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    Character » appears in 1 games

    Lin is the second-in-command under Capt. Brenner of Rubinelle's 12th Battalion from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. She specializes in intelligence roles, usually leaving leadership to others.

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    Lin is a commanding officer from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin part of Rubinelle's 12th Battalion. After meteors laid waste to the world, she acts as second-in-command to Brenner, traveling across the land looking for survivors and supplies. While her superior is more optimistic about human nature, she's more pragmatic and chooses to rely on facts over feelings. Her role in the 12th Battalion is intelligence and strategy to provide a voice of reason against Brenner's generosity if it risks wasting time or resources.


    Under Lin's command, ground forces gain attack and defense bonuses in her CO zone. Her CO Power allows her units extra vision in Fog of War and reveal hiding spots for a turn.
    CO Zone:
    • Size: 1
    • Zone Boost: Offensive (**) and defensive (**) boost for ground units
    • CO Power: Recon, increases vision by 2 spaces and reveals hiding places in Fog of War

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