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Started & Finished (2012)

In order of least to most enjoyed, these are the games I played and finished in 2012.

Only one game is from 2012 so please don't laugh at the list.

Kane & Lynch 2
Kane & Lynch 2

12. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

I never played the original Kane & Lynch but I always thought I liked the two protagonists. Playing Dog Days made me realize I didn’t. Kane & Lynch 2 represents everything that’s wrong with the current generation. The characters are 2 dimensional, even worse, impossibly unlikable, the script must’ve been about 2 or 3 sentences, the gameplay is bearly passable with unsatisfying feel and super limited arsenal, and the graphics are poor. I would criticize the length of the game but this is one game I wish ended sooner. The camcorder style of the game is a strong idea but I found it to be more often than not, misused and distracting. I did enjoy Hong Kong as the backdrop but this is a seriously mindless and mind-numbing experience. On some level, I enjoyed it as a commentary on today’s videogames.


11. Singularity

This game screams b-tier. Clearly inspired by Half-Life 2 and Bioshock, it's plenty competent on all fronts but doesn't impress in any. Story is sorta interesting, gameplay is fine, and the game looks good, sometimes. I'll take this type of game any day over modern military shooters but this game is forgettable.



Alice: Madness Returns
Alice: Madness Returns

10. Alice: Madness Returns

The art direction is very nice in this game. The gameplay is varied but the game is few hours too long for it to sustain. The story that has good potential is an enormous let down and this game suffers from severe lack of polish. I enjoyed this game more than I should've because I'm a whore for good art.




9. Catherine

I like the journey more than the destination of this game. All the endings are sort of a let down but it does very interesting things with its "juggle 2 women at once" concept. The puzzle is fun, even if the levels aren't too interesting. The presentation is slick and quality is high. Still, it's a small game that should've had a little more ambition.




8. Darksiders

Pretty cool game. The art style is charming but not impressive. The gameplay is varied and definitely enough to keep you interested. Still, I always felt like it could've been deeper, smoother, and generally more polished. The script is ok and the voice is quite good. The size of the world is nice and it's a good ride, it just doesn't have much to call its own.



Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption

7. Red Dead Redemption

Note: I played the GOTY version.

This is a good game. Riding your horse up a hill and seeing the sun rise or set is one of the most beautiful moments in videogaming. It's a sprawling world and I played the shit out of it. That said, I enjoyed GTA IV and in terms of pure mechanics, this is just an update. The characters are less likable, writing is a bit weaker, and everything else generally not as impressive. Coming out 2 years later, Rockstar's sandbox formula is much less forgivable and it's gapping flaws, more pronounced. The disconnect between the game and the story is even bigger here because unlike Niko Belic, John Marston is a family man. Sure it's unrealistic to have a fresh-off-the-boat foreigner massacre his way through the streets of Liberty City but what do you expect from an Eastern Europe scumbag? There are lots of memorable moments but thinking back, so many hours I spent in this wild west felt boring, tedious, and sometimes even frustrating. Also, like other Rockstar open-worlds, the side stuff are all meaningless.

LittleBigPlanet 2
LittleBigPlanet 2

6. LittleBigPlanet 2

Note: I played the GOTY version.

Like Uncharted 2, LBP is one of my favorites of this generation. So like U3, this game couldn't possibly live up to my expectations. This game has awesome levels, good community, and charm, charm, charm. Still, it has that "been there done that" feel because the first one was such an original and astounding game. LBP made be feel like a kid again, LBP2 didn't.

Resistance 3
Resistance 3

5. Resistance 3

I've played a bit of R2 but this is the first game in the series I beat. Having played some Ratchet and Clank games, I was able to pick up and enjoy in no time. I really had fun with this game because in the current gen, there is no avoiding FPSs and this game just stands out with the weapons. I'm so sick of shooters but leveling up guns and blasting hordes of Chimerans was so satisfying. Also, though the level of polish in the game varies from level to level, sometimes the environments in this game look damn good. Definitely a step-up from R2. The story is ok, perhaps even good by fps standards but pretty forgettable which is disappointing because there is certainly potential to tell a good tale in this world.


4. Journey

This is quite a special game. I would call it interactive meditation. Sure it's 2 hours long but those 2 hours are dense with highly memorable moments. Still, if you're a gamer, going through the game is nice but the game is lacking in gameplay and the world feels small. I couldn't help but wish there was more stuff to do and more places to explore. This journey is a great experience but still a one way path and though it's a bold game, it doesn't quite reach its potential.


Uncharted 3
Uncharted 3

3. Uncharted 3

The game that had the unfortunate luck of being the follow-up to a console defining killer-app. If you played Uncharted 2, there is no way of coming out of this without feeling a bit disappointed. Still, step back and try to look at this game in a vacuum. If U2 was the culmination of decades of game development, U3 is a celebration of the 7th generation consoles. The underwater levels reminded me of Bioshock, jumping out of the plane paid homage to the opening of Mass Effect 2, desert walking was Journey, horseback riding was Red Dead Redemption, some incredible camera pull-back recalled God of War 3, and the interactive moments perhaps Heavy Rain. All those moments wrap around what the franchise can wholly take credit for including probably the most lovable cast of characters, top of the class writing, the best cast of voice and motion-capture actors in video game history, the most sophisticated real-time animation, and you got a pretty impressive game. Still, a bit

Shadows of the Damned
Shadows of the Damned

2. Shadows of the Damned

Though I'm not particularly a fan of the b-movie grindhouse genre, I could tell it was done well because it didn't come off totally stupid, some of it even clever. This delightful, mostly lighthearted game headed by Shinji Mikami and Suda 51 was a blast. Johnson and Garcia FUCKING Hotspur represent one of the best duos in recent memory and I grew to really enjoy their nonsense. The gameplay has that RE4/RE5 "it takes a bit of getting use to" feel but once you do, it's quite satisfying. The graphics are not the most technically sophisticated but the art direction certainly makes up for whatever its lacking. The darkness effect looks just so damn nice. Anyway, it's a game that doesn't look like much on paper but the execution of it is top-notch. If you're looking for a dumb, fun, demon blasting ride, check out this game.

Beyond Good & Evil
Beyond Good & Evil

1. Beyond Good & Evil

I played the HD version on PS3. The graphics hold up unbelievably well and some "Uncharted 2" moments were able to wow me. The art direction is incredibly strong in this game and it's an absolute delight to be in this world. Some aspects of the game reminded me of innovations developed in current gen games and genuinely impressed me. The story is well told and satisfying. The script is good and the voice is top-notch. Certain things felt dated but the only one I couldn't forgive was the camera. The gameplay is varied but all-around stripped down and super simple. Still, there is enough motivation in the form of pearls to attack the side stuff. I wish the world was bigger as the game feels a bit condensed. With a final after-credits scene that screams sequel, I really hope we see more of Jade. I urge you to check out this game in its best form for $15!


PS Vita - Key(s) to Success

Things that are vital to Playstatioin Vita's success.

Note: in no particular order.

1. Secure the system. People argue piracy killed the PSP.

2. Strong 3rd-party support. The PSone and PS2's overwhelming dominance largely was the result of amazing 3rd-party support.

3. Provide games at every price ($1-$50). $40 was expensive for PSP games and $50 is higher. Come on Sony.

4. Drop the price to actually compete with the 3DS. The PS3 is $250 and "it only does everything" but realistic, PSVita is only for games. I realize you can make a similar argument for Wii vs. 3DS but everyone already has a Wii.

5. Slim down. As badass as it is, I wouldn't be caught dead with that in public. I'm a huge nerd but even i'd feel a little geeky busting that out in public.

6. PS3/PSV game bundle. Let me play my console games on the go and vice vera and offer this at perhaps $70 and provide a clear cut bargain and incentive. (I know i'm kinda dreaming with this one)

Let me know what you think is vital to PSV's success.


My Top 10 PS3 Exclusives

Like the title says, this is my top 10 ps3 exclusives that i've played & finished thus far

Note: i'm currently playing Demon's Souls and this list is subject to change!

10. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
     the only Ratchet & Clank game i've played. this game has great humor and beautiful cartoony graphics, complete w/ topnotch voice work. the story is nothing special and if i remember correctly, ended in a cliffhanger. nonetheless, the characters all have unique personalities to make up for what's lacking. the gameplay is mostly a 3rd person shooter with some light platforming and light puzzles. great variety of upgradeable weapons gives you lots of ways to handle your foes. this game also earns kudos for best use of the six-axis i've encountered. the game is on the easy side which means people of all ages can enjoy it.

9. inFamous

     possibility the best superhero game ever. this sand-box adventure provides some seriously satisfying, silky smooth action. the story isn’t gripping but the ending is perfect. you can play as either good or evil and the world’s atmosphere will evolve w/ you. the graphics aren’t the best but during heavy combat, I felt the compromise was well worth it. the comic-book style cut scenes are well done. the voice work is good, even if the script is not. the short list of boss fights are epic and awesome. this game could easily be higher up on the list, only if the mission variety wasn’t so disappointing.

8. Heavy Rain

     this is a special game. Quantic Dream further developed what they started with Indigo Prophecy and this time around, the story is much stronger. the voice cast isn’t stellar but the script is strong. even w/ some of the blemishes, the graphics are some of the best on the console. it’s interactive gaming that sometimes succeeds on redefining what it means to game. however, for a gamer, the gameplay amounts to not more than quick-time-events. this concept is still in its infancy and I want to see where it goes from here.

7. Uncharted

     what can I say? I love drake, elena, and sully. the minute this game started spinning in my ps3, these characters came alive like no other virtual people this generation. the passion and love that went into those characters were undeniable. they were breathing and bursting with personality. the graphics are still among the best on the system. the script is funny and the voice, brilliant. the shooting is a little wonky, the platforming is fun, and the puzzles are clever. it’s short and sweet, really sweet.

6. God of War 3

    the final act in the god of war “trilogy”. the graphics are just ridiculous. omg…the scale…the fidelity…the epicenes…anyway, hands down the best combat system in the series, adding on top of the improvements made in 2. the story is probably the worst in the series and the puzzles also. the game definitely plays it safe but it’s the kind of blockbuster treatment that haters can only dream about in their games.

5. Killzone 2

    another visual stone cold stunner. the bold and gritty art style is immediately striking, it’s too bad that the campaign is so by-the-number. i like what they did on the gameplay side. never has pumping bullets into enemy flesh been so damn satisfying. the sense of weight in this game feels realistic and immersive. the cover is unique, if flawed. enemy a.i. is impressive and the multiplayer is fresh. I find myself going back to this game time to time to kill some helghast

4. Uncharted 2
    the ps3 killer app. drake is back and holy fucking shit, i think he made people care about the ps3. set-piece after set-piece, this is THE blockbuster rollercoaster ride. get ready for the imitators… the same quality script and the same quality voice. the jaw-dropping graphics and scripted event, and the much improved shooting and combat mechanics. the fun co-op and competitive multiplayer. this is how sequels are done fools.

3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

    look, i’m bias. it’s my list, get over it or sue me. solid snake’s last mission and you bet it’s fan service. epic show down with liquid. raiden redeeming himself (i’ve always liked him), and shadow mosses. kojima tied everything together (more than he needed to) and filled that blu-ray disc w/ cut scenes like it was his job (it was). disappointments include the beauties in the beasts and how it has to install the chapters every time but hey, i get to have a cig break with snake…

2. Little Big Planet

    there are things in this world so goddamn charming, it’s simply irresistible. lbp is one of them. it’s genius. this is the kind of innovation that pushes the game industry forward. it’s creations tools and content sharing is a clear vision of the future and light years ahead of anything out on any console. the physics needs a bit of tweaking but this game is brilliant. the music is off the hook and so is the campaign. long live sackboy!

1. Valkyria Chronicles

    imagine an epic anime series, real time strategy, turn based strategy, rpg, and 3rd person shooter, all rolled into one piece of entertainment. now, imagine that being done w/ style, grace, and japanese polish. now, either your head exploded or you’re saying it’s not possible. valkyria chronicles is the diamond in the ruff. a pure gem. a masterpiece. the story is powerful and the characters, loveable. the graphics, beautiful and so is the music. the japanese voice is spot on and it’s an available option. the gameplay is deep, rewarding, and most importantly, so much fun. the quantity of music is little scarce. the physics is weak but doesn’t come in to play. 50 hours well spent.

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