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Stand and Deliver your Money for Extra Life!

I'm a dandy ... why aye man? Fuck. Sorry about that one. This is my first year of participation and I'm excited to do my bit FOR THE KIDS!

I'm getting under way on November 7th at 8am GMT (the meanest of time zones) and there is some certain notes I want to hit. It'll be a mostly PS4-centric stream but I've also got a workable PC stream up and running. As a result, I have this in mind:

The Golf Club

There are two things I know that transpire around golf courses: Business and heart attacks. Why not band together in chat and intend to make one or both of these happen? Spout out your kickstarter fantasies or lay out Capcom's long-term business strategy from the comfort of your armchair. I'll be discussing the best suggestions from chat and, as with how democracy really rolls, any suggestions attached to donations get preferential scrutiny. LET'S MAKE SOME DEALS... WITH OUR IMAGINATIONS! AND LOUD VOICES!

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Time to celebrate Big Boss' oil rig death cult by playing the campaign completely Snake-less. The Diamond Dogs are ready to shine as we decide which ones have the coolest names and then give them license to ESPIONAGE! As with my recent blog series I may choose to moan about plot specifics. I say 'may'. I mean 'shall'.

Gone Home

Everybody's favourite introspection simulator will get a rude awakening as I role-play as a person attempting to burgle the Greenbriar residence. Chat can point out loot worth jacking and also speculate on the house's value as a whole. I will also be justifying my rampant ransacking by, I dunno, turning it into a class war. Sounds good, right? Start the van.


Who's the greatest vampire hunter of them all? Donate with a comment to champion a Belmont of your choice, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing or Hunter Hearst Helmsley as our character. Yarnham won't know anything like it as our hunter dominates and is dominated by all manner of beasts.

Championship Manager / Football Manager

'Yeah'. Hold on a second, I'm going somewhere with this. I want to see how successful I can be in spite of myself. Selling top players, insulting fellow managers and generally acting with entire contempt for the profession I have chosen. Press be damned, star players be damned. Fans be damned. Its easier to do in the latter games with more interaction on offer but Championship Manager 2001-2 moves a lot quicker. A decision will need to be made. I recognise these are boring games to watch so I'll try my best to make it seem bearable.

And, if we hit $200 before 2am GMT on Sunday morning, we solve a murder.


From start to finish. We're solving this alcoholic's murder one bare-faced lie at a time armed only with a manbag, hat and "Just a few more questions, please." Make it happen. No hints. No chief calls. You are the chief!

So, yeah. Those are the main landmarks I'm looking at. I'm also looking to play a bit of Project Cars, Super Meat Boy, Dark Souls II, Metro 2033, Rocket League, Sleeping Dogs, AMONGST OTHERS! Should be a packed 24 hours so join me.

I'll also be streaming over the coming weekend to preview the events. I fancy revisiting some old games whilst drumming up some last-minute support. It's greatly appreciated and is going to a worthy cause.

Donate here.

Watch on twitch here.

And it will be archived so anything you missed can be caught up. Team Giant Bomb's hitting that $250,000, folks.