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Games I have finished!

ConsoleNumber of Games finished on...Publication DatesGame Release Date...
PC 677


X360 126 1989 2
PS1 11 1990 4
PS2 44 1991 8
PS3 33 1992 13
PS4 93 1993 16
GB 2 1994 12
MegaDrive 4 1995 21
Wii 10 1996 18
GC 3 1997 9
PSP 8 1998 19
DS 12 1999 11
SNES 14 2000 14
N64 4 2001 17
XONE 82 2002 23
3DS 8 2003 32
XBOX 9 2004 22
GBA 4 2005 19
NES 9 2006 33
Sega CD 1 2007 48
SMS 4 2008 55
Switch 2 2009 63
2010 50
2011 42
2012 53
2013 55
2014 79
2015 97
2016 102
2017 90
1988: 1 2018








List items

  • X360 2005

    Great game. Probably looks like arse today, but it mesmerisingly brutal when it came out. Embellished as my memory of the event is, I still fondly remember being chased around by a serial killer in an abandoned house. Frightening.

  • PC 2009

    Rustic charm out the wazoo. Short and sweet. Even bought the physical edition that came with the walkthrough booklet and music CD.

  • PS3 2007

    Certainly hasn't nor will it age as well as the other 3, but I have fond memories of playing this. I'm sure it still looks awesome too. It's what Naughty Dog does.

  • X360 2006

    Had a bunch of fun playing cooperative Terrorist Hunt missions.

  • X360 2007

  • PS2 2007

  • X360 2006

    Not a good game, but I certainly played a lot of the local multiplayer with a relative.

  • X360 2007

    StarBreeze made good games. This is one of them--if not their best one. Fundamental early 360 gaming.

  • PC 1997

    Adored the sense of humour this game has, and it sports FMV action. My jam.

  • PS2 2004

    Everybody loves this one. And for good reason: fun as hell to swing your way through New York.

  • X360 2007

    I ain't no weeb, but this game is colourful and boasts a pretty-as-a-picture environment to run around in. Naruto might be a cultural joke, but this game deserves to be played.

  • PC 2007

    Wonky Eastern European game design done right. I can't imagine the amount of time I spent just running around marveling at the drab and dreary environments while trying desperately not to be gunned downed. Survival gaming at its most enjoyable.

  • NES - ROM 1987

  • NES - ROM 1989

  • NES - ROM 1990

  • MD 1996

  • PC 1997

    Underrated game. Original visual design and organic-feeling environments.

  • SNES ROM 1995 - I haven't played many ROMs but I am glad that this was one of the few. Clock Tower before it was utterly schlock. Surprisingly detailed and content-filled for a SNES game. SNES games that are this intricate deserve praise. Too many mindless platformers and shitty fighting games otherwise.

  • PS2 2006

    One of the two Skateboarding games I played, and certainly the better. Nail-a-Trick was fun and the game looked good when it came out. Wasn't the cringefest that was THUG2.

  • PS2 2004

    Lame as fuck game. Unfun gimmicky vehicles, irritating characters and cringy Jackass bullshit. Truly encapsulates the worst of the skating subculture. Or an entirely misrepresented portrayal.

  • PS1 1999

    I played a PS1 game for some ungodly reason.

  • DS 2007

    Came with my DSLite. Shitty Pokemon-esque game? Can't remember. Came with cards or something.

  • PS1 1998

    Another victim of my PS1 exploration. Okay game. Holds up better than Croc that's for sure.

  • PC 2006

    A mediocre shooter that looked good on its release.

  • PS2 2001

  • PS2 2004

    Like the other Jax games but with a lot of driving. Which was decent. I guess they really liked the racing.

  • PS3 & X360 2009

    Tightest and most focused in the series. Probably the best game for it.

  • PS2 2006 (Canis Canem Edit)

  • PC 2003

    People adore this game. It's okay.

  • DS? 2006

  • PC 1999

  • PC 2009

    Yeah, I used a walkthrough. I suck. Still better than the Witness.

  • PS3 2008

    Surprisingly adequate hack and slash. Had lots of enemies on screen at once; the Kameo of hack and slash.

  • PC 2002

    You can shoot limbs off. Forgettable and gratuitous shooter. Not terrible.

  • PC 2003

    The game in which I had endless fun force-grabbing and throwing dudes of ledges. It's the biotic Charge of Star Wars: never get tired doing it.

  • X360 2006

    Game I loved when I played it, but falls dismally short on recollection. It's not the Youthful Morrowind and the Bethesda RPG is aging poorly.

  • GC 2002

    One of the few GC games I played. Respectable and maybe the best representation of Lovecraft in video games, but the sanity gimmicks are honestly overrated and smartly smack of gimmickiness.

  • PC 2009

    I love these grisly, dark Sherlock games. I like all games like that, but this one at let's you wonder around Whitechapel and do detective stuff whilst engaging in an interesting narrative.

  • PC 2009

    PLAY TIME: 52 Minutes.

  • PC 2007

    The only repetitive, simple indie game I ever became 'addicted' to. Beauty in simplicity. Like a chocolate bar.

  • XBLA 2008

  • X360 2005

    Played it years after it came out. Boy, it doesn't age well: awkward all-round. Multiplayer must have been a blast in its time.

  • X360 2010

  • X360 2009

    You can shoot UAVs and shit. Can shoot through cover(?). Call of Duty when I still cared.

  • PC 1992

  • PC 1992

  • PS2 2002

    Godawful PS2 version I played. I love FMV so much that I played it. I was very simple. Studied walkthrough studiously.

  • PC 1997

    Somewhat awkward game, but it's enough blade Runner to be damn good. get around the outdatedness and the clunkiness and the game is actually rather intriguing. I vaguely remember janky combat sections though.

  • SNES 1996

    Probably not as bad as I wanna say it is, but man did Rare make it seem babyish. Creative bosses, I'll give it.

  • PS2 2007

  • PC 1995

    I like this game, I like it a lot, but I haven't played it in forever and I'm sure it's a pain to play. One of those annoying games that require very specific actions in and a fine eye. It does tackle the theme of rape and its effects, which is to be respected as it's not crass video game storytelling.

  • PS2

    Blinded by nostalgia certainly, but Vice City is my favourite GTA. It smacks of that clunky GTA gameplay, but the story, characters, and feel are enchanting. A game comfortable in its style and a blast to interact with.

  • SNES 1994

    One of the two SNES RPGs I played. A commendable achievement for a SNES game. Complicated, intricate, and cared-for.

  • X360 2009

    Played this game with some friends. First level or so is fun because of the novel and inventive cursing--stops being fun once you get over the cursing.

  • PS2 2003

  • PC 2003

    Not sure why I payed all the way through this: I hate the artistic design and the voice-acting wasn't the greatest either.

  • PC 2003

  • X360 2007

  • PS3 2010

    Played it with a friend. As far as I can remember, and that's not much, this game is merely decent. Barren as a desert, though.

  • Wii 2008

    Played thew Wii version for some ungodly reason. Crappy framerate and a couple of audio issues, but otherwise rather playable.

  • XBLA 2005

  • X360 2010

    The forgotten Bioshock. Insofar as I don't remember anything about it.

  • X360 2009

    Fun for a few hours, but the gets boring soon after. Slight variations in the weapons you find are not enough to sustain the length of the game. Thankfully, co-op makes everything manifold more bearable.

  • X360 2008

    Uninspired character design aside, this game is pretty damn solid at what it is, and both the characters have very different manners in which they fight. Hella recycling going on though and you better expect to fight the same bosses a few times.

  • X360 2009

    Perhaps a little lengthy, but this game is a treasure for Ghostbusters' fans. It is repetitive.

  • X360 2007

    Boils down to a gimmick, but that gimmick is fun enough to build a short game around.

  • X360 2008


  • X360 2009

    I'm far too forgiving, but I don't hate this game. I think the bosses are awesomely creepy, buuut fight too much like video game characters. That is to elaborate, too much of this game's focus went on combat systems and not enough on the story or characters. Game does look nice.

  • X360 2009

  • PS2 2002

    A game I played a bunch with my father. Iconic as hell: Beachstorming and taking out prototype jets, and Needle in the Haystack. My favourite mission/level from an FPS shooter.

  • X360 2010

    The only Splinter Cell game I've played. Understandably not what you expect from a Splinter Cell game, but that's probably why I enjoyed playing it.

  • X360 2007

    One of only two AC games I have finished, and while it is clearly not thematically similar to Black Flag and lack its diversity, I love solemness. And this game oozes gravity and self-seriousness. It's what I want from my assassin game: a seriousness that is evidently indulgent but nonetheless appealing.

  • X360 2008

    She swims real weird.

  • PC 2016

    Played this after I liked the Cat Lady.

  • X360 2012

    Even though I played the Xbox version, still enjoyed this game a bunch.

  • X360 2012

    Heart of Darkness but dumber cause it's a video game. Average shooter.

  • PC 2012

    However, I do love me some post-apocalypse adventure gaming. And robots, desolate environments, and a general sense of things past.

  • PC 2012

    Depressing game about depressing people doing depressing things. Maybe suffers from being too extreme, but if you can ignore that it does feel like a heartfelt execution of depression. Great music and unique visuals. But it does get absurd.

  • DS 2007

    Manna from the Heavens. Would consider buying a 3DS just so I could keep playing Picross.

  • X360 2011

    Probably the best Dark Souls map and arguably the best one in the series. It certainly has the best bosses. Looking at you DS2.

  • X360 2012

    Better than I thought it would be, definitely. It's no Darkness one, but the tradeoff between story and action validates this game by itself.

  • PC 2011

    Didn't like this game as much as the first, solely because many of the puzzles skewed American.

  • PC 2011

    No idea why I played this. I dislike graphic novels. guess I had to know for sure. Somewhat pervy.

  • GC 2002

  • PC 2011

    The worst TellTale series by far. Unsurpassable in how shitty it is: it looks awful, characters, story and the events are dumb, QTE are punishingly difficult. And it tries its best to besmirch Jurassic Park. Basically Jurassic Park 2.

  • DS 2009

  • PS2 2005

    Pretty damn good for a licensed game. Remember them?

  • PS2 2004

  • PS2 2005

    I don't know. Dumb childhood.

  • PC 2008

  • PC 2004

    Frankly, I find it hard to distinguish the events from Syberia and its sequel, but goddamn I adore these games. There's a reverberating, sorrowful echo that rings throughout the series. I adore melancholy and loneliness. As themes. Portrayed in Art.

  • PC 1998

    Damn novel adventure game and creepy as hell. Unfortunately once you reach the circus the game becomes unbearably tedious.

  • X360 2009

    Felt pretty generic and unfun. Played years after release, so maybe a case of a game not aging well.

  • PC 2007

    Shouldn't count: game is like 20 minutes long and you just move forward. Art piece.

  • PS3 2010

    Lady in Black. 10/10.

  • PS2 2004

    Man, this game is perhaps more polarizing than it ought to be: it just isn't good, but there's so much I like about it. Invincible monsters sucked; lame enemy design sucked; unlikable protagonist sucked; half the game recycled sucks; but I loved the apartment. I love the contrasting experiences of the horrific otherworld and the mundane apartment. I love how the place of sanctuary slowly devolves into something nightmarish, and how it makes you feel that you are losing control. The idea of a kernel of normality within all the madness sets a nice pace.

  • PC 1998

    This is my fucking jam. X-Files and 90's FMV adventures games.

  • PC 2008

    Black and white adventure game. Somewhat boring.

  • X360 2006

    I like Absolution but Blood Money is the accurate Hitman ideal: open, inventive levels, fun interactions, and a sense of sardonic humour.

  • PC 2011

    The first Wadjet Eye adventure game, and just maybe my favourite. You like Blade Runner and/or mysterious corporate Sci-Fi? This is the game.