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Robert Jiang’s Top 5 Games of 2012

Graduation from college and unemployment, what a time to play. Yet another year with only disc releases, see you two in a year, Dust: An Elysian Tail and Mark of Ninja, and see you in 3, Journey.

List items

  • Actual killing can demolish one’s soul while virtual killing can bore one’s enjoyment of games. Dishonored’s offer of not killing is just a breath of fresh air to someone bored by virtual killing thus deserve the top spot on this list.

  • Mass Effect trilogy had been with me throughout my college years, so it’s only fitting that it would end months before my graduation. It’s as bitter sweet as it gets.

    As for the ending, this Waypoint piece surprisingly said what I thought:

  • Open world game hardly has solid shooting mechanic. Far Cry 3 happens to be the exception. While the formula would grow old in the 6 years between this game’s release and now, it feels good back then.

  • Ryo ga gotoku or Yakuza team’s first (and very likely the only)attempt at cover based shooters. It’s solid enough that it provided some warm up for me before Mass Effect 3.

  • Here is to the last Halo game I would ever play. Well, ain’t this a bummer. 343 managed to make a solid Halo game back then, too bad about Halo 5 Guardians.