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Robert Chiang's Top 10 games of the year 2013

My own 2013 in a nut shell: Back into PC gaming and knee deep in the indie scene, courtesy of Steam.

List items

  • Storywise GTA5 is nothing more than a parody comedy in which the action was taken way too seriously, but with the variety of gameplay, a fully realized open world plus the even highs and lows pacing, this is the most satisfying experience a triple A game has offered me in the last 2 years.

    (Played on Xbox 360)

  • As far as a more action-packed Bioshock goes, Irrational could have done so much worse than Infinite.

    (Played on Xbox 360)

  • Die Hard with Lara Croft.

    (Played on Xbox 360)

  • Bought a controller for my PC just to play this.

    (Played on Windows PC)

  • A farewell to arms, especially after Infinite.

    (Played on Windows PC)

  • Play it or watch it, one is likely to love it.

    (Played on Windows PC)

  • My personal ultimate power fantasy of 2013 and no I am yet to play any Saints Row game.

    (Played both on Xbox 360 and Windows PC)

  • The first turn-base strategy campaign I've completed. Fun, funny, solid.

    (Played on Windows PC)

  • As a science fiction fan who had his fill with all those whole space marine epics out there, a short story style puzzle game like the Swapper is just what I need.

    (Played on Windows PC)

  • A game in which you carry gun yet not encouraged to shoot to kill, which is enough for me. Yet there are more fun built it around it.

    (Played on Windows PC)