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@rgrimm01 said:
@bludgeoner86 said:


I'm not sure I'm the only pervert out there that still uses this but I use the Giant Bomb App on Xbox.

About a week ago, probably since this update, any new videos that show up will not play, it shows error message, "Error: Unsupported video type or invalid file path" - Old videos will still play on the app, but new videos do not play.

Is this something that can be fixed or are we SOL on this issue?

Thank you 🙏

(Looking back on this thread it seems like it might apply to this, so sorry if I'm repeating information)

I'm having the same issue. Watching old videos is fine but anything since the new video player was rolled out is impossible to play through the app on Xbox. I know it is an unofficial app so if a fix isn't possible I completely understand.

I too use the Xbox app and am having the same issues. Will be really bummed out if the new video player breaks the app completely. I never watch videos on my computer. I can always watch the free stuff on YouTube, even though the ad breaks every 5 minutes is a nightmare, but if premium videos are limited to only being viewable on my computer, I may never be able to watch.

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@styx971 said:
@ydross said:

Not sure how i feel about them continuing Blight Club without Jess. She was a big part of it and it feels a bit disrespectful to continue without her.

i mean i get what your saying ...but also its playing bad games , anyone can play bad games , she was great and i'll miss her but as long as they can get another person into the mix vs just taking turns then its not like it can't be done in the concept that we knew of. that said i haven't watched todays but i'm sure its gonna feel like shes missing for a while , even if my tastes didn't align with hers she was some great fresh blood around here.

She popped up in the GB sub reddit and told them she is fine with them continuing. She also said she is interested in being on a future episode, but nobody really knows the logistics of doing that or if its even something that would be allowed.

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@shindig said:
@dooz said:

@shindig Why would you let a middleman take money away from you when you could just do everything yourself? Especially if all you really do is play games on stream and make podcasts.

I think that's part of the problem. At least at an established outfit, you've got a little bit more to work with. There's been more to Giant Bomb over the years than playing games and making podcasts. Even if most of that is playing the games in different ways (Ranking of Fighters, Hitsmas, Drew's weird setup for Dan's attempts at Tyson), it was something different.

The money's never been there but the alternative now is to make slightly more money sitting in your house and talking to yourself. I could go anywhere for that.

I don't find any of it special any more. Having the old heads just settle into the same rut feels kind of depressing.

EDIT: I'll also add visibility into the mix. Imagine trying to stand out from that youtube crowd, even if some of the old audience follows you. Or, as in Giant Bomb's case, the audience gets split because some guys you also worked with have their own channels.

It's a mess, man. Games coverage is a hellscape.

Where would these people be jumping to exactly? It's not like there are a lot of opportunities out there these days.

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I haven't tried Skater XL yet, but have played a good amount of Session, and the biggest thing I have realized is that I can not learn a new control scheme. I played way too much Skate to switch at this point. Even the legacy control option Session added just doesn't work as well as I want it to. I want to love Session and like a lot of what is in there, but what I really want out of a skateboarding game is new levels and the Skate control scheme. I don't need an ultra realistic skateboarding simulator. I want to be able to do the tricks I want, on the spots I want, without feeling like I am learning the tricks in real life.

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#5  Edited By williamhenry
@lonelyspacepanda said:

@coldblood: No one defended him here? I asked why people hate him. Someone else said something about he did space stuff and that's good. Paypal is pretty cool. I like Paypal. I mean I use it. Doesn't mean I love Mr. Musk

If you are unaware of what a shitty person Elon is at this point, its on you for being oblivious. Here are just a few:

  • Claiming in March 2020 that people worried about the coronavirus were “dumb
  • Predicting on March 19, 2020, that the U.S. was going to have “close to zero new cases” by the end of April
  • Questioning the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, and baselessly asserting that there were “quite a few negative reactions” to getting a second shot
  • Likening Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeauto Hitler
  • Saying the U.S. government shouldn‘t provide subsidies to companies after receiving billions in subsidies from the U.S government
  • Using Twitter to engage in securities fraud
  • Tweeting, “Pronouns suck
  • Tweeting misogynistic things at Senator Elizabeth Warren because she said he should pay more in taxes
  • Writing to Bernie Sanders, who also thinks the richest man in the world should pay more in taxes, “I keep forgetting that you’re still alive
  • Tweeting dumb, sexist jokes
  • Tweeting a photo of Bill Gates and writing, “in case u need to lose a boner fast”
  • Tweeting in 2018 that Tesla factory workers could lose their stock options if they unionized
  • Baselessly accusing a British cave diver instrumental in rescuing a trapped football team of being a “pedo guy” because he, like others, said Musk’s idea to send in a submarine wouldn’t work
  • Reopening a Tesla factory in violation of public health orders, where 450 cases were subsequently recorded
  • Running a company (Tesla) that was ordered to pay nearly $137 million to a former Black employee who said the company ignored repeated complaints that he was called the N-word and that his colleagues “had drawn swastikas and scratched a racial epithet in a bathroom stall and left drawings of derogatory caricatures of Black children around the factory.” (In a message to Tesla employees, a human resources executive downplayed the man’s allegations, noting he was a contractor, not a full-time staffer, and that other witnesses had said that while they heard racial slurs, they were used in a “friendly” manner. The H.R. executive added that the company was “not perfect” at the time of the incidents, and “is still not perfect,” but has “come a long way.”)
  • Running a company (Tesla), where a female worker said sexual harassment was “rampant,” alleging “nightmarish conditions” and a factory that “more resembles a crude, archaic construction site or frat house than a cutting-edge company in the heart of the progressive San Francisco Bay area.” (The company did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Washington Post, which noted Tesla “does not typically respond to press inquiries.”)
  • Running a company (Tesla) that employees have called a “modern-day sweatshop” (In response, Telsa said it abided by California laws.)
  • Attempting to “destroy a Tesla whistleblower
  • Reportedly exploding at “executives and lower-ranking workers” alike, and allegedly firing people who disagreed with him (Musk has denied allegations that he goes on firing sprees)
  • Announcing Tesla’s headquarters would move to Texas one month after the state effectively banned all abortions
  • Paying a private investigator $50,000 to dig up dirt on the cave diver he called “pedo guy”

This is a list I found from April by searching for 3 seconds. This doesn't mention his 20 kids he ignores or his blatant Trump & Republican support or his claim he would solve world hunger and then completely ignored when he was given examples how to do it.

He is a multi billionaire who could do an unimaginable amount of good things for the world, but he chooses to be a piece of shit and an internet troll. He is an awful human being.

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Openly talking about doing drugs while not only at work, but while on camera where it is documented for everyone to see, is still crazy to me. I remember taking drug tests before being hired at multiple jobs, so I couldn't imagine being so open about it. This is another reason why the weed talk makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I am not telling anyone what they should do or talk about. I know plenty of people get fed up with the wrestling talk, so it makes sense people would get fed up other topics as well.

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Really recontextualises that bombcast and the way his 'leaving' was talked about... Makes me wonder just how much damage the RV takeover really has done to this site, particularly in retrospect. The whole RV era just seems like a time fraught with so much unnecessary bullshit that had such a damaging impact on many people. Things seem to have stabilsed and become better, but it also feels like it didn't have to turn out this way, had RV had any fucking clue about what made this site popular in the first place and not tried to fuck it into the dirt.

It's also a bit hard not to be wistful about the different forms of 'the good old days' of Giant Bomb - I really like the mix/crew in place (as much as I sometimes am over Dan's constant loud yelling about certain topics and all of the weed talk - not sure why, but all the weed talk kind of bothers me/makes me uncomfortable a bit; not sure if it's the fluid legalities around it or that I just find almost all parts of weed culture annoying, because talk of drinking/being or getting drunk doesn't bother me...). I really liked the mix before Jeff was fired, GBeast Classic (with Jeffy B and Austin), and Business Dave's contributions to UPF. I know nothing good can stay that way forever, but it just feels like RV fucked a whole lot of things up in ways that shouldn't have happened. But hey, I don't work there... What do I know?

I dislike the weed talk as well. I don't have a problem with weed and think it should have been legalized decades ago, but I still get uncomfortable when people talk about it so openly. I still get the feeling weed is "bad" and people are "bad" for doing it, even if I know and believe that's not true. The anti drug propaganda we were fed growing up is hard to shake.

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@retris said:

@rakete: Why would you look at YT views if you're talking quality?

As for the views, the times are different and you should be comparing to either before the revamp or something like Nextlander. In these cases the views have gone up a little since the new era started, whereas compared to Nextlander the views are kinda similar.

When Jeff Gerstmann's solo podcasts are doing higher numbers than ANYTHING GiantBomb is putting out nowadays, you know that the website is in dire straits. There is a still growing segment of GB-fans that are just leaving because the content just isn't there. People are cancelling their premium subs left and right, or just letting it lapse permanently. It has been 2 years of mediocre Zoom-content and people are just done. People want more stuff like the bombathon because it harkens back to the days of Whiskey Media madness. However I'm afraid this is just a one-off thing for years to come.

There were talks about getting back into a studio after being acquired by Red Ventures, but nothing real happened obviously. They will probably have to start at square one with Fandom and who knows when they'll even put the idea on the agenda, let alone prepare to move to a studio or office.

Be prepared for another year of Zoom-content untill they're acquired by FaceBook or something.

I can't believe people still expect them to get everyone back into an office together. That ship sailed years ago. Even if it wasn't in SF, most of the team doesn't live even remotely close to each other. I get that having everyone together in the same space offers things remote videos can't, but come on. Do you really expect people who own homes, have families, have significant others that also have jobs, etc. to uproot everything just so they can play games together in the same office? If Fandom pushes towards forcing everyone to be in the same office, I fully expect most of the staff to leave and the site to end.

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Well, the Discovery people are actively trying to ruin WB & HBO anyways, so I expect this to also go down the crapper. Then again, I haven't watched CN in a decade.

They are blatantly trying to cut as much spending as possible to appear profitable to attract buyers. The goal after the merger has always been to gut what they can, as quickly as they can, then flip the company to someone else. Comcast seems the most likely at this point. I am tired of terrible news coming out seemingly every day about Zaslav destroying something else. Just sell the company to Comcast and get it over with.

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