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    Rokumei City

    Location » linked to 1 games

    Major location in Root Double: Before Crime * After Days

    Short summary describing this location.

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    The setting for Root Double: Before Crime * After Days, Rokumei City is a major scientific research centre and the home of LABO, a research facility located on the outskirts of the city. It has a population for approximately 180,000, over 10,000 of whom are world leading researchers in a variety of fields.

    As a site of major national importance, and under the pretence of security, the population of Rokumei City are subject to strict controls - they cannot leave without government permission, and surveillance cameras are ubiquitous. The city is surrounded by a fence, and entry/exit is only possible via six city gates that are tightly controlled. There are also rumours that all communications in and out of the city are subject to monitoring.

    The city is very clean, and public order is good, perhaps as a result of these extreme measures. Residents are also exempt from taxation as Rokumei City is a governmentally designated "top-secret city".


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