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Sometimes I play video games on camera, other times I play them off.. I am an enigma

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@bigsocrates: I appreciate you looking out for me, but nearly every game I've bought I have at least a nominal interest in. If I let you in on a secret, I'm never going to play super man 64 on this blog or mortal kombat mythologies because they are bad games I have no interest in, but games like "no straight roads" or "ogre battle 64" two games I'm playing now aren't going to be the greatest, but are enjoyable..

It was never just about the list, but also forcing myself to finally play more than one hour of each game which is what I was doing before this crusade.

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@bigsocrates: yeah this game would have had to overcome a lot to be great. It did have moments and without an official ranking, I would prefer it leaps and bounds over the true crafting games (Conan, ark, etc).

As for why I didn't bail.. I can't. This whole series is about beating games. I gotta stick it through because the sick part of my brain has to see how bad (or possibly good) it gets later on. The pain and suffering is only temporary, but knowing I can put smoke and sacrifice on a made-up list by someone with no industry experience is a satisfaction I can take to my grave.

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@chamurai:No need to make a new thread.. I'm on board for the hijack. I turn away from GB for the weekend and I come back and got like 10 notifications for people LOVING Lord Winklebottom.. At least that is what I take out of it.. I was thinking of stipulating some rules when I adjust the list (like no game can move more than 5 places).. There are just some games (probably <5) that are real sticking points when I am ranking games that are either too high or too low and throw off my scores. (is this game better then X.. No, but the game that is 2 places higher it is certainly better than... etc.)

@bigsocrates: I dunno, but seems like I read another vote that Super Mario 3d World isn't as great as you say it is. Now you seem suspicious.

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#4  Edited By imunbeatable80

@bigsocrates: I still haven't slept after the first threat.. and you bringing it up again, does not bode well for my health.

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@bigsocrates: I think my next post might be a list cleanup, but yeah.. I don't know what to say, this is a 7 or 7.5 game for sure, but it was a hell of a lot more fun then that mario game, and one I would much rather revisit in a year.

Maybe my gut opinion is wrong sometimes and I let the recency of the moment take hold (+ environment of playing, etc.) But Lord Winklebottom was a game me and my wife loved playing every few nights, talked about after we put it down, laughed at its jokes, and really put thought into who we believed the killer was.

Super mario 3d world was a game I was excited to start (when it came up on the roulette wheel it was easily the pick with no debate), but burned out by world 4 and had to force myself to play through the rest of it. Bowsers fury definitely suffered because I played it right after 3d world, and probably still had a bad taste in my mouth from the previous game. If I ranked them separate fury is probably higher than winklebottom, but 3d world dragged it down.

The wii-u crowd can love it as much as it wants, I won't take that away.. but in my opinion if that is your killer app, it's not hard for me to figure out why the console was a failure. BOOM.. I SAID IT

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@bigsocrates: I have a feeling the mario 3d world is going to be a talking point for awhile.. I will say there are only 3 instances where you are limited from picking something up prior to needing it, and the traversal between rooms is relatively quick, but I get it. My mind knew what I would need that for earlier, and now I have to go be "stumped" before the character realizes they need it.

Knowing that I got it as a joke and it turned out to be good was just icing on the cake.

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@chamurai: thanks for the comment as always.. I'm glad to hear there are defenders of 3d world. I do think we are just on opposite ends of the mario spectrum which is why I didn't connect with this game the way I do with other Marios. I was probably too rude about 3d world, because as @bigsocrates pointed out (and I agree): it is a well made game and plays like a well made game, I just didn't connect the way I normally do with mario games.

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@bigsocrates: hopefully you are okay from your real street fight.. I have lots of questions, mainly who would dare want to fight bigsocrates, but I'm going to respect your privacy.. I will call out the power up situation in Bowsers fury as being incredibly great.. my problem though is you never need any power ups that, again, aren't a cat suit. Maybe it's just how I play.. but it seemed like it was a 10-1 in terms of "is the cat suit the best for this shine, or another powerup."

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@bigsocrates: thanks for the comment, but I disagree.. it's place on the list maybe affected by other mario games, but it also indicative of how much fun I had with it and whether I would recommend someone with no knowledge check out the game. I was bored while playing 3d world and I got to that part pretty early (like world 4). Me being a sucker for completionism isn't because I couldn't put the game down for fun, but because I was determined to see it through.

I sadly never owned a wii-u and can't pretend I did to give this game a glow-up because it was a much needed game on a starved system. Playing it now, on the switch, I just didn't see the charm that Mario games normally have. Plessie may live on in your heart, but doesn't do anything for me. And the only levels that stood out are ones that took me multiple attempts to clear, not because of the fun I had playing them.

Bowsers fury might be impacted by hype, because everyone and their mom talked about it as if a new video game god appeared, and I just didn't get that. It's good, and on its own might be a top 50 game on my list, but it didn't wow me like it did other people. Is it a technical marvel for Nintendo, sure.. maybe.. but I'm not going crazy thinking that is the blueprint for new 3d mario games. My kid did get attached, because it was one of the first games he could handle playing a majority on his own, which is a testament to the game, but also got so turned off from 3d world proper that it hasn't been looked at since he stopped playing.

However to answer the two big questions.. yes maybe this game suffered because I didn't think a mario game would let me down so much, and yes I would easily rather boot up kinect sports or empire of sin for a re-playthrough right now over this collection.

Maybe in a month or two removed I don't think as harshly about this game, and I tell myself I'm going to do a big list cleanup at some point as I rethink some rankings.. and this game moves up 10 spaces, but right now that seems farfetched.

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@manburger: now I'll have to add those games to my list.. but yeah this game is bonkers and I will fully admit it's not great or even for everyone, but it was so weird I had to see it through.. I mean the final boss is basically a robot angel that is there to "test" the evolutionary animals.