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Robert Jiang's 10 Games of 2016

Sorry, Americans. I wouldn’t know about your post election depression but I felt like shit after my third wisdom tooth pulled out that day anyway. At least the games are good this year, heh.

P.S. It feels good to play PC games through other software platform than Steam.

P.P.S Sure lots of side scoller here.

List items

  • System driven games can be stressful. Farm sim like this on the other hand, can be system driven while relive one of stress. And a relaxing one is just what this fucking year needs. Thus the top spot.

    (Played on Windows PC, through Steam)

  • Speak of stress, sometimes one just needs to rip and tear through hordes of demons to release it. This new DOOM fits that spot perfectly. Plus while none of creative people behind original DOOM is with id Software, this game did get me to read Masters of DOOM.

    (Played on Windows PC, through Steam)

  • Oh, I fucking love anime, art style and voice cast are 2 first impression factors for me. This side scrolling action game has both a gorgeous art style and an all star Japanese voice cast for a subbed anime viewer like me. Plus the remake managed to be a side scrolling Platinum Games style action game than the original's wired deliberate combat. Combine all above, the Japanese version of it makes the best birthday gift I’ve got for years.

    (Played on PS Vita, in Japanese)

  • Full disclosure, I backed this game through Paypal. But then again I backed Mighty No.9 as well and this top down action game turns out much better than Inafune’s broad-line scheme for money.

    (Played on Windows PC)

  • The M-rated follow-up to Limbo. It got everything I like about Limbo, so I would just leave it at that.

    (Played on Windows PC, through Steam)

  • Mecha anime and first person shooter are among the things I love. I’ve always wanted some combination of those 2 and Titanfall 2’s campaign finally gave me that.

    (Played on Windows PC, through Steam)

  • Well many outlets’ choice for GOTY sure has its merits. Ironically though, it did not scratch my Battlefield Bad Company 2 the way Valkyria Chronicles did.

    (Played on Windows PC, through

  • A well-crafted labour of love that deserves to be played by more people.

    (Played on PC, through Steam)

  • Ah, pre-Star Wars science fiction cinema aesthetics on top of a Metrovania game. Double Fine picked well.

    (Played on PC, through Steam)

  • Another Kickstarted product on the list, one that I didn’t back mind you. Wayforward sure successfully rebooted their signature babe.

    (Played on PC, through Steam)