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The Quest to Eat an Entire Large Pizza

From Little Caesar's to be specific! When a man gets hungry, and is short on cash, he turns to the most dollar to calorie effective alternative they can think of! For me Little Caesars is one of those alternatives. With six dollars at hand (with tax these pizza pies are like $5.50 a pop) my roommate and I each bought an entire Little Caesar's pepperoni pizza. We both also plan to try to eat it in under one hour. Ill-conceived? Absolutely! Will it give me my entire calorie intake for the day? Absolutely! So please if you will, join me as I construct a live blog of myself eating an entire large pizza!

The Start


So me and my roommate just got back from the Little Caesar's. It smells wonderful! Some people often make the claim that Little Caesar's is bad pizza and while I would never make the claim that they are great pizza they are effective pizza. I mean a large pepperoni pizza for under six dollars is a pretty good deal! I don't know of many places there are that can beat that. Anyways when it comes to video games I haven't been doing much other than Fable III. After completing the game twice I have to agree with Brad in that the second movement of the game was ill-conceived and Peter Molyneux the designer needs to stop undermining his games. As crazy as it seems I almost want to see what a Fable game not under the control of Peter Molyneux would be like, maybe better maybe worse. Anyways I'm gonna start tackling this bad boy about now.

Half Way

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This is some damn good pizza! The cheese is good and the pepperoni has that nice burnt edges taste to it. I have concede though that I am starting to feel the inklings of being full. Despite that I think I can do this! I still have plenty of room in my stomach. Also if you haven;t checked it out yet here is the Jeff Gerstmeme meme generator! It is so great that even Jeff though it was funny enough to mention it on his twitter account. I also setup a formspring account. Though I all I have used it for is to spam questions to Jeff and to eclectic user created podcasts. Anyways I think I can do this no problem.

Two Slices Left...

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Oh man I'm really starting to feel it. I got up to get a glass of water and immediately notice that my vision was blurry and had to sit down. I'm gonna have say that this was not the best idea I have ever come up with in my life. Despite this I'm watching football and could not be more content about my situation. I have good food and good entertainment! How could I ever be angry or sad in this condition! While watching football the Black Ops commercial came on. It's pretty awesome and I love the idea behind the commercial. I feel like if I let the food set for a little bit I'll be able to eat these last two pieces.

One Slice Left

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This is terrible...I feel terrible...I look terrible...this was not a good idea. I though letting the food I have already eaten would make me feel better...bu no my body instead is starting react poorly to the food I have put into it. Someone told me that making the pizza my enemy by yelling at it would far it hasn't....I have decided I'm going to make an Anime Vice version of this blog...really have started to hit it off nice with the mods and users on that site. They are all stand up people and I have mad respect for those guys and gals. Also for some odd reason I'm one of the top followed users on that site...I know weird. All I do blog about politics and my weird antics and apparently that's worth the #23 most visited blog position on the site. Anyways...

Two Bites Left

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I feel disgusting...I'm starting sweat grease and my burps feel painful. The pizza is now cold and the cheese has become a solid. It tastes gross. My stomach feels...I can't even begin to describe how I feel. My roommate has decided to wave the white flag and has now passed out on the couch due to calorie shock. I would also like to remind all the users that I am not a very big guy. I'm 5'9'' and about 120 lbs. So as I like to put it I'm a petite male. I feel like I have eaten half my body weight in food...Must finish this...I think I may have just ruin pizza for myself for about a month.


 Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

This was a terrible idea...I feel exhausted and all I did was eat food. Also I just realized that I ran out of Tums...this can only mean bad things for me....Kids if you are actually reading this don't do this...this is one of the worst things I have ever done. This is up there with my two Baconator challenge and five Arby's Roast Beef sandwiches challenge. I'd like to think that I have a gut of steel but I don't I just do stupid things like eat and entire large pizza. Anyways maybe you enjoy hearing one of the mods of this site is in pain...or maybe I have writing skills and made this entertaining. Whatever your reasons for reading this I'll see you next time Giant Bomb once I recover from this horrible endeavor.

Nutritional Information (*I ate 2240 calories worth of food*):

Menu Item

Wt (g)


From Fat




Chol. (mg)


Carb (g)

Fiber (g)

Sug (g)

Pro (g)

14" Round HOT-N-READY® Pizza (serving size: 1/8 pizza)

Just Cheese
(8 slices)













% Daily Value*
Vitamin A 10% Vitamin C 6% Calcium 20% Iron 10%

(8 slices)













% Daily Value*
Vitamin A 10% Vitamin C 6% Calcium 20% Iron 10%