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The Gist: Quick Look: Camera Obscura

The Game:
A puzzle platformer where the player is equipped with the ability to take an afterimage of the level, moving obstacles and enemies around.

The Quick Look: Running time: 29:12, starring Vinny Caravella and Alex Navarro.
Vinny introduces the game as "not terrible" before starting up the fifth level of the second batch of levels, 'Crushed Crosswalk', in order to show off how the game works. After that, he jumps to where he's up to in the game, near the beginning of the third batch of levels. There's a discussion of The Commuter's Lament as well as parenting, in which I think Vinny says Max is now 6, which is crazy to me.

They spend the last 10-15 minutes of the video trying to figure out a single puzzle and Alex really reminds me of Ryan as he offers suggestions to Vinny and tries to come up with a suitable solution. They never solve it, but encourage commenters to offer their own ways of completing the puzzle.

Alex says the controls seem floaty to watch while Vinny complains that there's something missing to the feedback of the camera mechanic that puts the gameplay just out of reach of being fun.

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