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PersonZ's Push-Up Club Returns with the Community Endurance Run XII

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Hi Everyone,

PersonZ here, otherwise known and Jatzu, or that one Canadian dude you never heard about because he mostly only lurks here. It’s that time of year again, The time of year when I forgo large amounts of sleep to help raise money for Pencils of Promise. Last year with the support of people like you my shenanigans raised just over $ 1,500 USD. Additionally as per my donation incentives last year I did 1,000 push-ups on stream and put up an additional $ 1,000 of my own money to help support CAMH which is an organization dedicated to helping people with addiction and mental health problems.

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This year my goal will be raising $ 2,000 for Pencils of Promise and in doing so I will be putting my own money on the table as well. For Every one dollar USD raised for pencils of promise I will donate an additional one Dollar USD to the Center for Addiction & Mental Health up to $ 1,500 USD total. So not only will donating help kids in developing nations but you will also be helping people in need to combat mental health and addiction problems as well. That's win win if you ask me. I will also still be doing push-ups. For every dollar donated I will do one push-up until 1,000 push-ups are done. Additional push-ups may happen, but I am not sure I can promise more than 1K over three days.

I will match all POP donations with a CAMH donation up to $ 1,500.00 USD
I will match all POP donations with a CAMH donation up to $ 1,500.00 USD

What I can promise though is some video games, streamed by myself while getting the minimum amount of rest when needed. This year the box wizard returns as well as my pals Orsi & Ligori will be returning once again to help beat Trine 3 on Thursday April 8th. I have heard this is the bad Trine, but how can a game with a Box wizard be bad? Following Trine 3, Myself & Ligori will be doing a full run of It Takes Two. Come watch us enjoy a co-operative game about…. Divorce? We may be doing other random co-op stuff as well depending on how much Ligori can stay awake but most of that will be a surprise.

Saturday Morning the single player games will begin with myself going through Resident Evil VIII for the first time. Following RE8 I will be going through Spider-Man: Miles Morales. If for some reason I beat those two quickly I will dip into my random PS Plus Library which I have ignored for the past several years.

So to summarize...

Donation Incentives:

  • I will do 1 pushup for every dollar raised (up to 1K pushups).
  • For every 1 USD donated to Pencils of Promise I will donate 1 USD to CAMH (up to 1.5K total)

Schedule & Donation Links

  • Friday April 8th - Starting at 7 PM EST Co-Op Games with Orsi & Ligori: Trine 3, It Takes Two, and Maybe More?
  • Saturday April 9th to Sunday April 10th at 3PM EST - Staring as Soon as the Co-Op partners pass out: Resident Evil 8, Spider Man: Miles Morales and More (Depending on how long it takes me to finish / do pushups)

You can watch my stream on either explosive runs or on my twitch channel

You can donate to my Stream here:

You can look up info on Pencils of Promise Here & CAMH here.