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#1  Edited By johnsublime

No but what I got was amazing

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Can someone please tell me where I can find the song they played for emails this week that just screamed MONEY. Tunes so catchy I need it in my life

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I could never get excited for Last of Us in the long period from the first VGA trailer to its release. After it was showered with 10/10s me and a group of friends thought we'd pick it up and check it out. We got hooked by the opening but found ourselves getting bored quickly after.

A lot of the problem for me was in the interest of group compromise we played it on Normal rather than Hard, and also taking it turns watching my friends waste resources after clumsily making it through a sequence or spending our capsules on upgrades I didn't want (MORE HEALTH. WHAT A BLOODY WASTE) it made the experience rather shallow and all the more gamey. It felt more like a claustrophobic Uncharted than anything else.

At the time I didn't put it down to these reasons. I put it down to the game. But in one of the Bombcasts near the end of last year Brad voiced how the game is at it's best on Hard in the dark alone. And also how it picks up a lot pretty much exactly where we stopped playing.

Because of this I thought I'd grab it off my mate and play through it again on Hard in ze dark. No longer was I anchored by group voting when it came to upgrades or resource use and I felt comfortable to take the game at my own pace, acting sensible as I felt necessary through all the encounters and making sure to stop for those scarce moments of calm and take the world and it's wonderful characters in.

And I adored it. The story can stand on its own hence the popularity of those youtube videos you see of just the cutscenes, but man playing it like I did made it one of the most tense, visceral and exciting games I've ever played.

So thank you Bradley. Thank you for inadvertently making sure I didn't miss out on one of my greatest experiences in this generation.

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As the title suggests is anyone aware of any fantasy or specifically magic/wizard video games, RPG or otherwise, set in modern day? It's a genre I've always enjoyed and the only thing that really seems to come close would be Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines.

Any ideas? Or any mods of games that aim to do this at least?

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I'll be going straight from work to London aiming to be there about 7. No clue how late I'll be staying. We have no strict timetable for the evening. For the record, I'm not an esports fan either but it doesn't stop me being curious

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#6  Edited By johnsublime

We two and others will be putting the world to rights in the name of Davis. If you fancy it please come, whether impromptu or not. Seems like the perfect dive for us to wash our sorrows away with talks of his greatest moments to us.

Forgive me if it goes against forum policy to post the page for the bar but just so people know where to find it, here it is.

If it's not allowed I'll remove my post.

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Oh my god found it. Well a video at least. Should help me narrow it down

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There's this game I've wanted to check out of years, ever since I saw it preview of it on a DVD from a PS2 Magazine.

It was a Japanese game where you created your own superhero, customizing is powers and taking him out to fight crime. There was a conversation system within it and you could transform between secret identity and superhero to do investigations.

Twist of the game was that the way you played was judged as if it was a TV show, so you couldn't have too many lulls in investigation before the audience would switch channel. Each level would end with its own credits and a next time teasing the next level.

I go through spats where I hunt down all I can on this game to find it but it's difficult. I even dug out all my old PS2 Mag DVDs to find the preview but I couldn't so unfortunately I don't even remember what magazine teased it.

I had a feeling it was named simply "Super Hero" or "Hero" or perhaps them in Japanese. Searching for these names obviously it's difficult to narrow things down.

It's only because I've tried everything else that I resort to posting here but perhaps someone will know.

Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about, ask me what you can I'm dealing with a decade old memory here.

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@rebgav: I did play MK vs DC that was incredible in its own special way. Looking back I actually think I got more joy from that story than the Injustice one despite there being next to none there bar RAGE!

The fighting was fun too. Despite complaints about the violence being turned down some of the fatalities (or rather brutalities) were unbelievably harsh.

See Captain Marvel

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#10  Edited By johnsublime

It is a hard thing to envision. I think one thing that can help is giving the players a full toolset to make custom match ups with their own crazy conditions.

Bored of fighting one person? Make it so your fighting two, three, four people one after the other without interruption. Or even multiple people at once. Stack poison and life steal modifiers on yourself along with no block and a hundred other modifiers. Even if it would break the game it would still be fun just to try and adapt yourself to these crazy game breaking situations you are free to construct.

Netherealm did an incredible job with MK9's story mode. I loved every second of it and the difficulty really amped toward the end with the multiple fighter encounters. Some complained that doing those fights were cheap, but I think it's far better way of adding difficulty over making the computer cheat by reading your button presses perfectly.

While I've had a lot of fun with Injustice, the story mode disappointed me. As a DC comics fan I was really excited to see what crazy shit they would end up doing and as a whole the story was okay, although similar to many other DC stories that have been in the comics, cartoons and movies but the individual dialogue in a lot of places was really hammy and could have been done much better in my opinion.

I had started reading the comic in the run up to the game and felt like this about it. The artwork and writing was pretty hit and miss but the nature of the story being a massive game changer that it is, made it entertaining enough when taken at face value. Going back to the tie in comic after playing Injustice makes the writing seem much better in comparison. Still some hilariously poor panels here and there though.

The way Damian kills Nightwing made me laugh so much. Especially after seeing the cringe worthy interaction between Bruce and Damian have in the game.

More games need to do what Tekken has done for a long time and collect data on people playing in the arcades so they can build more interested and varied bots when it eventually comes to consoles.