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    EA is one of the largest publisher/developers in the video game industry.

    Why do people hate EA so much?

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    #1  Edited By jakob187

    I think this is a timeless argument, and one that obviously has no end.  However, I figure - WHY THE HELL NOT?

    I want to present a list to you all:

    Road Rash
    Road Rash II
    Mutant League Football
    Jungle Strike
    Soviet Strike
    Desert Strike
    Freedom Fighters
    007: Everything or Nothing
    Crysis: Warhead
    Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
    Battlefield 1942
    Battlefield 2
    Battlefield 2142
    Burnout Revenge
    Skate or Die!
    Ultima Online
    Knockout Kings
    Fight Night
    Rock Band
    Need for Speed
    Command & Conquer
    Black & White
    System Shock 2
    Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

    These guys have released TONS upon TONS of quality games, and many which became successful franchises.  I didn't include any sports games as whether you like sports or not can be a very subjective thing.  I don't really like sports, but I love the Tiger Woods series.

    Meanwhile, the company has been signing off on plenty of original IPs lately, including Mirror's Edge, DeadSpace, the Crysis series, Spore...and top that off with some of their latest studio acquisitions, like BioWare, Pandemic, Criterion, Crytek, Mythic...

    Face it, folks.  You can complain about "oh, EA milks franchises and licenses and that's it", but the fact is that EA DOES put out a ton of quality games and has for a VERY long time.  Yes, they have put out some bad games...and few companies can claim that they haven't.  Also, many of the games that EA has put out may only be from a publishing standpoint most of the time.

    People, give it up.  EA is not a bad company, no matter how you want to paint it.
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    #2  Edited By Vinchenzo

    Because their games suck, except for the occasional stand-out (e.g. Rock Band).

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    #3  Edited By Arkthemaniac

    EA consumes other companies. Sure, the dictator on the corner gives you free bread once in a while, but he's still a dictator.

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    #4  Edited By CactusWolf

    EA eats small children.

    That's why.

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    #5  Edited By ColMustard

    they hate because no one likes the rich kid with all the toys.

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    #6  Edited By Jayge_

    They destroyed companies, rehash games to death, produce shitty sports games, leave people out of credits, manipulate the press heavily, have monopolist policies, are generally an evil corporation (like all the rest) and they can burn in hell. Plus, they have no quality control, which is funny because they axe Tiberium but put out something like Mercs 2.

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    #7  Edited By kush

    Because they are the big company and thus everyone thinks it's cool to hate them and that they are only looking to make money and no other company is doing that at all (obvious BS) the same way people love to hate MS. I don't hate them.

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    #8  Edited By Jigen

    Their customer service is dismal to this day.  Buying the NFL license and pumping out Madden games for a long time.

    When you start bringing up stuff like Black, Crysis, Black & White, and licensed games of course there are a lot of people that think (rightfully so) that those games aren't so great either.

    However, they have been doing better recently.  The free Burnout Paradise & Battlefield Bad Company content, upcoming titles that look great like Dead Space & Mirror's Edge...

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    #9  Edited By MetalGearSunny

    The question is why don't people hate Activision?

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    #10  Edited By jakob187

    Forgot to put Battlefield Bad Company on that list up there as well.  Also forgot SSX, SSX Tricky, and SSX3.

    As for "most of those games were just published by EA"...actually, most of those games were made by a studio that EA either owned or their own internal studios.  =  D  There are only a couple on that list...about 3 I believe...that would be otherwise.

    So every answer I see is basically "EA is the devil"...and yet, for some reason, I hear nothing about the games.  Oh, there's one comment saying "they rehash games to death".  Really?

    Obviously, part of this points at their sports games.  Well, here's a question I have to ask you:  what the fuck do you want them to do?  Change the rules of the NFL?  The NBA?  Want them to put rocket packs on the players' backs?  They are restrained with what they are even allowed to do.  Besides, name another sports franchise outside of EA that even tried to capture what the brands were before they became exclusive.  What, 2K Games?  They had lower-end graphics, ridiculous scores during their games (I could score 150 points without trying!!!)...and moreover, budget prices.  If I was the NFL, I wouldn't want to be considered a budget pricer, and moreover, 2K used ESPN NFL 2K5 as a way of starting a war against EA.  If you wanna blame anyone for the NFL going exclusive to EA, it should be 2K taking the blame on that one.  They were fucking the NFL out of money.

    Show of hands:  how many of you play NFL 2K5 still?
    Show of hands again:  how many of you play All Pro Football 2K8?
    Show of hands YET again:  how many of you think there will be an All Pro 2K9?

    Thought so.

    Therefore, I wish people would stop using their sports franchises as a way of saying "all they do is rehash games".  You can't really do much to change them.  The most you can honestly do is add a few more plays, change the animations up, get it looking closer to the real thing, and work on the AI.  That's about it.  Update the rosters.  Tiger Woods, sure, you get some more freedom

    So...does anyone have any REAL reasons other than "they consume companies"?!  ZOMFG, THEY CONSUME GOOD COMPANIES!!!  SUCH A BAD THING!!!  How dare someone give a good development house a good budget to make good games?  That's just blasphemous, right?!  I mean, God forbid they throw money at BioWare or Mythic.  Hell, THEY LET MYTHIC GO 3 YEARS IN DEVELOPMENT...kept throwing money their that Mythic could make the best game they can!!!  They never once rushed Crysis, did they?  Black & White?  Did they try to force Peter to throw an unfinished game on the shelves?  Black?!

    You people are nuts.  That's what I think.  You see a big corporate logo and say "bad bad bad"...then buy their games and say "good good good".
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    #11  Edited By Megalon

    I guarantee most of these EA haters play hella EA games. Sure there are examples of them doing not so cool stuff, but who cares? They make or are associated with a lot of really good games, and we would be playing much shittier games overall if they weren't around. 

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    #12  Edited By Jayge_
    jakob187 said:
    "Forgot to put Battlefield Bad Company on that list up there as well.

    That game is complete ass and is a disservice to the Battlefield franchise.
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    #13  Edited By Jigen
    Jayge said:
    "jakob187 said:
    "Forgot to put Battlefield Bad Company on that list up there as well.

    That game is complete ass and is a disservice to the Battlefield franchise."
    dcpc10 said:
    "Jayge said:
    "jakob187 said:
    "Forgot to put Battlefield Bad Company on that list up there as well.

      disservice to the Battlefield franchise."
    Now THIS is true, anyone that played the previous battlefield games on the PC would know this."
    Ugh, have you guys played the game?  I played BF1942, Vietnam & 2, and BFBC is a damn fine game as well.  It's fairly different in some ways, but a great game.
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    #14  Edited By brukaoru

    I hate any company that thinks it's justified in taking staff credits out of their games.

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    #15  Edited By Jayge_
    Jigen said:
    "Ugh, have you guys played the game?  I played BF1942, Vietnam & 2, and BFBC is a damn fine game as well.  It's fairly different in some ways, but a great game."
    Ugh, I totally have? You're probably a kid who thinks Unreal Tournament 3 was a worthy addition to the series, too.
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    #16  Edited By Jigen
    Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Ugh, have you guys played the game?  I played BF1942, Vietnam & 2, and BFBC is a damn fine game as well.  It's fairly different in some ways, but a great game."
    Ugh, I totally have? You're probably a kid who thinks Unreal Tournament 3 was a worthy addition to the series, too."
    Why would you assume such a thing?  UT3 = crap, BFBC = great game.  UT99 is still the best in that series.  I haven't heard too many people consider BFBC to be a bad game.  Care you explain what you didn't like about it?
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    #17  Edited By jakob187
    brukaoru said:
    "I hate any company that thinks it's justified in taking staff credits out of their games."
    I will say that practices like that aren't cool, and there was a block of time that they did not exactly treat their employees well...and now that John's at EA, you see a lot of great changes.
    Nonetheless, doesn't mean they don't make tons of good games.

    As for the BFBC comments:  I played 1942 hardcore until DC came out, played that until BF2 came out (and in between, fiddled around with Vietnam some).  BF2 consumed my soul for about a year of hardcore play, then I moved on to some other games (namely WoW).  2142 actually made me QUIT PLAYING WoW for quite a while until EA Link and EA Downloader stopped working with our SmartLaunch and Daemon Tools, causing us to uninstall the game and make me almost cry.

    I'm a hardcore BF fan.  BFBC is a great game.  The single player was actually a SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN STORY instead of UT-styled "hey, let's just put the maps in the single player and have you play those", and the multiplayer had the same pacing as BF on PC, but with a more stream-lined setup.  So for anyone to say that Bad Company sucked...they must not have played the game at all.  =  /
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    #18  Edited By Jayge_
    Jigen said:
    "Why would you assume such a thing?  UT3 = crap, BFBC = great game.  UT99 is still the best in that series.  I haven't heard too many people consider BFBC to be a bad game.  Care you explain what you didn't like about it?"
    You can't go prone, the squad mechanics are dumbed down to the extreme, the destruction gameplay is bland and overrated, the classes themselves are totally unbalanced, the gametype is totally uninspired, the maps require no strategy and the entire command structure set up in BF2 was ruined. Overall, it was a step backwards in terms of advancing the large-scale tactical gameplay of Battlefield 2 and what amounts to a console dumb-down for the series that needed absolutely nothing of the sort.

    jakob187 said:
    "brukaoru said:
    "I hate any company that thinks it's justified in taking staff credits out of their games."
    I will say that practices like that aren't cool, and there was a block of time that they did not exactly treat their employees well...and now that John's at EA, you see a lot of great changes.
    Nonetheless, doesn't mean they don't make tons of good games.
    John Richitealkjoillo or whatever his name is? That guy is a straight up douchebag with no idea what he's talking about. Every time I see him quoted I cringe.
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    #19  Edited By Megalon

    Jayge FTW, couldn't agree more.

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    #20  Edited By Jigen
    Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Why would you assume such a thing?  UT3 = crap, BFBC = great game.  UT99 is still the best in that series.  I haven't heard too many people consider BFBC to be a bad game.  Care you explain what you didn't like about it?"
    You can't go prone, the squad mechanics are dumbed down to the extreme, the destruction gameplay is bland and overrated, the classes themselves are totally unbalanced, the gametype is totally uninspired, the maps require no strategy and the entire command structure set up in BF2 was ruined. Overall, it was a step backwards in terms of advancing the large-scale tactical gameplay of Battlefield 2 and what amounts to a console dumb-down for the series that needed absolutely nothing of the sort.

    jakob187 said:
    "brukaoru said:
    "I hate any company that thinks it's justified in taking staff credits out of their games."
    I will say that practices like that aren't cool, and there was a block of time that they did not exactly treat their employees well...and now that John's at EA, you see a lot of great changes.
    Nonetheless, doesn't mean they don't make tons of good games.
    John Richitealkjoillo or whatever his name is? That guy is a straight up douchebag with no idea what he's talking about. Every time I see him quoted I cringe."
    From actually having played the game, if they let people go prone, that would suck.  It's hard enough finding snipers without them being nearly invisible.  The squad mechanics in BF2 were dumb, IMO, the worst thing BFBC does is not allow you to warn your entire team.  The destruction gameplay is great & adds a lot to the infantry gameplay.  What specific problems did you have with the classes, because I think they're pretty great, even if the way they play out is odd sometimes.  The game has conquest now, but I think goldrush is fine too, what's 'uninspired' about it?  The maps require plenty of strategy, wtf are you talking about?  There's a lot more depth to these maps than any of BF2's...

    I dunno I feel strongly that you haven't played the game after your comments, you're not really making points as much as saying things that aren't true.
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    #21  Edited By Jigen
    Megalon said:
    "Jayge FTW, couldn't agree more."
    According to your gamertag, you don't even own the game...  This is the sort of crap I'm talking about, probably only played the demo?
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    #22  Edited By CactusWolf
    Jayge said:
    John Richitealkjoillo...
    I get the feeling that's not how it's spelled.
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    #23  Edited By Jayge_
    Jigen said:
    "From actually having played the game, if they let people go prone, that would suck.  It's hard enough finding snipers without them being nearly invisible.  The squad mechanics in BF2 were dumb, IMO, the worst thing BFBC does is not allow you to warn your entire team.  The destruction gameplay is great & adds a lot to the infantry gameplay.  What specific problems did you have with the classes, because I think they're pretty great, even if the way they play out is odd sometimes.  The game has conquest now, but I think goldrush is fine too, what's 'uninspired' about it?  The maps require plenty of strategy, wtf are you talking about?  There's a lot more depth to these maps than any of BF2's...

    I dunno I feel strongly that you haven't played the game after your comments, you're not really making points as much as saying things that aren't true."
    Yes, my opinion differs from yours, so I obviously haven't played the game. It comes down to this: from everything you've said, you don't even seem to understand the depth that was built into BF:2 or even BF:2142. You support its dumbing down because of that, and apparently didn't grasp or just don't have the capacity to fathom any of my other points anyway, so my argument is moot because of that. I'm dropping this now. Back to the "EA as a company" talk.
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    #24  Edited By jakob187
    Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Why would you assume such a thing?  UT3 = crap, BFBC = great game.  UT99 is still the best in that series.  I haven't heard too many people consider BFBC to be a bad game.  Care you explain what you didn't like about it?"
    You can't go prone, the squad mechanics are dumbed down to the extreme, the destruction gameplay is bland and overrated, the classes themselves are totally unbalanced, the gametype is totally uninspired, the maps require no strategy and the entire command structure set up in BF2 was ruined. Overall, it was a step backwards in terms of advancing the large-scale tactical gameplay of Battlefield 2 and what amounts to a console dumb-down for the series that needed absolutely nothing of the sort.

    jakob187 said:
    "brukaoru said:
    "I hate any company that thinks it's justified in taking staff credits out of their games."
    I will say that practices like that aren't cool, and there was a block of time that they did not exactly treat their employees well...and now that John's at EA, you see a lot of great changes.
    Nonetheless, doesn't mean they don't make tons of good games.
    John Richitealkjoillo or whatever his name is? That guy is a straight up douchebag with no idea what he's talking about. Every time I see him quoted I cringe."

    1.  You can't go prone, that's right.  Didn't know that you needed to go prone in a game that wants to keep you on your feet.  That's why...
    2.  ...the destruction gameplay was implemented.  Gold Rush mode was made to PREVENT camping out in one place all the damn time...and it's genius.
    3.  Squad mechanics are dumbed down...because there aren't 108 keys on the 360 or PS3 controllers.  Therefore, what they did was offered up a way for you to be automatically set up in a squad and still spawn up.  Would I like it to be more extensive?  Sure.  Do I mind that it isn't?  No.
    4.  Game type is uninspired?  They took what Frontlines did, then did it better.  Moreover, again, I point out that this game type keeps you moving ALL THE TIME, and if you aren't, then all the people you play are retarded and probably just pick-up games.
    5.  Maps require plenty of strategy, because if you got a guy sitting back with a rocket launcher shooting out the crate, you gotta get back there, and with the multiple ways to do so, there's a guy with a gun around any corner.  If there isn't, someone can easily blow a hole out of a building and make a way to see you.
    6.  Command structure was ruined?  Yeah, because let me tell you...I love how BF2 commanders always ARTILLERY THEIR OWN FUCKING TEAM!!!  I honestly think more retards play BF2 than there are on Bad Company!!!
    7.  Classes are unbalanced?  DER!!!  Tell me, how do you plan on balancing out a guy that uses assault rifles and grenade launchers against a support character, whose job is supposed to be laying down heavy machine gun fire and healing your ass?!

    All of your reasons are moot.  You say it ended up resulting in a dumbed-down version of the game, but it's simply a different and more stream-lined version of the game.  The Frostbite engine is one of the most gorgeous engines out right now.  Also, the game isn't meant to be SUPER HUGE tactical gameplay.  It's meant to be a more controlled instance of multiplayer, yet personally, I still feel like it is a BF game through and through when I play it.

    Sorry, I just can't see your opinion as being anything valid without saying "PC ELITEST".  I love my PC games, more than any other games in most cases.  That doesn't mean I can't recognize this great game as being a great game.

    As for John...he's signing off on more original IPs than any CEO since Probst.  Sorry, that doesn't seem like a douchebag thing to me.
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    #25  Edited By Jayge_
    jakob187 said:
    Sorry, I just can't see your opinion as being anything valid without saying "PC ELITEST".  I love my PC games, more than any other games in most cases.  That doesn't mean I can't recognize this great game as being a great game.

    I don't even have a gaming PC at the moment. Yet again, my opinions are dismissed on the stupid grounds because nobody can accept that I have a differing opinion.

    And as to him not being a douchebag, maybe you should listen to what he says more.
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    #26  Edited By Jigen

    Thank you jakob187.

    Jayge, why not un-hide what games you've played on your gamertag so I can see if you're actually played the full game or not.  Because you're so utterly off base on every single thing you said it makes me believe you have no idea what you're talking about.

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    #27  Edited By Jayge_
    Jigen said:
    " Thank you jakob187.

    Jayge, why not un-hide what games you've played on your gamertag so I can see if you're actually played the full game or not.  Because you're so utterly off base on every single thing you said it makes me believe you have no idea what you're talking about.
    It's not on my gamertag. I don't tend to allow blatant shit on it.
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    #28  Edited By Jigen
    Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    " Thank you jakob187.

    Jayge, why not un-hide what games you've played on your gamertag so I can see if you're actually played the full game or not.  Because you're so utterly off base on every single thing you said it makes me believe you have no idea what you're talking about.
    It's not on my gamertag. I don't tend to allow blatant shit on it."
    LOL so you haven't played it then.  Discussion over.
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    #29  Edited By DualReaver

    I think EA is a real bad guy.

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    #30  Edited By Jayge_
    Jigen said:
    "Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    " Thank you jakob187.

    Jayge, why not un-hide what games you've played on your gamertag so I can see if you're actually played the full game or not.  Because you're so utterly off base on every single thing you said it makes me believe you have no idea what you're talking about.
    It's not on my gamertag. I don't tend to allow blatant shit on it."
    LOL so you haven't played it then.  Discussion over."
    I have played it. Discussion is still on. Nice try though. You can't shut me down.
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    #31  Edited By jakob187

    You don't have a gaming PC and Bad Company shows up nowhere on your gamertag, Jayge?  Then how can anyone honestly consider your opinion to be anything more than that of someone that just rants to rant?  Seriously, pick your battles, sir.

    Back to the EA isn't horrific like everyone thinks...I'm still waiting for some far more valid points of questioning EA's game quality.

    It's funny, because Bad Company wasn't even on my initial list, and yet no one has knocked on any of the games FROM the original list.  You know why that makes me laugh?

    Because that list makes up the majority of EA's portfolio not including EA Sports.  o_o

    Oh, and add Def Jam Vendetta to that list too.
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    #32  Edited By Jigen
    Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    " Thank you jakob187.

    Jayge, why not un-hide what games you've played on your gamertag so I can see if you're actually played the full game or not.  Because you're so utterly off base on every single thing you said it makes me believe you have no idea what you're talking about.
    It's not on my gamertag. I don't tend to allow blatant shit on it."
    LOL so you haven't played it then.  Discussion over."
    I have played it. Discussion is still on. Nice try though. You can't shut me down."
    Honestly, if you played it at a friends or only played the demo, odds are you couldn't get into the game.  The game has had a lot of improvements since the demo, but I thought the biggest flaw was the lag (which has been mended a lot).
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    #33  Edited By Jayge_
    jakob187 said:
    "You don't have a gaming PC and Bad Company shows up nowhere on your gamertag, Jayge?  Then how can anyone honestly consider your opinion to be anything more than that of someone that just rants to rant?  Seriously, pick your battles, sir.
    Back to the EA isn't horrific like everyone thinks...I'm still waiting for some far more valid points of questioning EA's game quality.

    It's funny, because Bad Company wasn't even on my initial list, and yet no one has knocked on any of the games FROM the original list.  You know why that makes me laugh?

    Because that list makes up the majority of EA's portfolio not including EA Sports.  o_o

    Oh, and add Def Jam Vendetta to that list too.
    Not currently, no. It hasn't played much released in the past 10 months or so. Still runs anything from before that fine though. You and Jigen both just continue to fail hard.
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    #34  Edited By Megalon
    Jigen said:
    "Megalon said:
    "Jayge FTW, couldn't agree more."
    According to your gamertag, you don't even own the game...  This is the sort of crap I'm talking about, probably only played the demo?"
    Actually I have it on would I know to agree with all that stuff if I had only played the demo? I just didn't dig the game as much as the old ones, which is just my opinion of course. If you liked the game then I guess that's great, but I happen to agree with Jayge. 
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    #35  Edited By CactusWolf

    BFBC was an alright game on it's own.

    But as a Battlefield game, one should expect more quality, I think.

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    #36  Edited By Jigen
    Megalon said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Megalon said:
    "Jayge FTW, couldn't agree more."
    According to your gamertag, you don't even own the game...  This is the sort of crap I'm talking about, probably only played the demo?"
    Actually I have it on would I know to agree with all that stuff if I had only played the demo? I just didn't dig the game as much as the old ones, which is just my opinion of course. If you liked the game then I guess that's great, but I happen to agree with Jayge. "
    Except Jayge's comments were all complete nonsense.  I assumed you didn't own a PS3 though because you only listed your 360 gamertag and you're Microsoft allied here on GB.
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    #37  Edited By Jayge_
    Jigen said:
    "Except Jayge's comments were all complete nonsense.  I assumed you didn't own a PS3 though because you only listed your 360 gamertag and you're Microsoft allied here on GB."
    Except they weren't nonsense. You just can't handle the fact that my feelings are different from yours. There's a difference. Keep on failing.
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    #38  Edited By m1k3

    Are we talking about games that they developed or published?

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    #39  Edited By Megalon
    Jigen said:
    "Megalon said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Megalon said:
    "Jayge FTW, couldn't agree more."
    According to your gamertag, you don't even own the game...  This is the sort of crap I'm talking about, probably only played the demo?"
    Actually I have it on would I know to agree with all that stuff if I had only played the demo? I just didn't dig the game as much as the old ones, which is just my opinion of course. If you liked the game then I guess that's great, but I happen to agree with Jayge. "
    Except Jayge's comments were all complete nonsense.  I assumed you didn't own a PS3 though because you only listed your 360 gamertag and you're Microsoft allied here on GB."
    Yeah I'm primarily on the 360, for the most part I don't like FPS on PS3 because of the damn controller. Got this one for my birthday though, and spent a decent amount of time with it. I'm not saying the game is complete shit or anything, it was entertaining for awhile for sure. But I dug the other games more, that's all.
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    #40  Edited By jakob187

    Oh well, the battle for Bad Company is over.  Apparently, everything has to be EXACTLY the same in a franchise in order to be....

    ...wait, wait a tick!!!  That would basically mean that Jayge and everyone else is saying that THEY WANTED BFBC TO BE THE SAME AS BF2?!?!

    Kind of how everyone complains about EA rehashing games?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! you see where the problem lies.

    Seriously, though...let's bring it to the end of discussion on the Bad Company front.  Move on to the topic at hand:

    Why does everyone hate EA so much?  I still can't say I've seen any valid reasons for it.
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    #41  Edited By Jigen
    Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Except Jayge's comments were all complete nonsense.  I assumed you didn't own a PS3 though because you only listed your 360 gamertag and you're Microsoft allied here on GB."
    Except they weren't nonsense. You just can't handle the fact that my feelings are different from yours. There's a difference. Keep on failing."
    Well considering you've never even played the game, and they were completely outside of reality?  Yes, your comments were utter crap.  You might as well start saying you can play Mario Galaxy on your SNES and Crysis has worse graphics than Adventure on Atari 2600.
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    #42  Edited By Jayge_
    jakob187 said:
    "Oh well, the battle for Bad Company is over.  Apparently, everything has to be EXACTLY the same in a franchise in order to be....
    ...wait, wait a tick!!!  That would basically mean that Jayge and everyone else is saying that THEY WANTED BFBC TO BE THE SAME AS BF2?!?!

    Kind of how everyone complains about EA rehashing games?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! you see where the problem lies.

    Seriously, though...let's bring it to the end of discussion on the Bad Company front.  Move on to the topic at hand:

    Why does everyone hate EA so much?  I still can't say I've seen any valid reasons for it.
    And now you're putting words in my mouth. Never said I didn't want the series to change. Said I was pissed that the game was dumbed down. There is no way for you to wriggle out of your putrid stupidity. Give it up. I've given valid reasons, as have many others.
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    #43  Edited By CactusWolf
    Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Except Jayge's comments were all complete nonsense.  I assumed you didn't own a PS3 though because you only listed your 360 gamertag and you're Microsoft allied here on GB."
    Except they weren't nonsense. You just can't handle the fact that my feelings are different from yours. There's a difference. Keep on failing."
    You have a different opinion.

    That makes you an idiot. Can't you figure that out?
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    #44  Edited By Jayge_
    wordsgohere said:
    "Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Except Jayge's comments were all complete nonsense.  I assumed you didn't own a PS3 though because you only listed your 360 gamertag and you're Microsoft allied here on GB."
    Except they weren't nonsense. You just can't handle the fact that my feelings are different from yours. There's a difference. Keep on failing."
    You have a different opinion.

    That makes you an idiot. Can't you figure that out?"
    I wish I could. I'm too stupid to, I guess.
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    #45  Edited By Jigen
    wordsgohere said:
    "Jayge said:
    "Jigen said:
    "Except Jayge's comments were all complete nonsense.  I assumed you didn't own a PS3 though because you only listed your 360 gamertag and you're Microsoft allied here on GB."
    Except they weren't nonsense. You just can't handle the fact that my feelings are different from yours. There's a difference. Keep on failing."
    You have a different opinion.

    That makes you an idiot. Can't you figure that out?"
    He NEVER PLAYED THE GAME.  He says he played it, but he also says 'shit like that never appears on my gamertag', yet how could he know it was shit if he didn't play it?
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    #46  Edited By AndrewGaspar
    ColMustard said:
    "they hate because no one likes the rich kid with all the toys."
    Basically, that's why. I think EA is a great publisher, and a very large portion of my collection is made up of games published by EA. There's a lot of quality developers under them, like Criterion and DICE. I don't understand what people's beef is with EA, but they put out good stuff.

    Also, the only reason they rehash the hell out of sports games is because they sell. Otherwise, they wouldn't do it. I don't find anything wrong with this either. If consumers want it, then why not produce it?
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    #47  Edited By HandsomeDead

    There was a definite period of time when they produced a lot of shit and their constant EA Sports releases did not help matters. Now though, they seem to be on form so I can't see where the hate is coming from.

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    #48  Edited By Jayge_
    Jigen said:
    "He NEVER PLAYED THE GAME.  He says he played it, but he also says 'shit like that never appears on my gamertag', yet how could he know it was shit if he didn't play it?"
    I played it, buddy. Get over it. I think a game you like is shit. Go cry somewhere else. The adults are trying to talk.
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    #49  Edited By jakob187
    Jayge said:
    " Said I was pissed that the game was dumbed down."
    I didn't put those words in your mouth.  You said them yourself.  Again, discussion is over, because now it's turning into a ridiculous flame war.  Back on the topic of "why does everyone hate EA so much?".  I don't think the restructuring of a game in order to work on a console is necessarily the right way to argue why you hate an entire company.  =  /
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    #50  Edited By Megalon
    AndrewGaspar said:
    "ColMustard said:
    "they hate because no one likes the rich kid with all the toys."
    Basically, that's why. I think EA is a great publisher, and a very large portion of my collection is made up of games published by EA. There's a lot of quality developers under them, like Criterion and DICE. I don't understand what people's beef is with EA, but they put out good stuff.

    Also, the only reason they rehash the hell out of sports games is because they sell. Otherwise, they wouldn't do it. I don't find anything wrong with this either. If consumers want it, then why not produce it?"
    ^ Yes.

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