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Shocking Moments in Video Games


These are my picks of moments in gaming which I find to be extremely shocking. I was originally gonna put as "OMGWTF Moments" but I wanna be nice to the kids. :)

Oh, before you begin, note that this list is full of SPOILERS so don't freak out if you haven't discovered them beforehand. I'm not responsible for spoiling the fun. :D

Not in any particular order.

List items

  • Shocking Moment:


    To discover at the end that you were playing as a woman this whole time. Before Metroid, girls were always depicted as the damsels in distress, so to play as a female lead role in games was quite a shock back then. Samus Arun, be proud to be the first female protagonist in video games.

  • Shocking Moment:


    When supporting cast Kendra Daniels turned out to be the bad guy at the end. Kendra was one of the crew to follow engineer/ protagonist Isaac Clarke to the Ishimura and she was very helpful; giving hints and comforting you with her sweet voice but then, from out of nowhere, she backstabbed you and left you to rot in the demolished space ship. When that happened, my jaw was wide opened. How could you?!

  • Shocking Moment:


    There are many shocking moments in this game but I round up two to be the most surprising. One was when Psycho Mantis "read" your thoughts and told you what games you had been playing. The second was finding out Liquid Snake and Master Miller were the same person. Duh-duh-duh-duh!

  • Shocking Moment:


    Discovering that your ally is your enemy. Yeah, when your trusty friend Atlas was none other than the bastard who was responsible for the deaths of countless lives in Rapture: Frank Fontaine.

  • Shocking Moment:


    That Leo Kasper is the split personality of Daniel Lamb. That explains why those two were never together during gameplay and you could only hear the other person's voice.

  • Shocking Moment:


    The Mysterious Woman was none other than Chris Redfield's best friend Jill Valentine.

  • Shocking Moment:


    When the game's being delayed for like the seventh time or something. Nah, that's not shocking enough. The most shocking moment to me is when the entire staff of Duke Nukem Forever was fired from 3D Realms. Damn! Looks like they were really outta gum.

  • Shocking Moment:


    When Itagaki left Tecmo and Team Ninja. I'm still pissed about it.

  • Shocking Moment:


    When he was fired from GameSpot. Honestly, it didn't really affect me that much at first but after a few months prior to the incident, I realized what a huge impact it caused to the game community.

  • Shocking Moment:


    The Left 4 Dead 2 boycott.

  • Shocking Moment:


    When you found out that Dom's wife is dead. Well, sort of. She was still alive at the time but...sniff! I can't go on. Sob! Sob Sob!

  • Shocking Moment:


    When Eli Vance, Alyx's dad, dies!!

  • Shocking Moment:


    Meeting Big Boss at the end, alive and well... for the most part.

  • Shocking Moment:


    To realize that she is still useless after all this time. Every single Mario game involves rescuing her royal worthless butt. Just die already.

  • Shocking Moment:


    The nuclear blast.

  • Shocking Moment:


    General Shepherd switched sides.

  • Shocking Moment:


    Main antagonist Blackmore was none other than Torque's evil split personality.

  • Shocking Moment:


    To find out that this game REALLY SUCKS! No physical collisions. No sounds. No testing. No nothing. The game's not even finished, so how could they shipped the game? WTF were they thinking?!

  • Shocking Moment:


    How a video game based on a hit movie turned out to be the grand motherload of garbage.

  • Shocking Moment:


    To find out that the Dark Disciple was Ryu's uncle Murai. Some of you may saw it coming but I didn't, and it was shocking.

  • Shocking Moment:


    Man, this whole game is full of surprises...but I think the one that everyone can agree is when you find out that Harman Smith is not the primary personalty but Garcian Smith is. Or should we call you Emir Parkreiner?

  • Shocking Moment:


    To learn that private investigator Scott Shelby is the Origami Killer!