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Stay in the woods. Stay green. Stay safe.

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Average score of 4 user reviews

Everything you need to know about APB 26

The City of San Paro is not host to a traditional MMO, though you could be forgiven for the confusion. Realtime Worlds has created a game with more similarities to the Free Roam of Grand Theft Auto than World Of Warcraft, and this differentiation is to the games credit. The gameplay is fast, brutal and lacks the intimidating grinds and level caps that would normally be associated with any game asking for a monthly subscription.   I know that reviewing an MMO at launch is normally frowned upon s...

109 out of 112 found this review helpful.

Sweep Reviews Sleep Is Death 4

Sleep Is Death sounds morose as fuck.  It's an Indie adventure game which is designed to be played with 2 people. Think dungeons and dragons except you make everything up in realtime. The premise is that each player is given 30 seconds to react to the actions of the previous player. Because there is no AI and no NPC's every action, object and line of dialogue is completely contextualized by those of the previous player. So one person writes "Where the fuck is my snake?" and you then have the fr...

7 out of 14 found this review helpful.

The Passing: A title ripe for parody. 3

 I appreciate I should have incorporated a hilarious pun into the title. Something about "not passing up on the passing!!". A brilliant opportunity missed, I fear... Oh well.The Passing is a three chapter DLC campaign for Left 4 Dead 2.  And it's one last chance for you to fapp over Zoey.   The campaign is set amidst a tropical storm and looks fantastic with all the bright neon signs cluttered around, but don't expect anything revolutionary on the visual front. The general layout is fairl...

15 out of 15 found this review helpful.

Sweeps Age Of Booty Review 2

I don't usually write reviews or impressions or anything like that, but I feel this game deserves my over-valued attention. So here we go;Having played Age Of Booty for many hours, I am continually impressed with this neat little team based action strategy game.After booting up the game I hopped straight into a 4vs4 multiplayer match (there was 1vs1 and 2vs2 options also available). Finding a group was painless. Thankfully there was no "Ranked or Player?" decisions to be made (the option to choo...

12 out of 13 found this review helpful.