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I wondered why they were playing Serial Cleaner on Xbox One, since they don't play that system a ton for non-exclusives, but I should have known that Dirty Dan had a filthy plan.

Great match, and honestly a lot more entertaining than the Serial Cleaner quick look. The quick look was fine, don't get me wrong, but Dan and Vinny playing Soul Calibur is top tier content for this site.

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Audio please! Though raw audio feed from video is also fine. I don't watch the video as it is, just leave it running in a tab and listen.

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I wish they'd stop doing half steps and just make a full game. This is just clearly the basics here (hence why it's in a tunnel). Even for a crash mode, a real environment being simulated is a lot of the appeal of this mode.

EDIT: Yeah the car destruction is even very limited compared to old games.

Budget, right?

I am sure the devs wish this were a better fuller game but this is what they could afford to make. They seem to be trying to make smaller games so they can get enough money to make bigger games, but the smaller games themselves aren't good enough.

I wouldn't be surprised if this started as a tech demo to shop around to publishers but no publishers bit on it so they just decided to "polish" it up as best they could and release it in the hopes of recouping some of their investment and generating a little bit of buzz.

But it's not good enough to generate buzz.

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Man, hearing Ryan's voice in the "congratulations you subscribed!" clip always hits me right in the feels. I was not prepared for it this time (though I should have been.)

RIP big guy. Gone but not forgotten.

On a lighter note, I don't get all the people in this thread saying they feel BAD for subscribing at this price. Like...this is the price. At least right now. They put the memberships on sale for this price and we're paying it. If you want to support them more by buying merch or whatever that's cool too, but it's not like this is some kind of loophole or unfair thing.

I mean Rorie promoted this sale so I'd think he wants people to use it. If they didn't want us to buy memberships at this price why would they mention it on the Bombcast or put up this article?

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I am glad this feature is back and I'm looking forward to seeing how this match evolves over time.

I do wish they were using the "real" Dreamcast version of the game though. The Xbox version is fine, and it's HD so it probably looks better on modern TVs and to younglings who never played SC in its prime, but it's not the real version to me.

Soul Calibur was the Dreamcast's killer app and is one of the games most associated with the machine. It feels wrong to see it showcased through a dirty (though competent) port/remaster!

It's not a deal breaker or anything, just a small disappointment.

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I'm excited for this video, but whose PS3 is this? Why are their recently installed games The Simpsons Arcade Game, Stacking, and that bad version of Tetris? What a weird selection of titles. They should do a feature where they just boot up an old console and play the last few arcade/PSN games loaded up on that console.

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@spaceinsomniac: I played the robot rescue game. It wasn't a "Whoa VR" moment for me, but it WAS an experience that showed me how cool VR can be in gameplay. I really liked how, as you said, you had to scan the environment to find the little robots to rescue, and I appreciated the fact that you have to use the controller both for motion controls and stick based controls with the tightrope.

A full game based on this would be awesome and I'd definitely be interested in buying one. It's not "immersive" in the same way that some VR experiences are (because you're not the character, the headset is basically just limited camera control) but it is a different way to experience a traditional video game, and I really liked that.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I am more convinced than ever that while VR might not replace "traditional" video games it's definitely going to have some amazing experiences and it is here to stay as a way to experience games. It's early days right now but I am a full-on VR believer.

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Edited By bigsocrates

I like these C64 streams. Interesting look into games of the past. Wish some of this stuff were legally available on more modern platforms.

I never had a C64 myself. Mine was an MS-DOS family because of my dad's work. Most of the people I knew had either MS-DOS machines or Apple IIs/Macs. Apple computers generally had better games when I was a very young kid, but of course that changed during the 80s and 90s.

I wonder why I never really saw Commodores or Amigas. I don't really have an explanation since almost everyone I knew had a computer in the home. Nonetheless it is cool to see the games from that era that I never got a chance to play.

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I really liked this quick look just because it was nice to hear Jeff talk about Boulder Dash in general (though an Old Games Show or UPF segment on it would have been just as good/better.)

I was legitimately shocked when I heard this game was $15 though. I know that there has been inflation in the price of downloadable games, but Pac-Man 256 was only $5 on console and is about 1,000,000 times more appealing.

Who is this for anyway? I vaguely remember Boulder Dash from my youth but I don't think it ever had a huge following, and this is a bad version of it with weird unappealing graphics and tacked on FTP mechanics (even if it doesn't have actual microtransactions.) You might get $5 out of people with favorable memories of the old game, if they still play games, but for $15 you can't just rely on a dusty old name from the past.

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I like how they are surprised every time at what Jet Moto 2 is exactly. I played it about a year ago and while the demo might not be completely finished code, it's not significantly different from the final game. That game is a slippery mess to control.

Also WTF was with that Frogger demo? Why would you turn Frogger into...THAT? Why would you make THAT the demo? Who would buy the game after playing that demo? That seems like a BAD way to sell your game. Like so bad that it almost seems like some kind of intentional sabotage.

I absolutely love Demo Derby for unearthing these...'gems'...from the past and the breakup of the Demo Derby team is sad. I'm sure Brad or someone will join in the future and be great, and I would love to see Alex react to some of these old-ass games, but the Dan/Drew/Jeff team is just perfect.

They should have found another controller for the fighting game though. They are professional vidyagamesmen! This was not an unprofessional Fridays. Demerits all around for not even trying on that one.