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Robert Chiang's Top 10 games of 2014 (in order of finish, except that last one)

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  • (Played on PC)Arguably the best licensed game since the 2 Batman Arkham games. With the 18th season of the show being slightly underwhelming this year, the Stick of Truth totally made up for it.

  • (Played on Xbox 360) Finally,FINALLY a MGS game that is a tight action game! Well, a vertical slice of it anyway. If anything else fails, this little s**t actually got me to play all 4 previous numbered installments in the series.

    P.S. To anyone who cry about the length, STOP and start to cry again if the story bit of this game actually appear in the Phantom Pain

  • (Played on PC)Cool sci-fi setting, gorgeous female protagonist plus dopey soundtrack, what's not to love about this beautiful and [SPOILER] sad game.

  • (Played on Xbox 360)Limbo plus a JRPG-lite, got to love it.

    P.S. Uplay burnt me on this game, seriously, wtf UBI?

  • (Played on PC)Before you ask, no I have not played through the Walking Dead series, for the zombie thing. While fair tale figures having a sh**** yet real life in 1980s New York, as a Neil Gaiman fan, that push all my right buttons

  • (Played on PS Vita)It's the kind of "phone" game I can get behind, plus shmup smashed with a platformer? 2014 be praised!

  • (Played on 3DSLL)Here are 3 things I take pleasure in my life:

    1.A dumb anime story with some heart.

    2.Arcade action that is easy to pick up(by which I actually mean beat) yet hard to master.

    3.Some good J-pop.

    This game happens to have all 3.

  • (Played on PC)The ending of this game let us see into the true madness of warfare better than, I don't know every other game out there.

  • (Played on PC)I was hesitant to put this one on the list given it's only episode 1, but it does have a sense of standing on its own. If Mass Effect and the Swapper are two pole of the planet proper sci-fi games, the Fall is the middle ground I've been looking for. Part point & click adventure, part side-scrolling cover shooter, plus a thought-provoking science fiction story, all make a sci-fi fan like me really happy about the year 2014.

  • (Played on PS Vita)As a time-killer during most of my commute time during the year 2014, it sure deserves a place in this list.