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My Favorite Movies of the Year

Here are some movies I really liked this year. I’m in film production so you can say I’m into “films” more than “movies” but I would still encourage people to check them out because you’d be surprised how rewarding and refreshing they can be from the typical Hollywood affair. Plus, I enjoy movies from the big blockbusters to the smallest independent films across all genres so it’s a good varied list. Let me know your list if you got one!

Note: Movie releases are all over the place so this is U.S. releases limited and/or wide. I haven’t seen 3 movies I’d really like to: Her, Inside Llewyn Davis, and Nebraska.

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10. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

It seems like whenever Ben Stiller directors (i.g. Tropic Thunder & Zoolander), he puts extra care into whatever he’s doing. This film seems like he’s trying to reinvent himself a bit and not only is it a step in the right direction, it’s a resounding success. It’s a small, quiet, and sweet love story with big budget jokes and the result feels so unique and fitting to the daydreamer Walter Mitty. Visually and aesthetically beautiful and cohesive, and musically interesting, it’s a very nice audio/visual experience. This is a wonderfully put together commercial film, just don’t expect to laugh out loud.

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9. Like Someone in Love

A Japanese movie from an Iranian director, it’s surprising how well it captures the feel of the culture. The story and the characters are not that original but it’s in the execution that the movie really shines. Nicely understated, expertly paced, and technically restrained. The script is layered, the dialogue is interesting, and well acted too, The dynamics of the relationships are complex and it’s worldview, unlike most films now a days, aren't cynical. It’s a believable movie that’s smart and trusts the viewers are as well.

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8. Pacific Rim

A dream came true for anime fans across the world: a mega-budget live action anime movie was made. If you’re into anime and haven't’ seen this, what are you waiting for? For everyone else, just move along, there is nothing to see here except if you’re into Godzilla movies or something.

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7. The Conjuring

It’s really quite astounding how good this movie is or maybe that says a lot about the horror genre in general. It’s technically masterful and absolutely refuses to be dragged down by it’s contemporaries. I’m not a horror guy but I've seen my fair share and this is easily one of my favorites. I’m so happy to say this is a great movie without any qualifiers whatsoever.



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Chan-wook Park (Oldboy) comes to America and if anyone was worried (I was), you can rest easy. Beautiful, quirky, disturbing, creepy, unique, fascinating, awkward, and fairly uncompromising, all done with style, substance, and class. Maybe I’m just a sucker for everything Mr. Park...

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5. The Act of Killing

How can anyone go on making documentaries after this film? It’s experimental but legitimate on every level. It redefines a genre and at the same time tells a story like never before. Shows us humanity and tragedy, the birth of a nation and it’s cultural identity, and the heroes/villains that were responsible for it. This story is by far the most serious on the list but the film is probably the funniest too. If we were talking about “most important of the year” or “the one people will remember decades from now of the year” this one would top the list no doubt.

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4. The Hunt

This is one of those flawless movies. Believe me, I've tried to poke holes into it since I saw it but there is always some reasonable explanation to every little nitpick I throw at it. Damn you Thomas Vinterberg!!

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3. The Wind Rises

Miyazaki’s last movie. It’s also his most sentimental and mature work. Some people were crying like babies in the theatre and I almost did too. It stands tall amongst his filmography and a fitting end to an amazing career. Your retirement is well earned. Thank you and goodbye.




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2. Gravity

If you missed this 3d movie in theatres, well, I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry. There is nothing like when strong narrative and technology intersect. That’s why we all love The Last of Us right? I don’t know how they did it. It’s one of those rare breeds that has incredible commercial appeal as well as tremendous artistic integrity. This is why I watch giant summer tent poles every year, praying that someday they might get it right and oh boy, did they get it right. I also can’t praise Sandra Bullock enough. To deliver acting that good in a box somewhere in a studio is fucking mind-blowing. This movie is out of this world! :D

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1. Blue is the Warmest Color

This movie was a punch in the gut and my heart ached for several days after I saw it. It’s just a love story about a lesbian couple but I can’t believe how moved I was. It’s the only gay movie where I completely forgot about that aspect of it. The only reason I wouldn't recommend this movie to everyone is the fact that there is a 8 minute sex scene that’s downright pornographic which doesn't really have a place in such a beautiful movie.

Honorable Mentions: The Grandmaster, Blue Jasmine, Ain’t Them Bodies Saints, Upstream Color, American Hustle, Spring Breakers