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Robert Jiang’s Top 10 Games of 2019

2019 has been a weird year to me. The high and low have come fast and loose throughout the year, both in term of video game and other aspects of life. Look at this list, gaming is more like intense bursts in certain months than a constant stream throughout the year. Either way, in the year many found underwhelming, I am quite happy with what I got to play and what I got to play through. Here is 10 I’ve played through and enjoyed for most part. Finally, good bye, the 2010s, the decade when I grew cynical with growing up.

List items

  • (Played on Nintendo Switch, in Japanese, for 112 hours according to my save file of both Black Eagle and Golden Deer routes)

    Also known to me as my final gaming feast before graduate school started and the devourer of my August, this is my favorite game of the year in terms of both mechanic and narrative. While many criticize the game’s “Normal” difficulty for being too easy, I personally found it encouraging for me to play it fast, loose and, most importantly, bold. It is the lowest difficulty after all. The story replaced the time/interdimensional travel nonsense that plagued the first 2 3DS installments with genuine political intrigue among 3 states and the church above them. The end result is a turn-based tactical RPG experience that I might treasure for another decade. Also, the more cinematic presentation of visual novel portion in this game made me realize that maybe as someone who first came contact with VN mechanic through Mass Effect, I am not as into the VN genre as I thought.

  • As much as I enjoyed Fire Emblem Three Houses, my virtual trigger finger was getting itchy by the end summer. Timely, came Control, the best output Remedy has even done. Checkpoints, or lack thereof, and some frustrating (boss) fights aside, this is hands down the best run and gun game I’ve played this game. I stand by that statement especially after DOOM Eternal’s untimely delay.

  • (Played on PC, in Traditional Chinese, through Steam, for 2 hours according to the game hour count)

    I was among the few who were lucky enough to play the game through during the short weekend it was available for purchase. No surprise a horror game criticizing toxic man rooted in Chinese society would piss off someone high up. Ironically, I was not aware of the meme that got the game taken down living in Shanghai without VPN until the news about this game “taken off the shelf”. Anyway, it’s a neat game, I hope more got to play it.

  • (Played on Nintendo Switch and PC through Steam, in English, for about 4 hours)

    One of the two games so short and sweet that I played through twice on 2 platforms. Playing a chimpanzee to kill everyone in sight with Saul Bass style is just what I need to stop myself doing something I might regret after the Devotion fiasco.

  • (Played on PC through Steam, in English, for 37 hours according to Steam hour count.)

    Good remake, keep the old spirit alive while feel modern. Guess Capcom finally took the right lessons from the first 2 Dead Space games: devils are in the details, so render the gruesome details in your horror game.

  • (Played on PC through Steam, in Japanese, for 20 hours according to Steam hour count)

    Ace Combat finally on PC. With Anthem being a disappointment almost evitable in early February, it was nice to have a lengthy flight and fight experience in the skies unknown.

  • (Played on Nintendo Switch, in English, for about 17 hours according to save file.)

    Back half of my playtime in this pin brawler was exclusively spent on the final gauntlet of the game. Still, overall the pretty good genre mash-up. And by the end of the day, I just wish more indie action games took top down perspective like this.

  • (Played on Nintendo Switch, in English, for about 3 hours)

    Another game so short and sweet that I played through twice. Great music, enchanting visual and simple gameplay, this one is asking to be experienced.

  • (Played on PC, through EPIC Game Store, in English, for 4 hours according to save file)

    In the search of this year’s Donut County style comedy, this golf game allowed me to play it more loosey goosey than a game starring an actually goose. And more loose is how I like my comedic game. What the Golf made me laugh through a little writing and lots of mechanics. Whether you subscribe to Apple Arcade or just want to buy a comedic game, this is one to recommend.

  • (Played on PC, in English, through Steam and Origin, for about 20 hours.)

    While not dethroning Jedi Outcast as my favorite Star Wars game, Fallen Order did close out this year, and the decade for that matter, quite well. Too bad it felt more akin to Shadow of Tomb Raider than the first 2 rebooted Lara Croft adventures, in terms of platforming tightness, or it might end up higher on the list. By the end of the day, it’s just fun to cut Stormtroopers with light saber.