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#1  Edited By buffaloseven

I'm tempted to pick up Rise for the Switch; I haven't played a MH game since 4 on the DS. Would this be better to pick up than World for the PC? I don't care about graphics as much as having the entire thing being as smooth as possible. Did they implement some improvements over World (which I understand added a ton of QoL enhancements over previous entries)?

EDIT: A cursory overview suggests that, yes, this is in fact better playing. That movement looks so much better. Will probably pick it up this weekend!

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Yep, broken. The enclosure_url and guid tags in each item in the feed are lacking http(s):// and RSS feed readers and podcast clients fail to load the videos.

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This just started happening to me; I pulled my RSS feed in using the Terminal and tried to manually open the video link supplied in the feed, and it loads a page with the following error:

Based on your subscription level, this content is unavailable

Not sure if there's backend work going on right now or if this is a larger problem. I'm a premium subscriber and the API key provided in my feed and the video links is correct...

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Fair enough. I already assume that Brad's going through the recording and cleaning up some of the audio and inserting the ad breaks for non-premium, so my thought would be it wouldn't take too much to note the times. For the Bombcast, that could also perhaps be something that the producer could note while the recording is occurring.

For individual games, I only meant it for those episodes where they'll kick it off by "skip ahead if you don't want to hear spoilers" when they take 20 minutes or so to talk about a recent release. Not just every small segment about a game that occurs.

I'd be interested to hear from their end of things how it would be. It really was an absolute pain in the ass to add chapters until just the past couple years; now there are several utilities that combine chapter marking with the audio export pipeline and make it quite easy.

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Adding chapters to podcasts has gotten dramatically simpler over the past couple years, to the point where I think it would be a really nice plus for the premium podcasts (at least the long ones, Bombcast/Beastcast) to have chapters. Nothing too fine grained, even just What You've Been Playing, News, E-mails would suffice for most weeks. When there's specific attention paid to a particular game, it would be nice to have it as its own chapter so if you really have no interest in it you can skip to the next section.

Almost all podcast players also have support for chapters now (even Apple's bare bones Podcast app is getting them in iOS 12), so it would be accessible by most users.

Perhaps this is just an esoteric request from a niche user. Just thought I'd throw it out there as a nice "plus" for being a premium member.

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I was wondering the same thing. I tend to enjoy playing a game and then moving on (got more money than time, and there’s lots of great games to play). Tried the free trial of D2 a bit back and thought it was awfully fun, but then when I look up opinions on the game, I just see just a wall of complaints.

Hearing that the SP campaign is good fun, that will probably tip the scales and convince me to get it. Maybe if there’s a few people here new to the game we could play some evening (although my MP time is few and far between these days).

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Really excited for Tropical Freeze. Never owned a Wii U, and loved Donkey Kong Returns on the 3DS despite being annoyed immensely by the relatively poor visuals. Moving that gameplay to HD is going to be a dream.

I'm intrigued by the DK add-on for Rabbids as that's actually one of my favourite Switch games so far, but if it doesn't really make a meaningful difference to the gameplay I probably won't go for it. Mario Tennis also has the potential to be pretty great!

Lots of people mentioning 30FPS for Dark Souls in this thread; did I miss somewhere that was announced?

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#8  Edited By buffaloseven

I've been noticing that it seems like podcast descriptions are getting truncated if they exceed a certain length on both the free and premium podcast feeds. For example, when I saw the latest Beastcast in my podcast client, it was cut off mid-word.

No Caption Provided

A quick curl of the podcast feed, and sure enough, it's not a problem with the client:

No Caption Provided

Based on other podcasts I listen to, it seems like descriptions can be quite long, so I was wondering if perhaps anyone working on the back end might know why this is happening and/or be able to fix it?

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I found that section so hard until I went chasing some other stars and came across some special stages that forced me to learn a few new techniques. Once I did, heading back to Darker Side made a lot more sense and, while still an intense challenge, it was much more "doable" and felt less cheap and more challenging.

That said, it's still a brutal gauntlet of Mario platforming challenges that require near-perfect precision. Felt great once I finally beat it, though!

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@wuddel said:

It's basically a "My first strategy game". I say that as a gamer, who primarily plays strategy games and a little bit of action games. I think it is fun. The high mobility gives it a very different feel, which I like. The production quality in terms of art and music is incredible though.

I think arguably it has a lot in common with Super Mario RPG, in that they are both Nintendo collaborations with other companies, both feature somewhat pared down but not overly simplistic systems compared to the norm in their genre, both look great and have a lot of charm, and both have some real-time movement/action elements (I'm not sure I'd call it action for Mario + Rabbids but there is realtime exploration and very light puzzle solving, which is not the norm in a tactics game.)

Of course Super Mario RPG is a hyper-beloved classic, and I don't think this will quite reach that level, but I do think the two games have a lot in common.

I think a major difference, and in a way can give it a "action" feel to some degree is that skills can trigger on the same turn. For example, if you put Mario into steely gaze, and then have another player aggro an enemy that causes them to wander into Mario's range, he'll fire. This can effectively let you get two attacks in on one turn for a character by utilizing your knowledge of enemies. It adds depth to how you manage enemies and your character layout.