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Best of 2009

Shaanyboi: Best of 2009

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  • An amazing sequel. Simply amazing. It has more heart, more action, more everything.

  • They finally got it right. Absolutely right. They nailed everything Batman was about, delved headfirst into that universe and its mythology, and they made it fun and captivating. Amazing game, Rocksteady. Well done.

  • An INCREDIBLY under-appreciated gem on the DS. One of the best platformers I've played in years. It has style, it has wit, and it's got a hell of a lot of challenge to it. GOOD SHOW!

  • I'm not a GTA fan, but this game just made the mayhem just a lot of fun. There is great use of the touch screen, there's a lot to do. The story's a bit weak, but it' s delving into the city that makes this game. Like the drugs you can spend a LOT of time just going around dealing, this game is addictive.

  • Making up for the generally bland Phantom Hourglass, this game has heart. Refining everything from the last game, this feels like a real Zelda. The lack of an explorable overworld is disappointing, but nevertheless, a fine, fine game. Lives up to the franchise name well.

  • There's so much to do in this game. Too much to do. But I'll be damned if you don't want to do it all! It grabs hold and doesn't let go. Even if the characters seem to emote very little, and the art direction is pretty bland.

  • This is what the Wii is about. Pure fun. It demonstrates the MotionPlus incredibly well, and shows off some modes that you'll be hooked on perfecting for a LONG time.

  • Coming out of nowhere, this game has got such a great sense of humor. Its style is unique, its gameplay is perfect for those with OCD, and you just WANT to get better and better each time. Awesome.

  • Unconventional to say the least, but this game encapsulates just what "survival-horror" and Silent Hill should be about. Messing with your head, making you run for your life, and not making you want to put the controller down. The game's obscure way of observing your actions puts you in a constant state of unease. I could fault the game for making it kinda clear when you're in danger and when you're not, but the sheer ambition here has reminded us that we've forgotten just what made this franchise special - the psychological element. And I'll be damned if it doesn't make sure you know that by the time you're done.

  • Way more action-y than the franchise is known for, but RE4 showed that that was the direction the series was taking already. With the fun co-op, and some AWESOME moments that come out of this game, this is a great entry into the series.