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Games I have finished in 2011

GamePlatformTime PlayedDate CompletedScore
Dead Rising 2PC37 Hours09.01.20118
Game Dev StoryAndroid-19.01.20118
Zombie DriverPC2.5 Hours25.01.20114.5
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog daysPC6-7 Hours29.01.20116
The Scourge Project ep 1 & 2PC8 Hours06.02.20114.5
MagickaPC15 Hours09.02.20116
Serious Sam HD - The Second EncounterPC4 Hours19.02.20116.5
Swords & Soldiers HDPC3.5 Hours27.02.20116.5
Army of Two: The 40th DayXbox 360-04.03.20116.5
HALO : ODSTXbox 360-05.03.20117.5
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - RetributionPC20 Hours13.03.20118.0
Dragon Age IIPC38 Hours03.04.20117.5
Anomaly Warzone EarthPC7 Hours14.04.20117
PortalPC3 Hours21.04.20119
Portal 2PC10 Hours21.04.20119
ProtoGalaxyPC7 Hours30.05.20117.5
Duke Nukem ForeverPC8 Hours10.06.20115.5
Fallout: New VegasPC56 Hours18.06.20118.5
Alpha ProtocolPC10 Hours23.06.20116
Dungeons & Dragons DaggerdalePC7 Hours30.06.20113.5
Atom Zombie SmasherPC4 Hours15.07.20117
Warhammer 40,000: Kill TeamXbox 3603 Hours16.07.20116
Just Cause 2PC19.5 Hours31.07.20118
BrinkPC8 Hours07.08.20115.5
Grand Theft Auto IVPC38 Hours13.08.20118.5
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty CityPC18 Hours04.09.20117
Dungeon DefendersPC31 Hours06.11.20118.5
Renegade OpsPC5 Hours09.11.20118.5
Saints Row: The ThirdPC28 Hours20.11.20118.0
Operation Flashpoint: Red RiverPC11 Hours02.12.20116.5
Deus Ex: Human RevolutionPC26 Hours17.12.20117.5

List items

  • Score 8/10. The game is good, the humour is grand and its a blast in Co-op :) Some minor bugs, but nothing big that ruins the fun.

  • "Completed" This after about playing 6 hours of this the 19th of January. For an android game I am going to give it a score of 8/10.

  • This game is horrible. It's great fun for a while, but it's just the same through the entire game. At the end after I finished the game, the game crashed. So didn't get to see the conclusion, not that I really want to because the game sucks.

  • The only thing that makes this game worth playing is Co-op. The online Co-op weren't the best experience, the game suffers from rubber banding and weird things when playing online. The ending is horrible and if my friend and Hadn't completed the game on Extreme difficulty, we would have completed the game in 1-2 hours. Instead it took us 6.7 hours on the Extreme difficulty.

  • Unless you have 2 or 3 friends who you really enjoy playing coop with, then this game really isn't worth it. But if you do have 2 or 3 friends to play with in coop, this game can be a few hours of entertainment at least. Wouldn't have played this for more than 30 minutes alone though.

  • This game was so buggy when it was released, it was actually impossible to complete it in Co-op with friends. After several patches and about 2 weeks of waiting, the game was playable only with minor crashes. I would wait even a bit longer before buying/playing it, because it is still unstable.

  • I played the HD remake of this game with friends. It is a shame that this is only an remake where they just improve on the graphics. They should have included new voice work and new levels.

    Do not buy this full price wait for it to be on a discount, buy it and play it with friends in Co-op.

  • This game is a good buy if you can grab it on steam when it's discounted. The Single-player is OK though its short and gets repetitive. Didn't have chance to try Multi-player since nobody was playing (It's an old game, by internet standards, now).

  • This game is fun when you play it in co-op, but there are so many things that annoyed the shit out of me when I played the game. The cover system is annoying. At the technical side of things, the things that annoyed me the most is the Audio. The dialogue in the game is at times so low in volume that you can't hear what they are saying. No problem, just add subtitles. Wait, what? No subtitles or audio settings at all you say?

  • The game was good. I am not interested in competitive FPS games on consoles at all, so I didn't even bother playing that part of the game. But the co-op was good fun. Only thing that annoyed me was the faces of the characters was badly animated, drawn and rendered. But I really liked the urban environments :)

  • Short single-player and the story basically plays out the same no matter what faction you choose to play with. But as always Co-op campaign is a blessing and finally you get to play as Eldar,Tyranid and Chaos marines in the campaign.

  • This game are not as good as Origins, but in it's own way the game is fun as an action game. The story, dialogue and action is fun.

    Some annoying factors like annoying enemy spawning and the feeling that your choices does not impact anything at all. Some of the companions is also boring and uninteresting, so you do not want to use them at all in your team. The game is definately worth playing though, but it's no GOTY candidate like Origins was.

  • This game is actually pretty good value. It's kind of a reversed tower defense. Seems way too easy at first, but gets way more challenging at the end.

  • This game introduced new puzzle elements to the FPS genre. I like it a lot, too bad about the short length of the game though, it takes less than 3 hours to complete.

  • Portal 2 was a great experience. Good singleplayer and excellent co-op.

    It introduces new puzzles and a brand new story.

    They have kept the co-op and the singleplayer story separated, so it is a ton of value in this game.

  • This was a decent game, a bit short and a bit repetetive. If you want to play this on PC, you should really make sure you have a 360 controller. I played it with a controller after playing about 15 seconds with a keyboard.

  • Completed this game with a friend in Co-op. The game was fun with somebody else. The chase after fat loot made you want to finish most levels 100%.

    Totally worth buying if you know somebody who you can play with and especially if you can get it on a special offer on Steam.

  • 14-15 years of developing takes its toll. The game is fun and humourus, but it's no game of the year candidate. Some extras are unlocked after first run through, which does give some re-playability, but not much. This game might not have a good as story as Modern Warfare, but it has been a long time since I laughed playing an FPS, so I enjoyed the experience none the less. The multiplayer didn't interest me at all.

  • Obsidian certainly did a better Fallout than Bethesda ever did. Even so, there were a lot of bugs in this game, which in turn ruins the illusion of being in a post apocalyptic world. Even so, this game is totally worth checking out if you already haven't. Funny though, I knew this game would be buggy (Obsidian) so I waited for all the patches to come out. Took me a long time to complete it, considering I actually pre-ordered it.

  • The game is Obsidian made, which in turns make it quite buggy and things like that. I had no crashes or anything, but sometimes AI would be inside the walls, the AI behaviour was stupid and things like that. This is not a 'realistic' game like Splinter Cell, it is more arcady. The story however is quite good, and you will keep playing like you would keep reading a good book.

  • Oh my god this game is bad. It is barely fun even in Co-op. Stay clear of this game.

  • This game is crazy hard and frustrating. At times I had to retry the mission like 20-40 times. Sick!

  • This game is fun when playing co-op.

    Worth the 800 points.

  • This game is huge! With the fastest moving airplane you can get in-game it takes a couple of minutes to get from one side to the other. It is lush with different terrain types and plain out looks gorgeous. Problem is though, that the missions and taking over areas such as cities or military bases are damn out tedious! This game should have had more variety in what you do.

  • This game has a seriously bad campaign. The campaign is poorly put together and feels like Unreal Tournament (1999) with the option to switch some of the bots on your team with friends to play it cooperately. The multiplayer can be some fun though, but I don't see a real market for this game.

  • This game isn't a big performer on the PC, which is a shame because it is a damn good game.

  • There are two expansions in this package and only one of them is any good and that is The Ballad Of Gay Tony, in that the voice acting is excellent and you like the characters. The other episode though, The Lost And The Damned, is a horrible horrible experience. I absolutely loath the characters, voice and the story.

  • This game is a whole lot of fun when playing with friends. This game was supposed to be released early 2011, but got delayed by 9 months.

  • Even though this game is really short, it is definately a lot of fun!

    The cut-scenes are awesome and the graphics plus action is top notch!

    Get this game!

  • Played it on PC. The game didn't feel like it was a finished product, but when it is fun it is hilariously fun to be shared with a friend!

    Totally recommend getting this if you know somebody to play co-op with.

  • This game is decent in Co-op, but not much else. The graphics looks a bit smeared out, like clay, especially the landscape. The story is weak and you only drive vehicles a couple of times. Most of the time you feel you are riding along a car/helicopter and just sitting there listening to dialogue.

  • This game was fine, but the graphics and environments felt off. The missions got boring after a while and the game had some useless "upgrades".

    The game is fun though, and you want to finish it just to know what happens in the story. Though the first 8 hours the main characters voice annoyed me, it does not get better, but you get used to it.