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    Rez Infinite

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Oct 13, 2016

    A new version of Rez released first on PlayStation 4 with PSVR support, later released on PC and alongside the Oculus Quest 2.

    addfwyn's Rez Infinite (PlayStation 4) review

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    • addfwyn wrote this review on .
    • 2 out of 2 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • addfwyn has written a total of 10 reviews. The last one was for Hades

    A realization of what Rez always wanted to be

    The core game is very little changed in Infinite, and that's okay.
    The core game is very little changed in Infinite, and that's okay.

    Rez Infinite is, at its surface, a VR port of Rez with a small bit of added content, which sounds somewhat boring at first glance, but is really a fulfillment of what Rez should always have been. Rez was always a game about immersing yourself in the experience of the sound and music and environments, and VR is just another step towards realizing that full immersion.

    The initial offerings of the game are the same five areas that the original Rez offered, with little changed. VR controls work by looking at what you want to aim at, holding X to lock on to targets, and releasing X to fire. Very simple and straightforward, but the entire process feels quite natural and didn’t take any getting used to. In all honesty, it feels much faster to lock on to targets this way than by using the cursor manually before. A few areas feature some content that you can get a better shot at by looking fully behind you, but for the most part these areas are unchanged from the original game.

    Area X is a beautiful VR experience
    Area X is a beautiful VR experience

    Area X, however, is where the entire experience shines. This is the full new area added to the game for VR, and it provides a much more complete VR experience than the previous areas. Unlike a traditional Rez level, Area X gives the player full agency of flying around the entire area freely. Together with some branching paths and higher-resolution graphics, the whole area feels like a full realization of what the developers always wanted to accomplish with Rez but just were not able to because of technical limitations. The area isn’t exceptionally long or difficult, but I had a dumb grin on my face playing through the whole experience.

    Unfortunately, Area X is really the only new content that has been added to the game. A full playthrough of the game, from Area 1 to Area X probably wouldn’t take much more than an hour for most people. For many people, that will be all the time they engage with the game, which may make it a tricky value prospect. I can easily see myself coming back for at least one or two more playthroughs of the entire game, however.

    For somebody who hasn’t played Rez before, this is probably the definitive version of the game to play, assuming you have a VR headset. If you have played it before, the VR will likely bring a new layer to the experience that is likely worth the cost of entry.

    Rez Infinite made me more excited for a full new Rez game than I could have expected. Imagining a full game that plays out like Area X is really exciting prospect.

    Other reviews for Rez Infinite (PlayStation 4)

      Rez Infinite Review 0

      I’ve loved Rez from the moment I first played it a few years ago. I had no idea the game existed during its initial life as a PS2 and Dreamcast release; coverage of more obscure and experimental games was less prominent and less interesting to me as a kid. But when the game came back around on the Xbox 360, I downloaded the game on the recommendation of an episode of the seminal 1UP Show (R.I.P) and was completely blown away. Everything about it seemed like the coolest thing ever made. The...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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