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I'm new here. Noob? n00b? ...anyway one of those

Today was my first day working as a developer at CBS Interactive in the Games group. As part of my indoctrination I was told (warned?) that I'd get followers just because of my staff status. Well if you're going to follow me I probably should give you something to follow.

There's plenty of talented writers here so I'll leave anything to do with gaming up to them. I'll be getting into the behind the scenes magic that delivers their awesome content to your screen. I'll get into such magic as the code, the servers, the platforms and the wizards who conjure it all up and tame it when it breathes fire in the wrong direction. Wether you're a pro developer, a hobbiest or a wannabe I hope you'll at the very least be entertained.

Of course because this is my blog I'll also talk about myself. I'm old school. Much of my childhood gaming experience was in a dark and smoky arcade with rows of standup cabinets for Pac-Mac, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Galaxian, Gorf, Dig Dug, Moon Lander, Asteroids, Defender, Robotron, Joust and many other titles of the day. Atari VCS was the home machine and that made 8 bit look awesome. Space Invaders was the first game I ever played and it changed my life, a year later Galaxian caused me to lose my shit and another year later Galaga came really close to getting me kicked out of school. I could not pass by the 7-11 with the Galaga machine in the corner without stopping in and playing it. That store was between my house and my school. I was late a lot.

edgework (pay attention to the capitalization, I don't respond to Edgework or Edge Work) is my gamer name. Its a reference to a Hunter S. Thompson quote:

"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."

Well, its actually more than just a quote, it's his life. I take inspiration from Hunter in that I'm a pusher of boundaries. I'm always looking for the edge and sometimes I do go over and I have the scars, literally and figuratively to prove it. I'm going to be pushing Giant Bomb and Gamespot to edge, technically and you get to go along for the ride.

Strap yourself in...