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Going to my first PAX, gotta get me some of that GB panel

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Scott Pilgrim The Game, unofficial Quicklook by me

This is my take on the second level of Scott Pilgrim Vs the World: The Game.  I did it much in the style of Jeff's old Skate 2 quicklook aka solo.  Its the second level in its entirety, from selection to Boss.  Watch me do horribly at the game and even worse at the commentary!  You can watch if you're on the fence and see some additional game play. (Youtube options are 240p or 720p, how odd)

As a side note, I saw slots for 6 characters in total and when you select someone in multiplayer the other controllers need to pick a different character.  
Here are some captures of the game as well 

Super Level
Super Level

Familiar Blocks
Familiar Blocks

Pilgrim Vs The Ex!
Pilgrim Vs The Ex!