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    Mace Windu

    Character » appears in 26 games

    Jedi Master of the Old Republic, one the most powerful duelist the Order has ever known. Mace Windu has been playable of a handful of different Star Wars games.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Mace Windu last edited by Galamoth on 05/22/22 09:22AM View full history

    Mace Windu is one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in the galaxy and sits on Yoda's left hand on the jedi council. His lightsaber is an extremely unique design with a long thin hilt with silver body and gold trim he also chooses to have a purple crystal. Master Windu is depicted through the second Star Wars trilogy as a master extremely mindful of Anakin's growing uncertainty when Anakin tells Windu about the betrayal of Chancellor Palpatine against the Republic he replies "If what you told me is true then you will have gained my trust". Master Windu would've gone down in the Jedi archives as a great servant of the Jedi order and no doubt plays a key role in the story of Skywalker shown in the Star Wars saga.

    Mace Windu helps make a lot of the key decisions in the Jedi order and is murdered when a team of Jedi including Plo Koon, Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin arrest the Chancellor. Windu seemingly defeats Lord Sidious in a lightsaber duel only for Anakin Skywalker to distract him and allow the emperor to reveal he had feigned defeat, unleashing "unlimited power" force lightning. Weakened by Anakin cleaving his sword hand, he is pushed out of the building by the lightning blast. It is unknown of Windu survived his fall but he never seen again in the following decades by Imperial officers.

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