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I hadn't even thought of adding sound! Thank you!

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#2  Edited By GroovinUpSlowly

Thank you for the encouragement!

It's true that the fonts are too thin. Especially for longer sentences, I stretched the subtitles taller so they'd take up more vertical screen space. Japanese text is very square and the fonts they use for TV are much thicker so their subtitles are much clearer. Not to mention the amount of space saved by kanji. I'll have to keep looking for closer matches and try caps lock in the next one.

Gaki no Tsukai and Shabekuri 007 were my main references for color and...I guess mood? Emotion? I'm not a native speaker, not even fluent, but half of the project is discerning cultural equivalents. In the meantime, this YouTube video is compilation of clips from Shabekuri 007 that include English text at the start. It looks like they're using a book-like serif font to maybe emphasize the stilted English. Would the equivalent of that be an English speaker saying a set Japanese phrase with the book-like font Gainax used for Eva's title screens? ( an example from ANN ) That's my interpretation.

*cough* so yeah anyway I appreciate criticism because it's a chance for a dialogue on an obsession *cough*

P.S. My old faithful stream sources have started dying one by one. YouTube will always come through one way or another but it's not quite the same. R.I.P.

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I've recently started a project to apply Japanese variety show style headers and subtitles to videos from the Giant Bomb archive. The next two videos will also include picture-in-picture reaction shots.

Here is my first experiment:

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