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danryckert's comments

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danryckert  Staff

so is the shotgun blast really that difficult to execute?

Not at all.

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danryckert  Staff

@sonto420 said:

it's established that dan is a filthy cheater who looks things up off camera.

it is known

I feel like printing off the secret shines this early defeats the purpose. Maybe if they';re having trouble near the end absolutely resort to a guide to help move things along, but this early feels like easy outs for dan who has all the knowledge to himself.

A.) I haven't looked up things off camera. I just noticed that the sand bird rotated while Abby was on it, and knew I'd need to find stable ground.

B.) I printed out the sheets for everyone, which I said numerous times and have repeatedly offered to them. Kind of the opposite of "having all the knowledge to myself."

C.) We're all in this to have fun. I came up with this series because I wanted to play Sunshine, and I thought the gumball stuff would be a fun wrinkle instead of a straightforward playthrough. I don't care who wins, but I think it's more fun if everyone's genuinely playing to win. I have no interest in looking up spoilers or cheats or strategies or whatever, because I just wanna have fun with the game. And it's been a blast!

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danryckert  Staff

Hey folks! Thanks for pointing out that I forgot to grab the gumball at the end. We'll fix that at the beginning of the next one.

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danryckert  Staff

Since this is slightly MacGruber related, can someone here explain me: Is MacGruber supposed to be a good agent, a bad agent or a good agent that turned into a bad agent?

He definitely fights for the good guys. He might be very bad at his job occasionally, though.

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danryckert  Staff

@lelcar said:

Super Mario Galaxy had a hub world

Yeah, but I think Nintendo doesn't count that since it's tiny and there's not much to do in it? I don't really get their logic.

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danryckert  Staff

The rest of them know that Dan doesn't understand how XCOM works, right?

I beat Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2.

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Edited By danryckert  Staff

I'm with Vinny, I hate this conversation (when @danryckert is taking about how he "plays games to play games").

Like he said and Alex said, it's a totally valid way to feel, but it makes me feel like shit, because I'm over here on the opposite end of the spectrum where I don't like shooters and mostly play story focused games. So what does that make me? A person that plays games just for stories? Like I said, I get where Dan is coming from, I just wish he wouldn't shit on what other people like so much when he's expressing his opinions.

Why should it make you feel like shit if I'm not into a game? I said several times that it seems like people are into Pyre and the story stuff and that's cool. It's just not for me. Enjoy games however you want to enjoy games!

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danryckert  Staff

@2mello said:

Daaaaaan, a quarter-pound of candy?!?!? Your health...

No, it was a pound.

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danryckert  Staff

@turboman said:

@danryckert For a bit more context on why Naito treats the IC Belt like trash....

Naito used to be a super clean babyface years ago that the company was pushing super strong but the crowds didn't accept him as a top guy(think current day Roman Reigns but with a much cleaner look). In 2013, Naito won the G1 Climax and challenged Okada for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship for the main event in the Tokyo Dome. The crowds in Japan felt that was a weak main event, so NJPW held a poll on what should main event the Tokyo Dome and Tanahashi vs. Nakamura won the poll and they main evented in a match for the IC Championship over the Okada vs. Naito IWGP Heavyweight Championship match.

Naito left for a bit, went to Mexico, and came back a member of Los Ingobernables with a "I fucking hate NJPW" attitude. Eventually this new heel gimmick became huge in Japan and the crowd now accepts him as a main eventer. When he eventually won the IWGP Championship, he treated the belt like trash because he never forgave the company for taking away his main event at the Tokyo Dome. He did the same with the IC Title when he had that.

This is some great context. Thank you!

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danryckert  Staff

@xbob42 said:

Yeah, that stuff always cracks me up. I have no interest in Arms here, but Dan also seemed convinced that Splatoon of all things played better with the motion aiming off.... it's like, no, it's faster and more precise, and they even limited it to aiming up and down so you weren't wildly flailing your gamepad everywhere, it was just to help your vertical aiming. But nope, people swore it was horrible.

I've been adamant about how much better the motion controls in Splatoon are on tons of podcasts and videos.