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@aagaard said:

@vinny and the rest of the GB crew

First off, thank you very much for getting me through the lockdown. It's really appreciated.

I use to create mail aliases that forward things like order confirmations and newsletters to my real mail address (hosted elsewhere) as well as obfuscate my real address if I ever need to send a reply the other way.

It basically has a simple web interface for what Jeff described you can manually do at the MX-level.

Don't be scared by the truly ancient looking design – I've been a paying member (36 USD/year) for more than 16 years and have nothing but good things to say about their reliability and service. It does exactly one thing and it does it well.

I can also recommend as a premium mail provider (50 USD/year).

Besides being an awesome and fully featured mail service that isn't the complete privacy disaster that Gmail is, I have also got it setup with my own domain and website-specific aliases that forward to my real address (similarly to what Sneakemail does but with a domain and naming I control myself). These aliases can be easily added with Fastmail's web interface.

Either method works well if you combine it with a password manager giving you both a unique username and a unique password – changing username and password is quickly done and gives you peace of mind in case of spam or a website hack.

Thanks a bunch for the information. Looks like sneakemail is exactly the kind of thing I'd like to try. When I just tried signing up it seemed their account creations was "temporary disabled" but I'll try again another time. Thanks again.

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Audio seems out of sync on this... I'm going to look at that if you see it go down for a moment.

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The audio quality may change towards the last 15 minutes or so as one of the local solo recordings stopped and I had to use the video version audio.

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Thanks for the feedback so far. Generally seems like bigger is being brought up a lot. As far as some of the technical bits go like having All-In-One and multiple at the same time a lot of that will come down to if we dedicate someone to switch these streams and if switching between different vocal audio mixes on an All-In-One stream is too jarring (my gut says it would be). For me, ideally, the person switching the feeds would have clean gameplay audio for each stream and a dedicated vocal mix that is consistent no matter what view. That would mean, though, that each participant is streaming only gameplay audio without vocals. There are, of course TECHNICALLY ways to do both (each person doing multiple sends or remuxing downstream) but that would probably introduce so many technical hoops out of the gate that it's probably not reasonable in the near future. Maybe down the road.

I'm anxious to try more out, especially with some ideas to have the latency across all views line up better and being able to switch the action on the fly. I'm also curious to see how the quality of the non-local streams hold up when they are presented larger after being recompressed by someone switching.

Of course, the other option is just do it this all in post and not live, but where is the challenge in that?

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Trying out some stuff with multiple feeds in one stream so let me know what you think. I think we can solve some of the latency between my stream (for example) and the others by all of us hitting a common endpoint instead of me inserting my local feed. At that point it shouldn't be too much for a staff member to switch between feeds (if they aren't also playing!) I'm curious if people would prefer the all-in-one or the 4 separate feeds if they had to choose.

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Thank you for everything you guys do. This shit ain't easy and I know you put everything into this stuff even when there is nothing left in the tank. So that being said, is there something up with Abby's mic on her end or whomever is recording? She seems to be crazy compressed or autoducking. I am hearing her start on her second or third word and when it does come through it is pretty garbled. Right before second break (I think) is where I really noticed it and if it was me I would want to know.

Stay safe and see you guys soon!

Is it on the video or audio version? If it's the video version it's something she's been trying to track down for a bit but the problem is fairly bizarre and unpredictable (solutions work one day but not the next).

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Edited By vinny

@theansah said:

@vinny is the Ben thing a bit or is his track missing?

Nope! Not even sure how that happened! Fixing now.

Edit: Ok! Should be fixed. Hopefully, if your RSS pulled the old one it updates automatically. Sorry and thanks for the heads up.

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Some versions (free/premium video) might still be processing and seemed to be taking longer than usual so hopefully everything will be available soon.

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Edited By vinny

We had a recording issue with our individual audio tracks so we're using the original mixdown audio in this one. Practically, what this means is I couldn't manually mix the audio so if things sound a little off, that's probably why... especially those mass gate jumps so cover your ears... I usually knock those down quite a bit. For fun, see if you can spot where the mass gate jumps are in this gameplay waveform:

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Edited By vinny

@nigeth said:

Was it a deliberate decision to not include the audio of the YouTube video you guys watched on the audio only version of the Podcast?

Those were riveting dead air filled five minutes of podcast entertainment

Yikes, definitely not! Checking that now...

Edit: Fixed