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    Wii U

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    The Nintendo Wii U, the follow-up to the monstrously popular Nintendo Wii console, launched in North America on November 18th 2012.

    I bought a Wii U and I regret it

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    Avatar image for kidman


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    Hey, Hi!

    This is going to be a weird post, but here it goes. So today I bought a Wii U, I do have a NES, Nintendo64, Gamecube and Wii as far as Nintendo consoles are concerned and.. Wii U is just garbage. It's the worst console I own, and I have 3 Saturns. I kind of knew it would be bad beforehand, but I HAVE TO play Super Mario 3D World and New Super Mario Bros U. Outside of those 2 games there isn't really a whole lot of interest to me (I don't like Zelda games and after playing Bayonetta 2 I'm kind of put off by its graphics) so it would be cool at least to have a console that works smoothly, but Wii U simply doesn't.

    It's increadibly slow when it comes to browsing the menus, and it just feels increadibly poorly designed from the OS perspective. The gamepad is what it is, alright I think. I do not like how colors look on the screen and my 2 year old iPhone has a higher resolution than that.

    At this point I really do wish Nintendo does not release another standalone console, which hopefully will lead to them releasing their games on next/current Sony and Microsoft consoles, cause I cannot stand another disappointment like that.

    Thanks for reading.

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    Eh. The Wii U is fine. If you weathered the N64, you'll be okay.

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    I bought a New 3DS and I'm loving it. Playing Pokemon Alpha-Sapphire, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem, Fantasy Life and A Link Between Worlds. Not sure if I want to get the Persona dungeon crawler. I do love Persona, but I'm not sure about the Etrian Odyssey game play. No regrets on Nintendo handhelds. I buy them late in the life cycle when their library is stocked full of goodness.

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    Get Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and you'll stop regretting it!

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    I like all the menus and shit and think they work and look great. They were ass slow at launch though, but got better.

    Thanks for redaning.

    Avatar image for theblue


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    Maybe do a little more research the next time you buy a console. Two games is certainly not a good reason if you already thought it was going to be a bad idea.

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    #9  Edited By kidman

    Thanks for reading everyone!

    @mfjubes I actually love my N64, mainly thanks to Super Mario 64 and WWF No Mercy.

    @rafaelfc I don't come near RPG's so I think I'll pass, thanks!

    @jacksukeru Waiting for like 5 seconds to go to settings is great? Damn. I specifically checked if my firmware is up to date, because I knew the situation was bad at launch.. I can't imagine it being much worse back then.

    @theblue It's not the first time I bought a console for a specific game (I begun with buying N64 for WCW/nWo Revenge), but usually I was able to find some more cool games later on.. that's not the case this time. I'll play those 2 Mario games and Donkey Kong too and then sell it but maaaan, I wish I didn't feel like that. I'm not saying it's anyone's fault but mine, but it does not change my feeling that the bar for entry is too high to get to those sweet Mario games.

    Avatar image for coaxmetal


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    Bummer. I am not a big Nintendo game fan at all, but I bought one just for bayonetta 2. No regrets there, since I knew exactly what I was doing (paying $260 for a game). Worked out well, the game is very good. Ended up having some fun with MK8 for a lil while too, and got WWHD free which I will probably play eventually.

    Avatar image for kanerobot


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    Ya done fucked up son.

    ...It's ok, I requested a Saturn for Christmas when it was apparent it was already on the way out. There will be more worthwhile stuff on the Wii U over the next year...can't speak to how well they'll improve the performance on stuff like menus though.

    Avatar image for dan_citi


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    Well its better than the N64 already, so idk.

    Avatar image for zippedbinders


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    Sorry its not gelling with you, I'm rather enamored with mine. Then again, I have more than 3D World to keep me occupied. I could make the usual arguments, but Bayo 2, Wonderful 101, and Xenoblade X are enough to make me love the system come hell or high water.

    I don't really have any quibbles with the menu stuff, admittedly, I hate the PSN set up, garbage menus with a stuttering frame rate and loads of ads. The eShop itself is clean and intuitive by comparison.

    Avatar image for bluewolverine


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    I too got buyers remorse after buying a Wii U. Bought Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros to play with friends. After playing those games for about a month, me and my friends are already done with playing those two games. I want to play Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, and Wind Waker HD, but I don't want to spend $50+ for either of those games. I might just have to buy all the NES and SNES games on the eShop to make this console feel worth my cash.

    Avatar image for quantris


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    Sorry, OP, are you posting this the day you bought the system?

    I think you have nobody to blame but this point the WiiU is pretty much an entirely known quantity. Why did you buy it?

    Not sure what you mean re Bayonetta 2: "put off by its graphics" you mean the art style? Or the relative underpower of WiiU vs. other current gen consoles? Either way this seems like something you would have known before buying the system...and if you're not into what most people would say is the best game on the system that's a pretty good sign that maybe the system is not for you.

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    Go get the Bayonetta 1+2 package, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3, and Smash Bros. If that doesn't entertain you then you're beyond hope, I'm afraid.

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    #17  Edited By Eder

    @coaxmetal said:

    Bummer. I am not a big Nintendo game fan at all, but I bought one just for bayonetta 2. No regrets there, since I knew exactly what I was doing (paying $260 for a game). Worked out well, the game is very good. Ended up having some fun with MK8 for a lil while too, and got WWHD free which I will probably play eventually.

    For a second there I was like.... Mortal Kombat 8??? OH wait lol I'm a dumbass

    Avatar image for hanktherapper


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    I bought one for Chirstmas and I love it. Just being able to play the Metroid Prime trilogy makes it worth the money.

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    I basically bought 2 games in the almost 2 years I've had my WiiU. MH3U and smash. Not regretting it at all. If there's still people playing MH online you should definitly buy it. It's like MH4 but you can play it on a platform that doesn't suck.

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    @bluewolverine: Yeah, I thought about that, but then again I've noticed NES games are around $7 and I'm not paying that.

    @quantris: I'm not blaming anyone but myself. I am also kind of bitching that Wii U is such an overlooked I guess system (by other developers) and I wish I didn't like Mario games as much as weird as that sounds. Bayonetta's art style is cool, I was put off by the quality of textures and aliasing - it very much reminded me of 360 games and I was kind of hoping something at least slightly more impressive. I didn't have access to Wii U (most of my friends play on PC exclusively) beforehand and quick looks seemed fine.

    @gunslingerpanda: I will give Bayonetta 2 another chance if I find it cheap somewhere, DKC:TF is on my list, same for Mario Kart 8, the rest I couldn't care less about - I don't like RPG's or Dynasty Warriors and when it comes to fighting games I'm more into Ultimate Marvel. I still have some hope for that new Yoshi wool game.

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    If you are implying that the Saturn is a "bad system", you are horribly wrong.

    Avatar image for starfox_mulder


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    You'll one day look back and see the days with the Wii U like wonderful times with a quirky girlfriend who was full of life and saw the world with eyes of wonder and babbled and scrabbled at the trifles of life and swang you around and fell to the ground with you, panting and excited and infectious with wonderment. You might spend more days with other girls but they'll end up being the ones who don't care about you seeing them in their period knickers and the magic will slide away under the skirtingboards leaving you with longer relationships but most probably filled with violence and horror. No magic and a Tuesday night fuck.

    Avatar image for franknelson


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    I hate you are having a bad experience. I love my Wii U more than my XBO or my PC. Everyone is free to have their own opinion, so I strongly disagree with yours. I do hope you can get your money back though!

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    #24  Edited By TrafalgarLaw

    People aren't just joking around when they call the Wii U a last-gen console. In fact, publishers and developers don't even treat it a console at all. It's a fucking joke compared to what Sony and Microsoft have established 9 years ago.

    The telltale signs of Nintendo repeatedly mentioning HD development being hard in 2012 no less would have been enough for anyone to lose faith in the console back then. Looking now, some games are good despite the hardware, so at least there is that.

    All it boils down is some stupid architect at Nintendo decided that low-power and low-energy consumption would be the way to go for their flagship console. Many developers have come out and said the CPU is marginally better than a PS3 CPU and in some respects even worse. The GPU resembles something of a Radeon HD4000 series low-end card, the ones they put in cheap laptops in 2008. The documentation libraries on developing and coding for the Wii U apparantly were fully in japanese and specific questions were first translated from english to japanese, then forwarded to the Wii U designers themselves, translated back and sent to the developers again. Sometimes requiring 2 weeks of delay for the simplest of questions. No one asked what actual developers wanted out of the next nintendo system. In fact, Nintendo was convinced tacking on a low-resolution pseudotablet would be enough to get people onboard.

    And LOL the non-existing account system on the Wii U. Truly a decade behind in everything.

    The Wii U is a collossal failure and all evidence, mainly recent hires on designing the next Nintendo platform, indicated they're going with a low-power system AGAIN. Couple that with the weird comments on having console and handheld hybrid, Nintendo absolutely has ZERO clue on what to do. New hires were their float or sink moment and they chose the boneheaded stubornness to not get with the times.

    Nintendo needs a Mark Cerny-like figure to save them and revitalize their brand. Their very japanese traditions in their corporate culture of rejecting outside help or suggestions prevents that. It's a shame the lumbering dinosaur called Nintendo still roams the world with all those great IP's held hostage.

    Avatar image for starfox_mulder


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    @trafalgarlaw said:

    People aren't just joking around when they call the Wii U a last-gen console. In fact, publishers and developers don't even treat it a console at all. It's a fucking joke compared to what Sony and Microsoft have established 9 years ago.

    The telltale signs of Nintendo repeatedly mentioning HD development being hard in 2012 no less would have been enough for anyone to lose faith in the console back then. Looking now, some games are good despite the hardware, so at least there is that.

    All it boils down is some stupid architect at Nintendo decided that low-power and low-energy consumption would be the way to go for their flagship console. Many developers have come out and said the CPU is marginally better than a PS3 CPU and in some respects even worse. The GPU resembles something of a Radeon HD4000 series low-end card, the ones they put in cheap laptops in 2008. The documentation libraries on developing and coding for the Wii U apparantly were fully in japanese and specific questions were first translated from english to japanese, then forwarded to the Wii U designers themselves, translated back and sent to the developers again. Sometimes requiring 2 weeks of delay for the simplest of questions. No one asked what actual developers wanted out of the next nintendo system. In fact, Nintendo was convinced tacking on a low-resolution pseudotablet would be enough to get people onboard.

    And LOL the non-existing account system on the Wii U. Truly a decade behind in everything.

    The Wii U is a collossal failure and all evidence, mainly recent hires on designing the next Nintendo platform, indicated they're going with a low-power system AGAIN. Couple that with the weird comments on having console and handheld hybrid, Nintendo absolutely has ZERO clue on what to do. New hires were their float or sink moment and they chose the boneheaded stubornness to not get with the times.

    Nintendo needs a Mark Cerny-like figure to save them and revitalize their brand. Their very japanese traditions in their corporate culture of rejecting outside help or suggestions prevents that. It's a shame the lumbering dinosaur called Nintendo still roams the world with all those great IP's held hostage.

    But at the end of the day the best games of the generation. It's magic.

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    @starfox_mulder: That's debatable. People have to come expect more of consoles nowadays and the technology is certainly there.

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    I love mine as my main console and I don't even care that much for Super Mario 3D World (not gonna touch NSMB Wii U with a ten foot pole). As some other people have said, you probably should have done your research before buying the system, to me this sounds like you maybe need a break from Nintendo more than the Wii U being shit. Haven't touched a main line Nintendo console since N64 which I think is one of the prime reasons why I love it so much (speaking of prime...) As for the interface, well it does what it does, at least it isn't as fuck all atrocious as the PS3 and not filled to the brim with ads like the 360 (no idea how the PS4 and XBONE experience is, but they don't seem to be fantastic either).

    And yeah it doesn't have the graphical capabilities, the third party support or the 'alleged' 1080p ultra super graphics that seems to fuck with every developer from here to the end of the world, but you know, at least it has more than a good game that isn't remarkedly better on the PC. To be honest I'm almost glad that the third party developers have kind of looked past the Wii U with all the toxic shit that has been spilling out of that industry for the past couiple of years.

    Avatar image for slag


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    #28  Edited By Slag

    @kidman: So return it.

    If you just bought it today, you should be well within the return window.

    Avatar image for docporpoise


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    I've been up and down on my Wii U since i got it. how ever looking back now with Mario Kart 8, DKTF, Rayman Legends, WWHD, SSB Wii u, Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad and mario galaxy 2 & metriod trilogy (i did not own a wii) i've been pretty happy with it. as for the future, fingers crossed that mario maker is what i hope it can be.

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    @eder said:

    @coaxmetal said:

    Bummer. I am not a big Nintendo game fan at all, but I bought one just for bayonetta 2. No regrets there, since I knew exactly what I was doing (paying $260 for a game). Worked out well, the game is very good. Ended up having some fun with MK8 for a lil while too, and got WWHD free which I will probably play eventually.

    For a second there I was like.... Mortal Kombat 8??? OH wait lol I'm a dumbass

    this is probably the first time I have ever thought of MK as mario kart over Mortal Kombat, and I think for any number other than 8 my mind would still jump to mortal kombat

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    @kidman: 5 seconds doesn't sound so bad to go between the different applications, you don't even do it all that often once you've finished setting everything up. Now 30 second to a minute or whatever it was at launch, when you wanted to specifically enter all the different things to get a feel for it and create your Miis and whatnot, THAT was painful.

    Ah, and let's not forget when the console wanted to connect to the network as it started and if it had problems doing so it would take like 5-10 minutes before it stopped trying and actually let you get at the system.

    Good times.

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    A whole console for only two games? Dude.

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    It obviously needs more 5-hour AAA games.

    Also Wonderful 101 and Shovel Knight is 2 games you need.

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    Saturn is great, you stop!

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    @trafalgarlaw: sony and Microsoft's new consoles don't have nearly as many amazing games as the wii u though. In the end, that's the only thing that really matters.

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    @kidman: While I do agree with you on the sluggishness of the system, why not try Pikmin 3 and Wonderfull 101? Or some of the downloadable stuff.

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    In terms of content the Wii U is getting a lot more play time from me than the PS4. It has more to play.

    You would have been better off researching about the Wii U before investing in one so you wouldn't have been disappointed. Like others have said, since you just bought it you can return it easily.

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    @segajupiter Not in the slightest, I really do like my Saturn, all 3 of them! I was kind of going for a joke, but couldn't figure out what's the worst console I own;)

    @slag I still have to finish those 3 cool games, after that I'll sell it.

    @jacksukeru I'm used to 360 and PS3 being sluggish, but my iPhone got me used to way snappier touch-based interfaces, not to mention the fact that touch screen is crap compared to phones as far as responsiveness goes.

    @adequatelyprepared Like I said it's not the first time I've done something like that, and that idea isn't very alien too, couple of posts up someone bought Wii U for only one game, and that's cool too.

    @roldan I'm playing Shovel Knight on my PC, it's great. I've downloaded a demo of Wonderful 101, but I somehow don't think it'll be up my alley, we'll see!

    @fancysoapsman: To me they do, but I'm waiting for E3 to decide which one to get (first). I'm not putting money in my PC, so I will have a nice backlog when I finally get one of those.

    @mtfikhan: I've tried Pikmin 1 and 2, they weren't super interesting;/

    Avatar image for joe423


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    #39  Edited By Joe423

    You should really keep at Bayonetta, the gameplay is phenomenal. The Wii U is a solid nintendo console with some really good exclusives, a lot like the N64 and Gamecube at this point in its life.

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    Eh I think it takes a bit of getting used to, the menu and OS is a bit weird but the WiiU does have some awesome games so I struggle to see how it could be considered 'bad' at this point. It does what it needs to. Sure the resolution on the tablet could be better, but it's not awful and rarely effects me since I'm usually playing from the TV.

    Sounds like it doesn't have many games you personally want though so I can see why'd you'd be disappointed. Personally I never buy a console until there's at least a few games I know I really want to play on it (I still haven't gone current gen) but my younger sister has a WiiU and loves it, when I'm home I play it quite a bit too even though she only has a few games - there are more she/I want to get on it though. For me I can see the majority of my time with the WiiU being spent playing local multiplayer, much like the wii, and for that it's great -shrug-

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    I've been in love with my Wii U since I bought it. There aren't a ton of games but the ones that are there are so well designed and have so much content that I could play them forever (MK8, Smash Bros, 3D World, Captain Toad), + the virtual console continues to be a great way to play old games. I don't keep up with new releases, and I don't need a ton of games to have fun, so the Wii U is absolutely A-OK for me. It's the only console I've bought this generation and I don't regret it one bit.

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    @trafalgarlaw: i don't think the wii u is nearly shitshow you make it out to be (frankly that post reeks a bit of a bias). Sure it's not a runaway success like the Wii or a good all rounder like ps3/360 with 3rd party support, but frankly it doesn't need it. The system is still sustainable and slowly gaining steam as this generation moves on. Compared to the Wii U the PS4/One they seem painfully inadequate and barren, despite supposedky being this generation's powerhouses. The extra year may have something to do with it, but i think it's a strong testament to the fact that brute force power doesn't necessarily mean great games (hell the PS4 is basically an indie machine at this point). Yeah Nintendo have made some poor decisions, but by no means does that mean the Wii U is a failure as a console.

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    Man i haven't actually owned a nintendo console since the gamecube (and i only got that for RE4 that ended up coming out for ps2 a year later lol). I think nintendo is in its own world so if you want it to be remotely similar to other consoles your looking at the wrong thing. Kinda wanna try those monster hunter games, but I couldn't get into darksouls so i'd probably end up getting bored with it too.

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    @ripelivejam: Saying Nintendo doesn't need 3rd party support is sticking your fingers in your ears yelling lalalalala. I mean calling the PS4 an indiestation, sure, at least it's getting indies. Nintendo is barren on every level. But at least Splatoon's coming.

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    Seeing the positive opinions about Wii U is one of the reasons that slowly calms me down somehow. I was angry at Nintendo, but I should have been at myself, cause I knew what I was getting into. I just love Mario games too much to pass them up, and my friends don't have consoles so I had to go in blind. Mario games are my absolute favority, so I'm sure they're cool, but I am still disappointed that the console itself does not feel like more of a banger (for the lack of a better word) to me. It does not feel new, it is just another Nintendo console I 'had' to buy to play Mario games, so as weirdly as it sounds I am kind of pissed off I needed to buy Wii U to experience them. I mean good on them, I hope they make more great games, regardless of the platform.

    Avatar image for johncallahan


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    That's real sad to hear. I love my Wii U. Easily my favorite of the three consoles (at least for now). I actually really like the UI and the gamepad (even the pro controller is great). More importantly though man oh man do I love the games. Pikman 3, 3D World, Wonderful 101, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Wind Waker HD, Donkey Kong Country, Earthbound, Captain Toad, ZombiU, hell I'm even enjoying Smash Brothers and I HATE Smash Brothers. I love my Xbox, PS4, and PC, but Wii U is easily my front runner right now.

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    I am genuinely happy people are cool with Nintendo's latest console, I really am, but I still do wish it had more to offer than being Nintendo-exclusive-console. They make the best exclusives, so it would have been even sweeter if it could serve as the one and only console for this generation (especially if you exclude PC), I know it's probably not gonna happen, but one can dream.

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    I bought a Xbox One (though very very cheaply through a best buy error) for exclusives like Halo and Fable. Halo just got fixed and Fable is now a weird free to play game. Haven't turned it on since September. Mainly use my PS4 and my WiiU for Nintendo exclusives. I would say hold onto it just like I am holding onto my X1 for a future exclusive. I found that when I use to trade in games or consoles I would re-buy them again down the road. I can honestly say now though that I've been clean of trading for 2 years now and my collection grew from about 20-25 games to 359 not including digital. I can't wait to share these with my kids someday.

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    I've been looking to buy one for months now. Finally have some money set aside for one, so I'll have one any day now. I haven't had a Nintendo console besides a Gamecube period, so it'll be nice to experience some games for the first time. I was gonna get one for Xenoblade and Zelda anyway, but I'll be fine with the lack of games coming out for it.

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