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Average score of 44 user reviews

A reverberating echo from the golden age of adventure games. 1

Wadjet Eye Games wants to live in a world where the adventure game genre never suffered the Black Death of FMV-ridden, incredibly obtuse puzzles that robbed it of its vitality for so long. It's content to pick up where the adventure game's golden age left off, with the gloriously rendered sprites of LucasArts' (then LucasFilm) and Sierra's stalwart heroes exploring well-realised worlds following well-told stories. Wadjet Eyes' earlier works, such as The Shivah and Gemini Rue, managed to craft eq...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

10 Types of Cover-Based Shooter: Binary Domain & Everything Else 0

Never let it be said that I don't occasionally leave my RPG comfort zone for something a little more faster-paced and visceral. Sega's Binary Domain is a near-future (2080! Mark your calendars!) third-person shooter that follows a "Rust Crew" - a SWAT-like task force from a multinational organization called IRTA that monitors and enforces a global law that prohibits human-like robots - as they traipse across a Tokyo that's been largely devastated by the rising sea level caused by global warming....

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Monolith Soft's magnum opus is a fitting last hurrah for the Wii. 4

As Monolith Software's Wii opus approaches its North American release date, I figured something should be put up here on Giant Bomb to help advise those who are still on the fence about this game. Specifically, the ones pondering the purchase of a Wii to play it on. I could quite easily recommend the purchase of a Wii, either now or when they become even cheaper after the imminent advent of the Wii-U, due to a quite well-hidden library of distinctively unusual yet wholly entertaining exclusives....

9 out of 9 found this review helpful.

Conventional meets contemporary in Mistwalker's latest tale. 6

Hell, I've written extensively about The Last Story in recent weeks, so I might as well collate all that information into something useful for those still pondering the purchase of this game, whether they're European or Australian citizens who have heard almost nothing about it or those on the North American continent who are eagerly anticipating its XSEED-produced summer release.The Last Story is an Action Strategy RPG from Mistwalker, the Japanese development studio started up by Final Fantasy...

8 out of 8 found this review helpful.