkets. A new place? I don't really see what it would add.

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    @hellbrendy: There's always more stuff to add. You may think there's no "need" for more guns and trinkets but of course you can always add that stuff. You can add director's commentary for a second playthrough or extra areas or just a side story with other characters etc... Sometimes you think you don't "need" these things, and you don't, but they can still be cool and add value or at least perceived value.

    I think Ori and the Blind Forest was pretty complete when launched and Microsoft released a definitive edition with some extra areas and moves. They weren't necessary but they were...fine. They didn't detract from the game.

    Deathloop was also just patched to improve NPC behavior so you could just make improvements like that, fancy up the graphics a little, whatever.

    That's sort of what I'm wondering. Will they go all out and add a whole new substory or something substantial or will they just add a couple weapon skins or whatever and call it a day? Or maybe they'll do nothing and just pop that sucker on Game Pass and then go all out for a sequel or spiritual sequel or whatever the studio does next.

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    #11  Edited By wardcleaver

    While I also think $30 is a fair price for the PS5 version, I will probably wait until it releases on Series X in a less than a year. It looks interesting, and I really liked the Dishonored games , however the mixed reaction to Deathloop makes me think I should probably see if it comes to Game Pass. As this is technically a MS 1st party game now, I would be surprised if it didn't come to Game Pass on day one.

    I can see releasing a "Director's Cut" on the MS platforms, however I am not sure what that would be. Maybe I missed it, but I haven't heard any talk about DLC for the PS5 version.

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    I would guess that it'll have some extras when it comes to Game Pass. If they wanted to save some good will, it might be stuff that's made available everywhere, but "free" on Game Pass. That's a bit of a layup to loyal Xbox/Game Pass customers, while maintaining the good will they've built up among gamers the last several years. I really want to play Deathloop but I'm most likely going to wait until it's on GP unless I'm out of other things to play which is very unlikely.

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    It depends on if they want to keep selling it, or just toss it up on gamepass and have the studio move on to there next Xbox exclusive game. If they want to keep selling it, asking people $60 for a year old game with no new content is a hard sell, they would have to drop it to ~$30 for people not to make a fuss. I noticed a trend with Sony has been doing it with a few titles here and there as of late. After a period of time after the price for there games drop, they take the old version off sale and keep the price at $60-$70 as a directors cut with more content to justify the price.

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    It's Microsoft, you absolutely know I will. I had this thought the moment after Microsoft bought Zenimax Bethesda for nearly $8 Billion dollars.

    What's more, I don't think ANY of the future output from Bethesda et al. will be multiplat (no, I don't consider "PC" a different platform considering Microsoft has a monopoly on gaming PC OS... until someone makes Linux a viable threat).

    Oh, they'll throw Sony and Nintendo a few bones, like Skyrim: Microsoft Edition / Anniversary Edition, but that's just to keep Bethesda games on gamers minds, or to serve existing games that print money for MS / Bethesda.

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    I just want them to make it into the game that everybody else loved, because I finished Deathloop and was incredibly disappointed by it. Definitely my least favorite Arkane game. I want to see the game that everybody else saw. Maybe I really want Microsoft to fix me.

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    #17  Edited By noboners

    Based on Arkane's track record for making some sort of DLC for both the Dishonoreds and Prey, I would be shocked if they didn't have some sort of DLC that will be free for Gamepass but cost $25 otherwise. I think it's possible that a Mooncrash style DLC would work really well in Deathloop.

    I bought the game new on PS5 though since I love Arkane and wanted something to play on the PlayStation, but would gladly play it again for free* on PC with Ray tracing and stuff

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    With the knowledge that Microsoft owns Bethesda, I just assume it's going to end up on Game Pass at some point, likely the day their exclusivity contract with Sony is up. That's the only reason why I held off on buying it.

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